client/js/foundation/thememanager/ in rsence-pre- vs client/js/foundation/thememanager/ in rsence-pre-
- old
+ new
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
HThemeManager = HClass.extend
allInOneCSS: true # temporary solution until new theme is crafted
currentTheme: 'default'
constructor: null
# Properties by theme name
currentThemePath: null
themePaths: {}
themes: []
# Set the graphics loading path of the the themeName
setThemePath: (_clientPrefix)->
@currentThemePath = _clientPrefix
for _themeName in @themes
@setupThemePath( _themeName )
@@ -29,24 +29,24 @@
return unless @currentThemePath?
return if @themePaths[_themeName]?
_clientThemePath = [ @currentThemePath, _themeName ].join('/') + '/gfx/'
@themePaths[_themeName] = _clientThemePath
@setupAllInOneCSS(_themeName) if @allInOneCSS
# CSS Templates and CSS Template methods per theme name
themeCSSTemplates: {}
# Sets the css template data per theme, all at once
setThemeCSSTemplates: (_themeName, _themeCSS)->
- @themeCSSTemplates[_themeName] = _themeCSS
+ @themeCSSTemplates[_themeName] = _themeCSS
# HTML Templates and HTML Template methods per theme name
themeHTMLTemplates: {}
# Sets the css template data per theme, all at once
setThemeHTMLTemplates: (_themeName, _themeHTML)->
- @themeHTMLTemplates[_themeName] = _themeHTML
+ @themeHTMLTemplates[_themeName] = _themeHTML
# Set the theme data, this is called by the serverside client_pkg suite
installThemeData: (_themeName, _themeCSS, _themeHTML)->
@themes << _themeName unless ~@themes.indexOf(_themeName)
@setThemeCSSTemplates(_themeName, _themeCSS)
@@ -88,12 +88,10 @@
unless @themeHTMLTemplates[_themeName]?
console.log('Theme not installed:',_themeName)
return ''
return '' unless @themeHTMLTemplates[_themeName][_componentName]?
[_tmplJS, _tmplHTML] = @themeHTMLTemplates[_themeName][_componentName]
- # console.log( 'tmplJS:', _tmplJS )
- # console.log( 'tmplHTML:', _tmplHTML )
_rect = _view.rect
_callArgs = [_view.elemId.toString(), _rect.width, _rect.height]
_tmplHTML = _tmplHTML.replace(/\]I\[/g,_callArgs[0]).replace(/\]W\[/g,_callArgs[1]).replace(/\]H\[/g,_callArgs[2])
return _tmplHTML if _tmplJS.length == 0
[_variableMatch, _assignmentMatch] = [@_variableMatch, @_assignmentMatch]
@@ -114,20 +112,28 @@
while _variableMatch.test(_tmplHTML)
_tmplHTML = _tmplHTML.replace( _variableMatch, _callValue( RegExp.$1 ) )
# console.log('tmplHTML:',_tmplHTML) if _componentName == 'tab'
return _tmplHTML
+ gradientCSS: ->
+ _colors = []
+ _colors.push( _color ) for _color in arguments
+ _gradient = ELEM._linearGradientCSS(
+ start: _colors.shift()
+ end: _colors.pop()
+ steps: _colors
+ )
+ # console.log(_gradient)
+ return _gradient
buildCSSTemplate: ( _context, _themeName, _componentName )->
unless @themeCSSTemplates[_themeName]?
console.log('Theme not installed:',_themeName)
return ''
return '' unless @themeCSSTemplates[_themeName][_componentName]?
[_tmplJS, _tmplCSS] = @themeCSSTemplates[_themeName][_componentName]
return _tmplCSS if _tmplJS.length == 0
[_variableMatch, _assignmentMatch] = [@_variableMatch, @_assignmentMatch]
- # console.log( 'tmplJS:', _tmplJS )
- # console.log( 'tmplCSS:', _tmplCSS )
@getThemeGfxFile = (_fileName)-> @_buildThemePath(_fileName,_themeName)
@getCssFilePath = (_fileName)->
_callValue = (_id,_isAssign)->
_oid = _id
@@ -143,11 +149,10 @@
_tmplCSS = _tmplCSS.replace( _assignmentMatch, _callValue( RegExp.$1, false ) )
while _variableMatch.test(_tmplCSS)
_tmplCSS = _tmplCSS.replace( _variableMatch, _callValue( RegExp.$1 ) )
delete @getCssFilePath
delete @getThemeGfxFile
- # console.log('tmplCSS:',_tmplCSS)
return _tmplCSS
resourcesFor: (_view, _themeName, _noHTML)->
@setupThemePath(_themeName) unless @themePaths[_themeName]?
_themeName = @currentTheme unless _themeName?
@@ -164,11 +169,11 @@
@incrementCSSUseCount(_themeName, _componentName)
return if _noHTML
for _ancestor in _view.ancestors
break unless _ancestor.componentName?
@resourcesFor( _ancestor, _themeName, true )
- return @buildHTMLTemplate( _view, _themeName, _componentName )
+ @buildHTMLTemplate( _view, _themeName, _componentName )
freeResourcesFor: (_view, _themeName, _noRecursion)->
_themeName = @currentTheme unless _themeName?
return unless _view.componentName?
_componentName = _view.componentName
@@ -176,28 +181,36 @@
return if _noRectursion
for _ancestor in _view.ancestors
break unless _ancestor.componentName?
@freeResourcesFor( _ancestor, _themeName )
+ _ieActiveCssRe: /\.([_a-zA-Z0-9]+?)\:active/gm
+ _ieActiveCssClassMatch: []
+ _ieActivePatch: (_cssText)->
+ _ieActiveCssClassMatch = @_ieActiveCssClassMatch
+ _cssText.replace( @_ieActiveCssRe, (_all,_class)->
+ _ieActiveCssClassMatch.push(_class)
+ ".#{_class}.ieActive"
+ )
# Creates a new cascading style sheet element and set its content with css. Returns the element.
useCSS: (_cssText)->
- # Internet Explorer (at least 6.x; check what 7.x does)
_style = document.createStyleSheet()
- _style.cssText = _cssText
+ _style.cssText = @_ieActivePatch(_cssText)
# Common, standard <style> tag generation in <head>
_style = document.createElement('style')
_style.type = 'text/css' = 'all'
_head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]
- _head.appendChild(_style)
if BROWSER_TYPE.safari
# This is how to do it in KHTML browsers
_style.appendChild( document.createTextNode(_cssText) )
# This works for others (add more checks, if problems with new browsers)
_style.textContent = _cssText
+ _head.appendChild(_style)