spec/build_tests_spec.rb in rscons-1.0.0 vs spec/build_tests_spec.rb in rscons-1.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -216,13 +216,13 @@
File.exists?('build_two').should be_true
File.exists?('src/one/one.c').should be_true
it 'allows Ruby classes as custom builders to be used to construct files' do
- test_dir('custom_builder')
+ test_dir('custom_builder')
class MySource < Rscons::Builder
- def run(target, sources, user_deps, cache, env, vars = {})
+ def run(target, sources, cache, env, vars)
File.open(target, 'w') do |fh|
fh.puts <<EOF
#define THE_VALUE 5678
@@ -237,9 +237,42 @@
lines.should == ['CC program.o', 'LD program']
File.exists?('inc.h').should be_true
`./program`.should == "The value is 5678\n"
+ end
+ it 'supports custom builders with multiple targets' do
+ test_dir('custom_builder')
+ class CHGen < Rscons::Builder
+ def run(target, sources, cache, env, vars)
+ c_fname = target
+ h_fname = target.sub(/\.c$/, ".h")
+ unless cache.up_to_date?([c_fname, h_fname], "", sources, env)
+ puts "CHGen #{c_fname}"
+ File.open(c_fname, "w") {|fh| fh.puts "int THE_VALUE = 42;"}
+ File.open(h_fname, "w") {|fh| fh.puts "extern int THE_VALUE;"}
+ cache.register_build([c_fname, h_fname], "", sources, env)
+ end
+ target
+ end
+ end
+ env = Rscons::Environment.new do |env|
+ env.add_builder(CHGen.new)
+ env.CHGen("inc.c", ["program.c"])
+ env.Program("program", Dir["*.c"] + ["inc.c"])
+ end
+ lines.should == ["CHGen inc.c", "CC program.o", "CC inc.o", "LD program"]
+ File.exists?("inc.c").should be_true
+ File.exists?("inc.h").should be_true
+ `./program`.should == "The value is 42\n"
+ File.open("inc.c", "w") {|fh| fh.puts "int THE_VALUE = 33;"}
+ env.process
+ lines.should == ["CHGen inc.c"]
+ `./program`.should == "The value is 42\n"
it 'allows cloning Environment objects' do