lib/rscons/builders/library.rb in rscons-1.9.3 vs lib/rscons/builders/library.rb in rscons-1.10.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
module Rscons
module Builders
# A default Rscons builder that produces a static library archive.
class Library < Builder
# Return default construction variables for the builder.
# @param env [Environment] The Environment using the builder.
# @return [Hash] Default construction variables for the builder.
@@ -14,30 +15,50 @@
'ARFLAGS' => ['rcs'],
'ARCMD' => ['${AR}', '${ARFLAGS}', '${_TARGET}', '${_SOURCES}']
+ # Set up a build operation using this builder.
+ #
+ # @param options [Hash] Builder setup options.
+ #
+ # @return [Object]
+ # Any object that the builder author wishes to be saved and passed back
+ # in to the {#run} method.
+ def setup(options)
+ target, sources, env, vars = options.values_at(:target, :sources, :env, :vars)
+ suffixes = env.expand_varref(["${OBJSUFFIX}", "${LIBSUFFIX}"], vars)
+ # Register builders to build each source to an object file or library.
+ env.register_builds(target, sources, suffixes, vars)
+ end
# Run the builder to produce a build target.
- # @param target [String] Target file name.
- # @param sources [Array<String>] Source file name(s).
- # @param cache [Cache] The Cache object.
- # @param env [Environment] The Environment executing the builder.
- # @param vars [Hash,VarSet] Extra construction variables.
+ # @param options [Hash] Builder run options.
# @return [String,false]
# Name of the target file on success or false on failure.
- def run(target, sources, cache, env, vars)
- # build sources to linkable objects
- objects = env.build_sources(sources, env.expand_varref(["${OBJSUFFIX}", "${LIBSUFFIX}"], vars).flatten, cache, vars)
- if objects
- vars = vars.merge({
- '_TARGET' => target,
- '_SOURCES' => objects,
- })
- command = env.build_command("${ARCMD}", vars)
- standard_build("AR #{target}", target, command, objects, env, cache)
- end
+ def run(options)
+ target, sources, cache, env, vars, objects = options.values_at(:target, :sources, :cache, :env, :vars, :setup_info)
+ vars = vars.merge({
+ '_TARGET' => target,
+ '_SOURCES' => objects,
+ })
+ options[:sources] = objects
+ command = env.build_command("${ARCMD}", vars)
+ standard_threaded_build("AR #{target}", target, command, objects, env, cache)
+ # Finalize a build.
+ #
+ # @param options [Hash]
+ # Finalize options.
+ #
+ # @return [String, nil]
+ # The target name on success or nil on failure.
+ def finalize(options)
+ standard_finalize(options)
+ end