lib/rscm/time_ext.rb in rscm- vs lib/rscm/time_ext.rb in rscm-0.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,125 +1,11 @@
-module RSCM
- module TimeExt
- SECOND = 1
- MINUTE = 60
- HOUR = 60 * MINUTE
- DAY = 24 * HOUR
- WEEK = 7 * DAY
- MONTH = 30 * DAY
- YEAR = 365 * DAY
- YEARS = 2 * YEAR
- def duration_as_text(duration_secs)
- case duration_secs
- when 0 then "0 seconds"
- when SECOND then "#{duration_secs/SECOND} second"
- when SECOND+1..MINUTE-1 then "#{duration_secs/SECOND} seconds"
- when MINUTE..2*MINUTE-1 then "#{duration_secs/MINUTE} minute"
- when 2*MINUTE..HOUR-1 then "#{duration_secs/MINUTE} minutes"
- when HOUR..2*HOUR-1 then "#{duration_secs/HOUR} hour"
- when 2*HOUR..DAY-1 then "#{duration_secs/HOUR} hours"
- when DAY..2*DAY-1 then "#{duration_secs/DAY} day"
- when 2*DAY..WEEK-1 then "#{duration_secs/DAY} days"
- when WEEK..2*WEEK-1 then "#{duration_secs/WEEK} week"
- when 2*WEEK..MONTH-1 then "#{duration_secs/WEEK} weeks"
- when MONTH..2*MONTH-1 then "#{duration_secs/MONTH} month"
- when 2*MONTH..YEAR-1 then "#{duration_secs/MONTH} months"
- when YEAR..2*YEAR-1 then "#{duration_secs/YEAR} year"
- else "#{duration_secs/YEAR} years"
- end
- end
- module_function :duration_as_text
- end
-# Time mixin that adds some additional utility methods
class Time
- include RSCM::TimeExt
class << self
def epoch
- Time.utc(1970)
+ Time.utc(1972)
def infinity
- Time.utc(2038)
+ Time.utc(2036)
- def Time.parse_ymdHMS(timestamp_as_ymdHMS)
- Time.utc(
- timestamp_as_ymdHMS[0..3], # year
- timestamp_as_ymdHMS[4..5], # month
- timestamp_as_ymdHMS[6..7], # day
- timestamp_as_ymdHMS[8..9], # hour
- timestamp_as_ymdHMS[10..11], # minute
- timestamp_as_ymdHMS[12..13] # second
- )
- end
- def to_rfc2822
- utc.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000")
- end
- def to_human
- utc.strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S")
- end
- def ymdHMS
- utc.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
- end
- def ==(o)
- return false unless o.is_a?(Time)
- ymdHMS == o.ymdHMS
- end
- # In many cases (for example when drawing a graph with
- # dates along the x-axis) it can be useful to know what
- # month, week or day a certain timestamp is within.
- #
- # This lets you do that. Call with :day, :week or :month
- # returns period_number, period_start
- #
- # period_number is an int representing the day, week or month number of the year.
- # period_start is a utc time of the start of the period.
- def get_period_info(interval)
- case interval
- when :week then get_week_info
- when :month then get_month_info
- when :day then get_day_info
- end
- end
- # week_number, week_start_date = get_info(time, :week)
- def get_week_info
- first_day_of_year = Time.utc(utc.year, 1, 1)
- week_day_of_first_day_of_year = first_day_of_year.wday
- # Sunday = 0, .. Monday = 6
- first_monday_of_year = Time.utc(utc.year, 1, ((week_day_of_first_day_of_year % 7) + 1))
- week_number = nil
- week_start_date = nil
- days = (utc.yday - first_monday_of_year.yday)
- week_number = (days / 7) + 1
- week_start_date = first_monday_of_year + ((week_number-1) * 7) * 60 * 60 * 24
- return week_number, week_start_date
- end
- # month_number, month_start_date = get_info(time, :month)
- def get_month_info
- return month, Time.utc(utc.year, utc.month, 1)
- end
- # day_number, day_date = get_info(time, :day)
- def get_day_info
- return yday, Time.utc(utc.year, utc.month,
- end
- def difference_as_text(t)
- raise "t must be a time" unless t.is_a?(Time)
- diff = (self - t).to_i
- duration_as_text(diff)
- end