lib/rscm/base.rb in rscm-0.4.5 vs lib/rscm/base.rb in rscm-0.5.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,281 +1,289 @@
-require 'fileutils'
-require 'rscm/revision'
-require 'rscm/path_converter'
-module RSCM
- # This class defines the RSCM API, which offers access to an SCM working copy
- # as well as a 'central' repository.
- #
- # Concrete subclasses of this class (concrete adapters) implement the integration
- # with the respective SCMs.
- #
- # Most of the methods take an optional +options+ Hash (named parameters), allowing
- # the following options:
- #
- # * <tt>:stdout</tt>: Path to file name where stdout of SCM operations are written.
- # * <tt>:stdout</tt>: Path to file name where stderr of SCM operations are written.
- #
- # In stead of specifying the +options+ parameters for every API method, it's possible
- # to assign default options via the +default_options+ attribute.
- #
- # Some of the methods in this API use +from_identifier+ and +to_identifier+.
- # These identifiers can be either a UTC Time (according to the SCM's clock)
- # or a String or Integer representing a label/revision
- # (according to the SCM's native label/revision scheme).
- #
- # If +from_identifier+ or +to_identifier+ are +nil+ they should respectively default to
- # Time.epoch or Time.infinite.
- #
- class Base
- attr_writer :default_options
- def default_options
- @default_options ||= {:stdout=>'stdout.log', :stderr=>'stderr.log'}
- end
- # Transforms +raw_identifier+ into the native rype used for revisions.
- def to_identifier(raw_identifier)
- raw_identifier.to_s
- end
- # Sets the checkout dir (working copy). Should be set prior to most other method
- # invocations (depending on the implementation).
- def checkout_dir=(dir)
- @checkout_dir = PathConverter.filepath_to_nativepath(dir, false)
- end
- # Gets the working copy directory.
- def checkout_dir
- @checkout_dir
- end
- def to_yaml_properties #:nodoc:
- props = instance_variables
- props.delete("@checkout_dir")
- props.delete("@default_options")
- props.sort!
- end
- # Destroys the working copy
- def destroy_working_copy
- FileUtils.rm_rf(checkout_dir) unless checkout_dir.nil?
- end
- # Whether or not the SCM represented by this instance exists.
- def central_exists?
- # The default implementation assumes yes - override if it can be
- # determined programmatically.
- true
- end
- # Whether or not this SCM is transactional (atomic).
- def transactional?
- false
- end
- alias :atomic? :transactional?
- # Creates a new 'central' repository. This is intended only for creation of 'central'
- # repositories (not for working copies). You shouldn't have to call this method if a central repository
- # already exists. This method is used primarily for testing of RSCM, but can also
- # be used if you *really* want to use RSCM to create a central repository.
- #
- # This method should throw an exception if the repository cannot be created (for
- # example if the repository is 'remote' or if it already exists).
- #
- def create_central(options={})
- raise NotImplementedError
- end
- # Destroys the central repository. Shuts down any server processes and deletes the repository.
- # WARNING: calling this may result in loss of data. Only call this if you really want to wipe
- # it out for good!
- def destroy_central
- raise NotImplementedError
- end
- # Whether a repository can be created.
- def can_create_central?
- false
- end
- # Adds +relative_filename+ to the working copy.
- def add(relative_filename, options={})
- raise NotImplementedError
- end
- # Schedules a move of +relative_src+ to +relative_dest+
- # Should not take effect in the central repository until
- # +commit+ is invoked.
- def move(relative_src, relative_dest, options={})
- raise NotImplementedError
- end
- # Recursively imports files from <tt>:dir</tt> into the central scm,
- # using commit message <tt>:message</tt>
- def import_central(options)
- raise NotImplementedError
- end
- # Open a file for edit - required by scms that check out files in read-only mode e.g. perforce
- def edit(file, options={})
- end
- # Commit (check in) modified files.
- def commit(message, options={})
- raise NotImplementedError
- end
- # Checks out or updates contents from a central SCM to +checkout_dir+ - a local working copy.
- # If this is a distributed SCM, this method should create a 'working copy' repository
- # if one doesn't already exist. Then the contents of the central SCM should be pulled into
- # the working copy.
- #
- # The +to_identifier+ parameter may be optionally specified to obtain files up to a
- # particular time or label. +to_identifier+ should either be a Time (in UTC - according to
- # the clock on the SCM machine) or a String - reprsenting a label or revision.
- #
- # This method will yield the relative file name of each checked out file, and also return
- # them in an array. Only files, not directories, should be yielded/returned.
- #
- # This method should be overridden for SCMs that are able to yield checkouts as they happen.
- # For some SCMs this is not possible, or at least very hard. In that case, just override
- # the checkout_silent method instead of this method (should be protected).
- #
- def checkout(to_identifier=Time.infinity, options={}) # :yield: file
- to_identifier = Time.infinity if to_identifier.nil?
- before = checked_out_files
- # We expect subclasses to implement this as a protected method (unless this whole method is overridden).
- checkout_silent(to_identifier, options)
- after = checked_out_files
- (after - before).sort!
- end
- def checked_out_files
- files = Dir["#{@checkout_dir}/**/*"]
- files.delete_if{|file|}
- ignore_paths.each do |regex|
- files.delete_if{|file| file =~ regex}
- end
- dir = File.expand_path(@checkout_dir)
- files.collect{|file| File.expand_path(file)[dir.length+1..-1]}
- end
- # Returns a Revisions object for the interval specified by +from_identifier+ (exclusive, i.e. after)
- # and optionally +:to_identifier+ (inclusive). If +relative_path+ is specified, the result will only contain
- # revisions pertaining to that path.
- #
- def revisions(from_identifier, options={})
- raise NotImplementedError
- end
- # Returns the HistoricFile representing the root of the repo
- def rootdir
- file("", true)
- end
- # Returns a HistoricFile for +relative_path+
- def file(relative_path, dir)
-, dir, self)
- end
- # Opens a revision_file
- def open(revision_file, &block) #:yield: io
- raise NotImplementedError
- end
- # Whether the working copy is in synch with the central
- # repository's revision/time identified by +identifier+.
- # If +identifier+ is nil, 'HEAD' of repository should be assumed.
- #
- def uptodate?(identifier)
- raise NotImplementedError
- end
- # Whether the project is checked out from the central repository or not.
- # Subclasses should override this to check for SCM-specific administrative
- # files if appliccable
- def checked_out?
- File.exists?(@checkout_dir)
- end
- # Whether triggers are supported by this SCM. A trigger is a command that can be executed
- # upon a completed commit to the SCM.
- def supports_trigger?
- # The default implementation assumes no - override if it can be
- # determined programmatically.
- false
- end
- alias :can_install_trigger? :supports_trigger?
- # Descriptive name of the trigger mechanism
- def trigger_mechanism
- raise NotImplementedError
- end
- # Installs +trigger_command+ in the SCM.
- # The +install_dir+ parameter should be an empty local
- # directory that the SCM can use for temporary files
- # if necessary (CVS needs this to check out its administrative files).
- # Most implementations will ignore this parameter.
- #
- def install_trigger(trigger_command, install_dir)
- raise NotImplementedError
- end
- # Uninstalls +trigger_command+ from the SCM.
- #
- def uninstall_trigger(trigger_command, install_dir)
- raise NotImplementedError
- end
- # Whether the command denoted by +trigger_command+ is installed in the SCM.
- #
- def trigger_installed?(trigger_command, install_dir)
- raise NotImplementedError
- end
- # The command line to run in order to check out a fresh working copy.
- #
- def checkout_commandline(to_identifier=Time.infinity)
- raise NotImplementedError
- end
- # The command line to run in order to update a working copy.
- #
- def update_commandline(to_identifier=Time.infinity)
- raise NotImplementedError
- end
- # Returns/yields an IO containing the unified diff of the change.
- # Also see RevisionFile#diff
- def diff(change, &block)
- raise NotImplementedError
- end
- def ==(other_scm)
- return false if self.class != other_scm.class
- self.instance_variables.each do |var|
- return false if self.instance_eval(var) != other_scm.instance_eval(var)
- end
- true
- end
- protected
- # Wrapper for CommandLine.execute that provides default values for
- # dir plus any options set in default_options (typically stdout and stderr).
- def execute(cmd, options={}, &proc)
- default_dir = @checkout_dir.nil? ? Dir.pwd : @checkout_dir
- options = {:dir => default_dir}.merge(default_options).merge(options)
- begin
- CommandLine.execute(cmd, options, &proc)
- rescue CommandLine::OptionError => e
- e.message += "\nEither specify default_options on the scm object, or pass the required options to the method"
- raise e
- end
- end
- end
+require 'fileutils'
+require 'rscm/revision'
+require 'rscm/path_converter'
+module RSCM
+ # This class defines the RSCM API, which offers access to an SCM working copy
+ # as well as a 'central' repository.
+ #
+ # Concrete subclasses of this class (concrete adapters) implement the integration
+ # with the respective SCMs.
+ #
+ # Most of the methods take an optional +options+ Hash (named parameters), allowing
+ # the following options:
+ #
+ # * <tt>:stdout</tt>: Path to file name where stdout of SCM operations are written.
+ # * <tt>:stdout</tt>: Path to file name where stderr of SCM operations are written.
+ #
+ # In stead of specifying the +options+ parameters for every API method, it's possible
+ # to assign default options via the +default_options+ attribute.
+ #
+ # Some of the methods in this API use +from_identifier+ and +to_identifier+.
+ # These identifiers can be either a UTC Time (according to the SCM's clock)
+ # or a String or Integer representing a label/revision
+ # (according to the SCM's native label/revision scheme).
+ #
+ # If +from_identifier+ or +to_identifier+ are +nil+ they should respectively default to
+ # Time.epoch or Time.infinite.
+ #
+ class Base
+ include RevisionPoller
+ attr_writer :default_options
+ attr_writer :store_revisions_command
+ def default_options
+ @default_options ||= {}
+ end
+ # Returns true if the underlying SCM tool is available on this system.
+ def available?
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ end
+ # Transforms +raw_identifier+ into the native rype used for revisions.
+ def to_identifier(raw_identifier)
+ raw_identifier.to_s
+ end
+ # Sets the checkout dir (working copy). Should be set prior to most other method
+ # invocations (depending on the implementation).
+ def checkout_dir=(dir)
+ @checkout_dir = PathConverter.filepath_to_nativepath(dir, false)
+ end
+ # Gets the working copy directory.
+ def checkout_dir
+ @checkout_dir
+ end
+ def to_yaml_properties #:nodoc:
+ props = instance_variables
+ props.delete("@checkout_dir")
+ props.delete("@default_options")
+ props.sort!
+ end
+ # Destroys the working copy
+ def destroy_working_copy(options={})
+ FileUtils.rm_rf(checkout_dir) unless checkout_dir.nil?
+ end
+ # Whether or not the SCM represented by this instance exists.
+ def central_exists?
+ # The default implementation assumes yes - override if it can be
+ # determined programmatically.
+ true
+ end
+ # Whether or not this SCM is transactional (atomic).
+ def transactional?
+ false
+ end
+ alias :atomic? :transactional?
+ # Creates a new 'central' repository. This is intended only for creation of 'central'
+ # repositories (not for working copies). You shouldn't have to call this method if a central repository
+ # already exists. This method is used primarily for testing of RSCM, but can also
+ # be used if you *really* want to use RSCM to create a central repository.
+ #
+ # This method should throw an exception if the repository cannot be created (for
+ # example if the repository is 'remote' or if it already exists).
+ #
+ def create_central(options={})
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ end
+ # Destroys the central repository. Shuts down any server processes and deletes the repository.
+ # WARNING: calling this may result in loss of data. Only call this if you really want to wipe
+ # it out for good!
+ def destroy_central
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ end
+ # Whether a repository can be created.
+ def can_create_central?
+ false
+ end
+ # Adds +relative_filename+ to the working copy.
+ def add(relative_filename, options={})
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ end
+ # Schedules a move of +relative_src+ to +relative_dest+
+ # Should not take effect in the central repository until
+ # +commit+ is invoked.
+ def move(relative_src, relative_dest, options={})
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ end
+ # Recursively imports files from <tt>:dir</tt> into the central scm,
+ # using commit message <tt>:message</tt>
+ def import_central(options)
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ end
+ # Open a file for edit - required by scms that check out files in read-only mode e.g. perforce
+ def edit(file, options={})
+ end
+ # Commit (check in) modified files.
+ def commit(message, options={})
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ end
+ # Checks out or updates contents from a central SCM to +checkout_dir+ - a local working copy.
+ # If this is a distributed SCM, this method should create a 'working copy' repository
+ # if one doesn't already exist. Then the contents of the central SCM should be pulled into
+ # the working copy.
+ #
+ # The +to_identifier+ parameter may be optionally specified to obtain files up to a
+ # particular time or label. +to_identifier+ should either be a Time (in UTC - according to
+ # the clock on the SCM machine) or a String - reprsenting a label or revision.
+ #
+ # This method will yield the relative file name of each checked out file, and also return
+ # them in an array. Only files, not directories, should be yielded/returned.
+ #
+ # This method should be overridden for SCMs that are able to yield checkouts as they happen.
+ # For some SCMs this is not possible, or at least very hard. In that case, just override
+ # the checkout_silent method instead of this method (should be protected).
+ #
+ def checkout(to_identifier=Time.infinity, options={}) # :yield: file
+ to_identifier = Time.infinity if to_identifier.nil?
+ before = checked_out_files
+ # We expect subclasses to implement this as a protected method (unless this whole method is overridden).
+ checkout_silent(to_identifier, options)
+ after = checked_out_files
+ (after - before).sort!
+ end
+ def checked_out_files
+ raise "checkout_dir not set" if @checkout_dir.nil?
+ files = Dir["#{@checkout_dir}/**/*"]
+ files.delete_if{|file|}
+ ignore_paths.each do |regex|
+ files.delete_if{|file| file =~ regex}
+ end
+ dir = File.expand_path(@checkout_dir)
+ files.collect{|file| File.expand_path(file)[dir.length+1..-1]}
+ end
+ # Returns a Revisions object for the interval specified by +from_identifier+ (exclusive, i.e. after)
+ # and optionally +:to_identifier+ (exclusive too). If +relative_path+ is specified, the result will only contain
+ # revisions pertaining to that path.
+ #
+ # For example, revisions(223, 229) should return revisions 224..228
+ def revisions(from_identifier, options={})
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ end
+ # Opens a readonly IO to a file at +path+
+ def open(path, native_revision_identifier, options={}, &block) #:yield: io
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ end
+ # Whether the working copy is in synch with the central
+ # repository's revision/time identified by +identifier+.
+ # If +identifier+ is nil, 'HEAD' of repository should be assumed.
+ #
+ def uptodate?(identifier)
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ end
+ # Whether the project is checked out from the central repository or not.
+ # Subclasses should override this to check for SCM-specific administrative
+ # files if appliccable
+ def checked_out?
+ File.exists?(@checkout_dir)
+ end
+ # Whether triggers are supported by this SCM. A trigger is a command that can be executed
+ # upon a completed commit to the SCM.
+ def supports_trigger?
+ # The default implementation assumes no - override if it can be
+ # determined programmatically.
+ false
+ end
+ alias :can_install_trigger? :supports_trigger?
+ # Descriptive name of the trigger mechanism
+ def trigger_mechanism
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ end
+ # Installs +trigger_command+ in the SCM.
+ # The +install_dir+ parameter should be an empty local
+ # directory that the SCM can use for temporary files
+ # if necessary (CVS needs this to check out its administrative files).
+ # Most implementations will ignore this parameter.
+ #
+ def install_trigger(trigger_command, install_dir)
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ end
+ # Uninstalls +trigger_command+ from the SCM.
+ #
+ def uninstall_trigger(trigger_command, install_dir)
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ end
+ # Whether the command denoted by +trigger_command+ is installed in the SCM.
+ #
+ def trigger_installed?(trigger_command, install_dir)
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ end
+ # The command line to run in order to check out a fresh working copy.
+ #
+ def checkout_commandline(to_identifier=Time.infinity)
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ end
+ # The command line to run in order to update a working copy.
+ #
+ def update_commandline(to_identifier=Time.infinity)
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ end
+ # Yields an IO containing the unified diff of the change.
+ # Also see RevisionFile#diff
+ def diff(path, from, to, options={}, &block)
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ end
+ def ==(other_scm)
+ return false if self.class != other_scm.class
+ self.instance_variables.each do |var|
+ return false if self.instance_eval(var) != other_scm.instance_eval(var)
+ end
+ true
+ end
+ # Whether or not to store the revision command in the Revisions instance returned by <tt>revisions</tt>
+ def store_revisions_command?; @store_revisions_command.nil? ? true : @store_revisions_command; end
+ protected
+ # Directory where commands must be run
+ def cmd_dir
+ nil
+ end
+ # Wrapper for CommandLine.execute that provides default values for
+ # dir plus any options set in default_options (typically stdout and stderr).
+ def execute(cmd, options={}, &proc)
+ options = {:dir => cmd_dir}.merge(default_options).merge(options)
+ begin
+ CommandLine.execute(cmd, options, &proc)
+ rescue CommandLine::OptionError => e
+ e.message += "\nEither specify default_options on the scm object, or pass the required options to the method"
+ raise e
+ end
+ end
+ end