Rakefile in roxml-3.1.0 vs Rakefile in roxml-3.1.1
- old
+ new
@@ -34,62 +34,9 @@
rubyforge.doc_task = "rdoc"
Dir['tasks/**/*.rake'].each { |t| load t }
-task :default => [:test, :spec]
-task :all => [:libxml, :nokogiri]
+task :default => [:test, :spec, 'test:load']
+task :all => [:libxml, :nokogiri, 'test:load']
task :libxml => ['test:libxml', 'spec:libxml']
task :nokogiri => ['test:nokogiri', 'spec:nokogiri']
-# $hoe = Hoe.new('roxml', ROXML::VERSION) do |p|
-# p.changes = File.read("History.txt").split(/^==/)[1].strip
-# p.test_globs = 'test/unit/*_test.rb'
-# p.clean_globs |= %w[**/.DS_Store tmp *.log]
-# path = (p.rubyforge_name == p.name) ? p.rubyforge_name : "\#{p.rubyforge_name}/\#{p.name}"
-# p.remote_rdoc_dir = File.join(path.gsub(/^#{p.rubyforge_name}\/?/,''), 'rdoc')
-# p.rsync_args = '-av --delete --ignore-errors'
-# end
-## Provide the username used to upload website etc.
-#RubyForgeConfig = {
-# :unix_name=>"roxml",
-# :user_name=>"zakmandhro"
-#Rake::RDocTask.new do |rd|
-# rd.rdoc_dir = "doc"
-# rd.rdoc_files.include('MIT-LICENSE', 'README.rdoc', "lib/**/*.rb")
-# rd.options << '--main' << 'README.rdoc' << '--title' << 'ROXML Documentation'
-#desc "Publish Ruby on Rails plug-in on RubyForge"
-#task :release_plugin=>:rails_plugin do |task|
-# pub = Rake::SshDirPublisher.new("#{RubyForgeConfig[:user_name]}@rubyforge.org",
-# "/var/www/gforge-projects/#{RubyForgeConfig[:unix_name]}",
-# "pkg/rails_plugin")
-# pub.upload()
-#desc "Publish and plugin site on RubyForge"
-#task :publish do |task|
-# pub = Rake::RubyForgePublisher.new(RubyForgeConfig[:unix_name], RubyForgeConfig[:user_name])
-# pub.upload()
-#desc "Create the ZIP package"
-#Rake::PackageTask.new(spec.name, spec.version) do |p|
-# p.need_zip = true
-# p.package_files = FileList[
-# "lib/**/*.rb", "*.txt", "README.rdoc", "Rakefile",
-# "rake/**/*","test/**/*.rb", "test/**/*.xml", "html/**/*"]
-#task :package=>:rdoc
-#task :rdoc=>:test
-#desc "Create a RubyGem project"
-#desc "Clobber generated files"
-#task :clobber=>[:clobber_package, :clobber_rdoc]