lib/rouge/themes/github.rb in rouge-4.0.1 vs lib/rouge/themes/github.rb in rouge-4.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -4,70 +4,145 @@
module Rouge
module Themes
class Github < CSSTheme
name 'github'
- style Comment::Multiline, :fg => '#999988', :italic => true
- style Comment::Preproc, :fg => '#999999', :bold => true
- style Comment::Single, :fg => '#999988', :italic => true
- style Comment::Special, :fg => '#999999', :italic => true, :bold => true
- style Comment, :fg => '#999988', :italic => true
- style Error, :fg => '#a61717', :bg => '#e3d2d2'
- style Generic::Deleted, :fg => '#000000', :bg => '#ffdddd'
- style Generic::Emph, :fg => '#000000', :italic => true
- style Generic::Error, :fg => '#aa0000'
- style Generic::Heading, :fg => '#999999'
- style Generic::Inserted, :fg => '#000000', :bg => '#ddffdd'
- style Generic::Output, :fg => '#888888'
- style Generic::Prompt, :fg => '#555555'
- style Generic::Strong, :bold => true
- style Generic::Subheading, :fg => '#aaaaaa'
- style Generic::Traceback, :fg => '#aa0000'
- style Keyword::Constant, :fg => '#000000', :bold => true
- style Keyword::Declaration, :fg => '#000000', :bold => true
- style Keyword::Namespace, :fg => '#000000', :bold => true
- style Keyword::Pseudo, :fg => '#000000', :bold => true
- style Keyword::Reserved, :fg => '#000000', :bold => true
- style Keyword::Type, :fg => '#445588', :bold => true
- style Keyword, :fg => '#000000', :bold => true
- style Literal::Number::Float, :fg => '#009999'
- style Literal::Number::Hex, :fg => '#009999'
- style Literal::Number::Integer::Long, :fg => '#009999'
- style Literal::Number::Integer, :fg => '#009999'
- style Literal::Number::Oct, :fg => '#009999'
- style Literal::Number, :fg => '#009999'
- style Literal::String::Affix, :fg => '#000000', :bold => true
- style Literal::String::Backtick, :fg => '#d14'
- style Literal::String::Char, :fg => '#d14'
- style Literal::String::Doc, :fg => '#d14'
- style Literal::String::Double, :fg => '#d14'
- style Literal::String::Escape, :fg => '#d14'
- style Literal::String::Heredoc, :fg => '#d14'
- style Literal::String::Interpol, :fg => '#d14'
- style Literal::String::Other, :fg => '#d14'
- style Literal::String::Regex, :fg => '#009926'
- style Literal::String::Single, :fg => '#d14'
- style Literal::String::Symbol, :fg => '#990073'
- style Literal::String, :fg => '#d14'
- style Name::Attribute, :fg => '#008080'
- style Name::Builtin::Pseudo, :fg => '#999999'
- style Name::Builtin, :fg => '#0086B3'
- style Name::Class, :fg => '#445588', :bold => true
- style Name::Constant, :fg => '#008080'
- style Name::Decorator, :fg => '#3c5d5d', :bold => true
- style Name::Entity, :fg => '#800080'
- style Name::Exception, :fg => '#990000', :bold => true
- style Name::Function, :fg => '#990000', :bold => true
- style Name::Label, :fg => '#990000', :bold => true
- style Name::Namespace, :fg => '#555555'
- style Name::Tag, :fg => '#000080'
- style Name::Variable::Class, :fg => '#008080'
- style Name::Variable::Global, :fg => '#008080'
- style Name::Variable::Instance, :fg => '#008080'
- style Name::Variable, :fg => '#008080'
- style Operator::Word, :fg => '#000000', :bold => true
- style Operator, :fg => '#000000', :bold => true
- style Text::Whitespace, :fg => '#bbbbbb'
- style Text, :bg => '#f8f8f8'
+ # Primer primitives
+ #
+ P_RED_0 = {:light => '#ffebe9', :dark => '#ffdcd7'}
+ P_RED_3 = {:dark => '#ff7b72'}
+ P_RED_5 = {:light => '#cf222e'}
+ P_RED_7 = {:light => '#82071e', :dark => '#8e1519'}
+ P_RED_8 = {:dark => '#67060c'}
+ P_ORANGE_2 = {:dark => '#ffa657'}
+ P_ORANGE_6 = {:light => '#953800'}
+ P_GREEN_0 = {:light => '#dafbe1', :dark => '#aff5b4'}
+ P_GREEN_1 = {:dark => '#7ee787'}
+ P_GREEN_6 = {:light => '#116329'}
+ P_GREEN_8 = {:dark => '#033a16'}
+ P_BLUE_1 = {:dark => '#a5d6ff'}
+ P_BLUE_2 = {:dark => '#79c0ff'}
+ P_BLUE_5 = {:dark => '#1f6feb'}
+ P_BLUE_6 = {:light => '#0550ae'}
+ P_BLUE_8 = {:light => '#0a3069'}
+ P_PURPLE_2 = {:dark => '#d2a8ff'}
+ P_PURPLE_5 = {:light => '#8250df'}
+ P_GRAY_0 = {:light => '#f6f8fa', :dark => '#f0f6fc'}
+ P_GRAY_1 = {:dark => '#c9d1d9'}
+ P_GRAY_3 = {:dark => '#8b949e'}
+ P_GRAY_5 = {:light => '#6e7781'}
+ P_GRAY_8 = {:dark => '#161b22'}
+ P_GRAY_9 = {:light => '#24292f'}
+ extend HasModes
+ def self.light!
+ mode :dark # indicate that there is a dark variant
+ mode! :light
+ end
+ def self.dark!
+ mode :light # indicate that there is a light variant
+ mode! :dark
+ end
+ def self.make_dark!
+ palette :comment => P_GRAY_3[@mode]
+ palette :constant => P_BLUE_2[@mode]
+ palette :entity => P_PURPLE_2[@mode]
+ palette :heading => P_BLUE_5[@mode]
+ palette :keyword => P_RED_3[@mode]
+ palette :string => P_BLUE_1[@mode]
+ palette :tag => P_GREEN_1[@mode]
+ palette :variable => P_ORANGE_2[@mode]
+ palette :fgDefault => P_GRAY_1[@mode]
+ palette :bgDefault => P_GRAY_8[@mode]
+ palette :fgInserted => P_GREEN_0[@mode]
+ palette :bgInserted => P_GREEN_8[@mode]
+ palette :fgDeleted => P_RED_0[@mode]
+ palette :bgDeleted => P_RED_8[@mode]
+ palette :fgError => P_GRAY_0[@mode]
+ palette :bgError => P_RED_7[@mode]
+ end
+ def self.make_light!
+ palette :comment => P_GRAY_5[@mode]
+ palette :constant => P_BLUE_6[@mode]
+ palette :entity => P_PURPLE_5[@mode]
+ palette :heading => P_BLUE_6[@mode]
+ palette :keyword => P_RED_5[@mode]
+ palette :string => P_BLUE_8[@mode]
+ palette :tag => P_GREEN_6[@mode]
+ palette :variable => P_ORANGE_6[@mode]
+ palette :fgDefault => P_GRAY_9[@mode]
+ palette :bgDefault => P_GRAY_0[@mode]
+ palette :fgInserted => P_GREEN_6[@mode]
+ palette :bgInserted => P_GREEN_0[@mode]
+ palette :fgDeleted => P_RED_7[@mode]
+ palette :bgDeleted => P_RED_0[@mode]
+ palette :fgError => P_GRAY_0[@mode]
+ palette :bgError => P_RED_7[@mode]
+ end
+ light!
+ style Text, :fg => :fgDefault, :bg => :bgDefault
+ style Keyword, :fg => :keyword
+ style Generic::Error, :fg => :fgError
+ style Generic::Deleted, :fg => :fgDeleted, :bg => :bgDeleted
+ style Name::Builtin,
+ Name::Class,
+ Name::Constant,
+ Name::Namespace, :fg => :variable
+ style Literal::String::Regex,
+ Name::Attribute,
+ Name::Tag, :fg => :tag
+ style Generic::Inserted, :fg => :fgInserted, :bg => :bgInserted
+ style Keyword::Constant,
+ Literal,
+ Literal::String::Backtick,
+ Name::Builtin::Pseudo,
+ Name::Exception,
+ Name::Label,
+ Name::Property,
+ Name::Variable,
+ Operator, :fg => :constant
+ style Generic::Heading,
+ Generic::Subheading, :fg => :heading, :bold => true
+ style Literal::String, :fg => :string
+ style Name::Decorator,
+ Name::Function, :fg => :entity
+ style Error, :fg => :fgError, :bg => :bgError
+ style Comment,
+ Generic::Lineno,
+ Generic::Traceback, :fg => :comment
+ style Name::Entity,
+ Literal::String::Interpol, :fg => :fgDefault
+ style Generic::Emph, :fg => :fgDefault, :italic => true
+ style Generic::Strong, :fg => :fgDefault, :bold => true