lib/rouge/lexers/python.rb in rouge-1.3.2 vs lib/rouge/lexers/python.rb in rouge-1.3.3
- old
+ new
@@ -9,45 +9,53 @@
def self.analyze_text(text)
return 1 if text.shebang?(/pythonw?(3|2(\.\d)?)?/)
- keywords = %w(
- assert break continue del elif else except exec
- finally for global if lambda pass print raise
- return try while yield as with
- )
+ def self.keywords
+ @keywords ||= %w(
+ assert break continue del elif else except exec
+ finally for global if lambda pass print raise
+ return try while yield as with
+ )
+ end
- builtins = %w(
- __import__ abs all any apply basestring bin bool buffer
- bytearray bytes callable chr classmethod cmp coerce compile
- complex delattr dict dir divmod enumerate eval execfile exit
- file filter float frozenset getattr globals hasattr hash hex id
- input int intern isinstance issubclass iter len list locals
- long map max min next object oct open ord pow property range
- raw_input reduce reload repr reversed round set setattr slice
- sorted staticmethod str sum super tuple type unichr unicode
- vars xrange zip
- )
+ def self.builtins
+ @builtins ||= %w(
+ __import__ abs all any apply basestring bin bool buffer
+ bytearray bytes callable chr classmethod cmp coerce compile
+ complex delattr dict dir divmod enumerate eval execfile exit
+ file filter float frozenset getattr globals hasattr hash hex id
+ input int intern isinstance issubclass iter len list locals
+ long map max min next object oct open ord pow property range
+ raw_input reduce reload repr reversed round set setattr slice
+ sorted staticmethod str sum super tuple type unichr unicode
+ vars xrange zip
+ )
+ end
- builtins_pseudo = %w(self None Ellipsis NotImplemented False True)
+ def self.builtins_pseudo
+ @builtins_pseudo ||= %w(self None Ellipsis NotImplemented False True)
+ end
- exceptions = %w(
- ArithmeticError AssertionError AttributeError
- BaseException DeprecationWarning EOFError EnvironmentError
- Exception FloatingPointError FutureWarning GeneratorExit IOError
- ImportError ImportWarning IndentationError IndexError KeyError
- KeyboardInterrupt LookupError MemoryError NameError
- NotImplemented NotImplementedError OSError OverflowError
- OverflowWarning PendingDeprecationWarning ReferenceError
- RuntimeError RuntimeWarning StandardError StopIteration
- SyntaxError SyntaxWarning SystemError SystemExit TabError
- TypeError UnboundLocalError UnicodeDecodeError
- UnicodeEncodeError UnicodeError UnicodeTranslateError
- UnicodeWarning UserWarning ValueError VMSError Warning
- WindowsError ZeroDivisionError
- )
+ def self.exceptions
+ @exceptions ||= %w(
+ ArithmeticError AssertionError AttributeError
+ BaseException DeprecationWarning EOFError EnvironmentError
+ Exception FloatingPointError FutureWarning GeneratorExit IOError
+ ImportError ImportWarning IndentationError IndexError KeyError
+ KeyboardInterrupt LookupError MemoryError NameError
+ NotImplemented NotImplementedError OSError OverflowError
+ OverflowWarning PendingDeprecationWarning ReferenceError
+ RuntimeError RuntimeWarning StandardError StopIteration
+ SyntaxError SyntaxWarning SystemError SystemExit TabError
+ TypeError UnboundLocalError UnicodeDecodeError
+ UnicodeEncodeError UnicodeError UnicodeTranslateError
+ UnicodeWarning UserWarning ValueError VMSError Warning
+ WindowsError ZeroDivisionError
+ )
+ end
identifier = /[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*/i
dotted_identifier = /[a-z_.][a-z0-9_.]*/i
state :root do
rule /\n+/m, Text
@@ -62,12 +70,10 @@
rule /\\/, Text
rule /(in|is|and|or|not)\b/, Operator::Word
rule /!=|==|<<|>>|[-~+\/*%=<>&^|.]/, Operator
- rule /(?:#{keywords.join('|')})\b/, Keyword
rule /(def)((?:\s|\\\s)+)/ do
groups Keyword, Text
push :funcname
@@ -84,14 +90,10 @@
rule /(import)((?:\s|\\\s)+)/ do
groups Keyword::Namespace, Text
push :import
- # using negative lookbehind so we don't match property names
- rule /(?<!\.)(?:#{builtins.join('|')})/, Name::Builtin
- rule /(?<!\.)(?:#{builtins_pseudo.join('|')})/, Name::Builtin::Pseudo
# TODO: not in python 3
rule /`.*?`/, Str::Backtick
rule /(?:r|ur|ru)"""/i, Str, :tdqs
rule /(?:r|ur|ru)'''/i, Str, :tsqs
rule /(?:r|ur|ru)"/i, Str, :dqs
@@ -100,9 +102,25 @@
rule /u?'''/i, Str, :escape_tsqs
rule /u?"/i, Str, :escape_dqs
rule /u?'/i, Str, :escape_sqs
rule /@#{dotted_identifier}/i, Name::Decorator
+ # using negative lookbehind so we don't match property names
+ rule /(?<!\.)#{identifier}/ do |m|
+ if self.class.keywords.include? m[0]
+ token Keyword
+ elsif self.class.exceptions.include? m[0]
+ token Name::Builtin
+ elsif self.class.builtins.include? m[0]
+ token Name::Builtin
+ elsif self.class.builtins_pseudo.include? m[0]
+ token Name::Builtin::Pseudo
+ else
+ token Name
+ end
+ end
rule identifier, Name
rule /(\d+\.\d*|\d*\.\d+)(e[+-]?[0-9]+)?/i, Num::Float
rule /\d+e[+-]?[0-9]+/i, Num::Float
rule /0[0-7]+/, Num::Oct