lib/rouge/lexers/praat.rb in rouge-4.0.0 vs lib/rouge/lexers/praat.rb in rouge-4.0.1
- old
+ new
@@ -13,113 +13,142 @@
def self.detect?(text)
return true if text.shebang? 'praat'
- keywords = %w(
- if then else elsif elif endif fi for from to endfor endproc while
- endwhile repeat until select plus minus demo assert stopwatch
- nocheck nowarn noprogress editor endeditor clearinfo
- )
+ def self.keywords
+ @keywords ||= %w(
+ if then else elsif elif endif fi for from to endfor endproc while
+ endwhile repeat until select plus minus demo assert stopwatch
+ nocheck nowarn noprogress editor endeditor clearinfo
+ )
+ end
- functions_string = %w(
- backslashTrigraphsToUnicode chooseDirectory chooseReadFile
- chooseWriteFile date demoKey do environment extractLine extractWord
- fixed info left mid percent readFile replace replace_regex right
- selected string unicodeToBackslashTrigraphs
- )
+ def self.functions_string
+ @functions_string ||= %w(
+ backslashTrigraphsToUnicode$ chooseDirectory$ chooseReadFile$
+ chooseWriteFile$ date$ demoKey$ do$ environment$ extractLine$ extractWord$
+ fixed$ info$ left$ mid$ percent$ readFile$ replace$ replace_regex$ right$
+ selected$ string$ unicodeToBackslashTrigraphs$
+ )
+ end
- functions_numeric = %w(
- abs appendFile appendFileLine appendInfo appendInfoLine arccos arccosh
- arcsin arcsinh arctan arctan2 arctanh barkToHertz beginPause
- beginSendPraat besselI besselK beta beta2 binomialP binomialQ boolean
- ceiling chiSquareP chiSquareQ choice comment cos cosh createDirectory
- deleteFile demoClicked demoClickedIn demoCommandKeyPressed
- demoExtraControlKeyPressed demoInput demoKeyPressed
- demoOptionKeyPressed demoShiftKeyPressed demoShow demoWaitForInput
- demoWindowTitle demoX demoY differenceLimensToPhon do editor endPause
- endSendPraat endsWith erb erbToHertz erf erfc exitScript exp
- extractNumber fileReadable fisherP fisherQ floor gaussP gaussQ hash
- hertzToBark hertzToErb hertzToMel hertzToSemitones imax imin
- incompleteBeta incompleteGammaP index index_regex integer invBinomialP
- invBinomialQ invChiSquareQ invFisherQ invGaussQ invSigmoid invStudentQ
- length ln lnBeta lnGamma log10 log2 max melToHertz min minusObject
- natural number numberOfColumns numberOfRows numberOfSelected
- objectsAreIdentical option optionMenu pauseScript
- phonToDifferenceLimens plusObject positive randomBinomial randomGauss
- randomInteger randomPoisson randomUniform real readFile removeObject
- rindex rindex_regex round runScript runSystem runSystem_nocheck
- selectObject selected semitonesToHertz sentence sentencetext sigmoid
- sin sinc sincpi sinh soundPressureToPhon sqrt startsWith studentP
- studentQ tan tanh text variableExists word writeFile writeFileLine
- writeInfo writeInfoLine
- )
+ def self.functions_numeric
+ @functions_numeric ||= %w(
+ abs appendFile appendFileLine appendInfo appendInfoLine arccos arccosh
+ arcsin arcsinh arctan arctan2 arctanh barkToHertz beginPause
+ beginSendPraat besselI besselK beta beta2 binomialP binomialQ boolean
+ ceiling chiSquareP chiSquareQ choice comment cos cosh createDirectory
+ deleteFile demoClicked demoClickedIn demoCommandKeyPressed
+ demoExtraControlKeyPressed demoInput demoKeyPressed
+ demoOptionKeyPressed demoShiftKeyPressed demoShow demoWaitForInput
+ demoWindowTitle demoX demoY differenceLimensToPhon do editor endPause
+ endSendPraat endsWith erb erbToHertz erf erfc exitScript exp
+ extractNumber fileReadable fisherP fisherQ floor gaussP gaussQ hash
+ hertzToBark hertzToErb hertzToMel hertzToSemitones imax imin
+ incompleteBeta incompleteGammaP index index_regex integer invBinomialP
+ invBinomialQ invChiSquareQ invFisherQ invGaussQ invSigmoid invStudentQ
+ length ln lnBeta lnGamma log10 log2 max melToHertz min minusObject
+ natural number numberOfColumns numberOfRows numberOfSelected
+ objectsAreIdentical option optionMenu pauseScript
+ phonToDifferenceLimens plusObject positive randomBinomial randomGauss
+ randomInteger randomPoisson randomUniform real readFile removeObject
+ rindex rindex_regex round runScript runSystem runSystem_nocheck
+ selectObject selected semitonesToHertz sentence sentencetext sigmoid
+ sin sinc sincpi sinh soundPressureToPhon sqrt startsWith studentP
+ studentQ tan tanh text variableExists word writeFile writeFileLine
+ writeInfo writeInfoLine
+ )
+ end
- functions_array = %w(
- linear randomGauss randomInteger randomUniform zero
- )
+ def self.functions_array
+ @functions_array ||= %w(
+ linear# randomGauss# randomInteger# randomUniform# zero#
+ )
+ end
- functions_matrix = %w(
- linear mul mul_fast mul_metal mul_nt mul_tn mul_tt outer peaks
- randomGamma randomGauss randomInteger randomUniform softmaxPerRow
- solve transpose zero
- )
+ def self.functions_matrix
+ @functions_matrix ||= %w(
+ linear## mul## mul_fast## mul_metal## mul_nt## mul_tn## mul_tt## outer## peaks##
+ randomGamma## randomGauss## randomInteger## randomUniform## softmaxPerRow##
+ solve## transpose## zero##
+ )
+ end
- functions_string_vector = %w(
- empty fileNames folderNames readLinesFromFile splitByWhitespace
- )
+ def self.functions_string_vector
+ @functions_string_vector ||= %w(
+ empty$# fileNames$# folderNames$# readLinesFromFile$# splitByWhitespace$#
+ )
+ end
- objects = %w(
- Activation AffineTransform AmplitudeTier Art Artword Autosegment
- BarkFilter BarkSpectrogram CCA Categories Cepstrogram Cepstrum
- Cepstrumc ChebyshevSeries ClassificationTable Cochleagram Collection
- ComplexSpectrogram Configuration Confusion ContingencyTable Corpus
- Correlation Covariance CrossCorrelationTable CrossCorrelationTableList
- CrossCorrelationTables DTW DataModeler Diagonalizer Discriminant
- Dissimilarity Distance Distributions DurationTier EEG ERP ERPTier
- EditCostsTable EditDistanceTable Eigen Excitation Excitations
- ExperimentMFC FFNet FeatureWeights FileInMemory FilesInMemory Formant
- FormantFilter FormantGrid FormantModeler FormantPoint FormantTier
- GaussianMixture HMM HMM_Observation HMM_ObservationSequence HMM_State
- HMM_StateSequence HMMObservation HMMObservationSequence HMMState
- HMMStateSequence Harmonicity ISpline Index Intensity IntensityTier
- IntervalTier KNN KlattGrid KlattTable LFCC LPC Label LegendreSeries
- LinearRegression LogisticRegression LongSound Ltas MFCC MSpline ManPages
- Manipulation Matrix MelFilter MelSpectrogram MixingMatrix Movie Network
- OTGrammar OTHistory OTMulti PCA PairDistribution ParamCurve Pattern
- Permutation Photo Pitch PitchModeler PitchTier PointProcess Polygon
- Polynomial PowerCepstrogram PowerCepstrum Procrustes RealPoint RealTier
- ResultsMFC Roots SPINET SSCP SVD Salience ScalarProduct Similarity
- SimpleString SortedSetOfString Sound Speaker Spectrogram Spectrum
- SpectrumTier SpeechSynthesizer SpellingChecker Strings StringsIndex
- Table TableOfReal TextGrid TextInterval TextPoint TextTier Tier
- Transition VocalTract VocalTractTier Weight WordList
- )
+ def self.functions_builtin
+ @functions_builtin ||=
+ self.functions_string |
+ self.functions_numeric |
+ self.functions_array |
+ self.functions_matrix |
+ self.functions_string_vector
+ end
- variables_numeric = %w(
- all average e left macintosh mono pi praatVersion right stereo
- undefined unix windows
- )
+ def self.objects
+ @objects ||= %w(
+ Activation AffineTransform AmplitudeTier Art Artword Autosegment
+ BarkFilter BarkSpectrogram CCA Categories Cepstrogram Cepstrum
+ Cepstrumc ChebyshevSeries ClassificationTable Cochleagram Collection
+ ComplexSpectrogram Configuration Confusion ContingencyTable Corpus
+ Correlation Covariance CrossCorrelationTable CrossCorrelationTableList
+ CrossCorrelationTables DTW DataModeler Diagonalizer Discriminant
+ Dissimilarity Distance Distributions DurationTier EEG ERP ERPTier
+ EditCostsTable EditDistanceTable Eigen Excitation Excitations
+ ExperimentMFC FFNet FeatureWeights FileInMemory FilesInMemory Formant
+ FormantFilter FormantGrid FormantModeler FormantPoint FormantTier
+ GaussianMixture HMM HMM_Observation HMM_ObservationSequence HMM_State
+ HMM_StateSequence HMMObservation HMMObservationSequence HMMState
+ HMMStateSequence Harmonicity ISpline Index Intensity IntensityTier
+ IntervalTier KNN KlattGrid KlattTable LFCC LPC Label LegendreSeries
+ LinearRegression LogisticRegression LongSound Ltas MFCC MSpline ManPages
+ Manipulation Matrix MelFilter MelSpectrogram MixingMatrix Movie Network
+ OTGrammar OTHistory OTMulti PCA PairDistribution ParamCurve Pattern
+ Permutation Photo Pitch PitchModeler PitchTier PointProcess Polygon
+ Polynomial PowerCepstrogram PowerCepstrum Procrustes RealPoint RealTier
+ ResultsMFC Roots SPINET SSCP SVD Salience ScalarProduct Similarity
+ SimpleString SortedSetOfString Sound Speaker Spectrogram Spectrum
+ SpectrumTier SpeechSynthesizer SpellingChecker Strings StringsIndex
+ Table TableOfReal TextGrid TextInterval TextPoint TextTier Tier
+ Transition VocalTract VocalTractTier Weight WordList
+ )
+ end
- variables_string = %w(
- praatVersion tab shellDirectory homeDirectory
- preferencesDirectory newline temporaryDirectory
- defaultDirectory
- )
+ def self.variables_numeric
+ @variables_numeric ||= %w(
+ all average e left macintosh mono pi praatVersion right stereo
+ undefined unix windows
+ )
+ end
- object_attributes = %w(
- ncol nrow xmin ymin xmax ymax nx ny dx dy
- )
+ def self.variables_string
+ @variables_string ||= %w(
+ praatVersion$ tab$ shellDirectory$ homeDirectory$
+ preferencesDirectory$ newline$ temporaryDirectory$
+ defaultDirectory$
+ )
+ end
+ def self.object_attributes
+ @object_attributes ||= %w(
+ ncol nrow xmin ymin xmax ymax nx ny dx dy
+ )
+ end
state :root do
rule %r/(\s+)(#.*?$)/ do
groups Text, Comment::Single
- rule %r/^#.*?$/, Comment::Single
- rule %r/;[^\n]*/, Comment::Single
- rule %r/\s+/, Text
+ rule %r/^#.*?$/, Comment::Single
+ rule %r/;[^\n]*/, Comment::Single
+ rule %r/\s+/, Text
rule %r/(\bprocedure)(\s+)/ do
groups Keyword, Text
push :procedure_definition
@@ -127,16 +156,15 @@
rule %r/(\bcall)(\s+)/ do
groups Keyword, Text
push :procedure_call
- rule %r/@/, Name::Function, :procedure_call
+ rule %r/@/, Name::Function, :procedure_call
mixin :function_call
rule %r/\b(?:select all)\b/, Keyword
- rule %r/\b(?:#{keywords.join('|')})\b/, Keyword
rule %r/(\bform\b)(\s+)([^\n]+)/ do
groups Keyword, Text, Literal::String
push :old_form
@@ -154,14 +182,31 @@
mixin :number
mixin :vector_literal
rule %r/"/, Literal::String, :string
- rule %r/\b(?:#{objects.join('|')})(?=\s+\S+\n)/, Name::Class, :string_unquoted
+ rule %r/\b([A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]+)(?=\s+\S+\n)/ do |m|
+ match = m[0]
+ if self.class.objects.include?(match)
+ token Name::Class
+ push :string_unquoted
+ else
+ token Keyword
+ end
+ end
rule %r/\b(?=[A-Z])/, Text, :command
rule %r/(\.{3}|[)(,\$])/, Punctuation
+ rule %r/[a_z]+/ do |m|
+ match = m[0]
+ if self.class.keywords.include?(match)
+ token Keyword
+ else
+ token Text
+ end
+ end
state :command do
rule %r/( ?([^\s:\.'])+ ?)/, Keyword
mixin :string_interpolated
@@ -176,19 +221,19 @@
token Keyword
push :comma_list
- rule %r/[\s]/, Text, :pop!
+ rule %r/[\s]/, Text, :pop!
state :procedure_call do
mixin :string_interpolated
rule %r/(:|\s*\()/, Punctuation, :pop!
- rule %r/'/, Name::Function
+ rule %r/'/, Name::Function
rule %r/[^:\('\s]+/, Name::Function
rule %r/(?=\s+)/ do
token Text
@@ -203,15 +248,21 @@
rule %r/(\s+)/, Text, :pop!
state :function_call do
- rule %r/\b(#{functions_string.join('|')})\$(?=\s*[:(])/, Name::Function, :function
- rule %r/\b(#{functions_array.join('|')})#(?=\s*[:(])/, Name::Function, :function
- rule %r/\b(#{functions_matrix.join('|')})##(?=\s*[:(])/, Name::Function, :function
- rule %r/\b(#{functions_string_vector.join('|')})\$#(?=\s*[:(])/, Name::Function, :function
- rule %r/\b(#{functions_numeric.join('|')})(?=\s*[:(])/, Name::Function, :function
+ rule %r/\b([a-z][a-zA-Z0-9_.]+)(\$#|##|\$|#)?(?=\s*[:(])/ do |m|
+ match = m[0]
+ if self.class.functions_builtin.include?(match)
+ token Name::Function
+ push :function
+ elsif self.class.keywords.include?(match)
+ token Keyword
+ else
+ token Operator::Word
+ end
+ end
state :function do
rule %r/\s+/, Text
@@ -228,11 +279,11 @@
rule %r/\s*[\]\})\n]/, Text, :pop!
rule %r/\s+/, Text
- rule %r/"/, Literal::String, :string
+ rule %r/"/, Literal::String, :string
rule %r/\b(if|then|else|fi|endif)\b/, Keyword
mixin :function_call
mixin :variable_name
mixin :operator
@@ -261,19 +312,32 @@
state :variable_name do
mixin :operator
mixin :number
- rule %r/\b(?:#{variables_string.join('|')})\$/, Name::Builtin
- rule %r/\b(?:#{variables_numeric.join('|')})(?!\$)\b/, Name::Builtin
+ rule %r/\b([A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]+)_/ do |m|
+ match = m[1]
+ if (['Object'] | self.class.objects).include?(match)
+ token Name::Builtin
+ push :object_reference
+ else
+ token Name::Variable
+ end
+ end
- rule %r/\b(Object|#{objects.join('|')})_/ do
- token Name::Builtin
- push :object_reference
+ rule %r/\.?[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9_.]*(\$#|##|\$|#)?/ do |m|
+ match = m[0]
+ if self.class.variables_string.include?(match) ||
+ self.class.variables_numeric.include?(match)
+ token Name::Builtin
+ elsif self.class.keywords.include?(match)
+ token Keyword
+ else
+ token Name::Variable
+ end
- rule %r/\.?[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9_.]*(\$#|##|\$|#)?/, Text
rule %r/[\[\]]/, Text, :comma_list
mixin :string_interpolated
state :vector_literal do
@@ -282,45 +346,51 @@
state :object_reference do
mixin :string_interpolated
rule %r/([a-z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*|\d+)/, Name::Builtin
- rule %r/\.(#{object_attributes.join('|')})\b/, Name::Builtin, :pop!
+ rule %r/\.([a-z]+)\b/ do |m|
+ match = m[1]
+ if self.class.object_attributes.include?(match)
+ token Name::Builtin
+ pop!
+ end
+ end
rule %r/\$/, Name::Builtin
rule %r/\[/, Text, :pop!
state :operator do
# This rule incorrectly matches === or +++++, which are not operators
- rule %r/([+\/*<>=!-]=?|[&*|][&*|]?|\^|<>)/, Operator
+ rule %r/([+\/*<>=!-]=?|[&*|][&*|]?|\^|<>)/, Operator
rule %r/(?<![\w.])(and|or|not|div|mod)(?![\w.])/, Operator::Word
state :string_interpolated do
rule %r/'[\._a-z][^\[\]'":]*(\[([\d,]+|"[\w,]+")\])?(:[0-9]+)?'/, Literal::String::Interpol
state :string_unquoted do
rule %r/\n\s*\.{3}/, Punctuation
- rule %r/\n/, Text, :pop!
- rule %r/\s/, Text
+ rule %r/\n/, Text, :pop!
+ rule %r/\s/, Text
mixin :string_interpolated
- rule %r/'/, Literal::String
- rule %r/[^'\n]+/, Literal::String
+ rule %r/'/, Literal::String
+ rule %r/[^'\n]+/, Literal::String
state :string do
rule %r/\n\s*\.{3}/, Punctuation
- rule %r/"/, Literal::String, :pop!
+ rule %r/"/, Literal::String, :pop!
mixin :string_interpolated
- rule %r/'/, Literal::String
- rule %r/[^'"\n]+/, Literal::String
+ rule %r/'/, Literal::String
+ rule %r/[^'"\n]+/, Literal::String
state :old_form do
rule %r/(\s+)(#.*?$)/ do
groups Text, Comment::Single
@@ -361,9 +431,8 @@
push :string_unquoted
rule %r/\bendform\b/, Keyword, :pop!