lib/rouge/lexers/php.rb in rouge-3.6.0 vs lib/rouge/lexers/php.rb in rouge-3.7.0
- old
+ new
@@ -70,11 +70,11 @@
default static do switch die stdClass echo else TRUE elseif
var empty if xor enddeclare include virtual endfor include_once
while endforeach global __FILE__ endif list __LINE__ endswitch
new __sleep endwhile not array __wakeup E_ALL NULL final
php_user_filter interface implements public private protected
- abstract clone try catch throw this use namespace yield
+ abstract clone try catch finally throw this use namespace yield
def self.detect?(text)
return true if text.shebang?('php')
@@ -96,25 +96,33 @@
state :php do
rule %r/\?>/, Comment::Preproc, :pop!
# heredocs
- rule %r/<<<('?)(#{id})\1\n.*?\n\2;?\n/im, Str::Heredoc
+ rule %r/<<<('?)(#{id})\1\n.*?\n\s*\2;?/im, Str::Heredoc
rule %r/\s+/, Text
rule %r/#.*?$/, Comment::Single
rule %r(//.*?$), Comment::Single
- # empty comment, otherwise seen as the start of a docstring
- rule %r(/\*\*/), Comment::Multiline
- rule %r(/\*\*.*?\*/)m, Str::Doc
+ rule %r(/\*\*(?!/).*?\*/)m, Comment::Doc
rule %r(/\*.*?\*/)m, Comment::Multiline
rule %r/(->|::)(\s*)(#{id})/ do
groups Operator, Text, Name::Attribute
rule %r/[~!%^&*+=\|:.<>\/?@-]+/, Operator
rule %r/[\[\]{}();,]/, Punctuation
- rule %r/class\b/, Keyword, :classname
+ rule %r/(class|interface|trait)(\s+)(#{nsid})/ do
+ groups Keyword::Declaration, Text, Name::Class
+ end
+ rule %r/(use)(\s+)(function|const|)(\s*)(#{nsid})/ do
+ groups Keyword::Namespace, Text, Keyword::Namespace, Text, Name::Namespace
+ push :use
+ end
+ rule %r/(namespace)(\s+)(#{nsid})/ do
+ groups Keyword::Namespace, Text, Name::Namespace
+ end
# anonymous functions
rule %r/(function)(\s*)(?=\()/ do
groups Keyword, Text
@@ -152,13 +160,27 @@
rule %r/\d+/, Num::Integer
rule %r/'([^'\\]*(?:\\.[^'\\]*)*)'/, Str::Single
rule %r/`([^`\\]*(?:\\.[^`\\]*)*)`/, Str::Backtick
rule %r/"/, Str::Double, :string
- state :classname do
+ state :use do
+ rule %r/(\s+)(as)(\s+)(#{id})/ do
+ groups Text, Keyword, Text, Name
+ :pop!
+ end
+ rule %r/\\\{/, Operator, :uselist
+ rule %r/;/, Punctuation, :pop!
+ end
+ state :uselist do
rule %r/\s+/, Text
- rule %r/#{nsid}/, Name::Class, :pop!
+ rule %r/,/, Operator
+ rule %r/\}/, Operator, :pop!
+ rule %r/(as)(\s+)(#{id})/ do
+ groups Keyword, Text, Name
+ end
+ rule %r/#{id}/, Name::Namespace
state :funcname do
rule %r/#{id}/, Name::Function, :pop!