lib/rouge/lexers/php.rb in rouge-3.21.0 vs lib/rouge/lexers/php.rb in rouge-3.22.0
- old
+ new
@@ -26,10 +26,30 @@
@start_inline = bool_option(:start_inline) { :guess }
@funcnamehighlighting = bool_option(:funcnamehighlighting) { true }
@disabledmodules = list_option(:disabledmodules)
+ def self.detect?(text)
+ return true if text.shebang?('php')
+ return false if /^<\?hh/ =~ text
+ return true if /^<\?php/ =~ text
+ end
+ def self.keywords
+ @keywords ||= %w(
+ old_function cfunction
+ __class__ __dir__ __file__ __function__ __halt_compiler __line__
+ __method__ __namespace__ __trait__ abstract and array as break case
+ catch clone continue declare default die do echo else elseif
+ enddeclare endfor endforeach endif endswitch endwhile eval exit
+ extends final finally fn for foreach global goto if implements
+ include include_once instanceof insteadof isset list new or parent
+ print private protected public require require_once return self
+ static switch throw try var while xor yield
+ )
+ end
def self.builtins
Kernel::load File.join(Lexers::BASE_DIR, 'php/keywords.rb')
@@ -42,190 +62,316 @@
- # source:
- # the given regex is invalid utf8, so... we're using the unicode
- # "Letter" property instead.
id = /[\p{L}_][\p{L}\p{N}_]*/
- nsid = /#{id}(?:\\#{id})*/
+ ns = /(?:#{id}\\)+/
+ id_with_ns = /(?:#{ns})?#{id}/
start do
case @start_inline
when true
- push :template
push :php
- when false
- push :template
when :guess
- # pass
+ push :start
- def self.keywords
- # (echo parent ; echo self ; sed -nE 's/<ST_IN_SCRIPTING>"((__)?[[:alpha:]_]+(__)?)".*/\1/p' zend_language_scanner.l | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]') | sort -u | grep -Fwv -e isset -e unset -e empty -e const -e use -e function -e namespace
- # - isset, unset and empty are actually keywords (directly handled by PHP's lexer but let's pretend these are functions, you use them like so)
- # - self and parent are kind of keywords, they are not handled by PHP's lexer
- # - use, const, namespace and function are handled by specific rules to highlight what's next to the keyword
- # - class is also listed here, in addition to the rule below, to handle anonymous classes
- @keywords ||= %w(
- old_function cfunction
- __class__ __dir__ __file__ __function__ __halt_compiler
- __line__ __method__ __namespace__ __trait__ abstract and
- array as break callable case catch class clone continue
- declare default die do echo else elseif enddeclare
- endfor endforeach endif endswitch endwhile eval exit
- extends final finally fn for foreach global goto if
- implements include include_once instanceof insteadof
- interface list new or parent print private protected
- public require require_once return self static switch
- throw trait try var while xor yield
- )
+ state :escape do
+ rule %r/\?>/ do
+ token Comment::Preproc
+ reset_stack
+ end
- def self.detect?(text)
- return true if text.shebang?('php')
- return false if /^<\?hh/ =~ text
- return true if /^<\?php/ =~ text
+ state :return do
+ rule(//) { pop! }
- state :root do
- # some extremely rough heuristics to decide whether to start inline or not
- rule(/\s*(?=<)/m) { delegate parent; push :template }
- rule(/[^$]+(?=<\?(php|=))/i) { delegate parent; push :template }
+ state :start do
+ # We enter this state if we aren't sure whether the PHP in the text is
+ # delimited by <?php (or <?=) tags or not. These two rules check
+ # whether there is an opening angle bracket and, if there is, delegates
+ # the tokens before it to the HTML lexer.
+ rule(/\s*(?=<)/m) { delegate parent; pop! }
+ rule(/[^$]+(?=<\?(php|=))/i) { delegate parent; pop! }
- rule(//) { push :template; push :php }
+ rule(//) { goto :php }
- state :template do
- rule %r/<\?(php|=)?/i, Comment::Preproc, :php
- rule(/.*?(?=<\?)|.*/m) { delegate parent }
- end
- state :php do
- rule %r/\?>/, Comment::Preproc, :pop!
- # heredocs
- rule %r/<<<(["']?)(#{id})\1\n.*?\n\s*\2;?/im, Str::Heredoc
- rule %r/\s+/, Text
- rule %r/#.*?$/, Comment::Single
- rule %r(//.*?$), Comment::Single
- rule %r(/\*\*(?!/).*?\*/)m, Comment::Doc
- rule %r(/\*.*?\*/)m, Comment::Multiline
- rule %r/(->|::)(\s*)(#{id})/ do
- groups Operator, Text, Name::Attribute
+ state :names do
+ rule %r/#{id_with_ns}(?=\s*\()/ do |m|
+ name = m[0].downcase
+ if self.class.keywords.include? name
+ token Keyword
+ elsif self.builtins.include? name
+ token Name::Builtin
+ else
+ token Name::Function
+ end
- rule %r/(void|\??(int|float|bool|string|iterable|self|callable))\b/i, Keyword::Type
- rule %r/[~!%^&*+=\|:.<>\/@-]+/, Operator
- rule %r/\?/, Operator
- rule %r/[\[\]{}();,]/, Punctuation
- rule %r/(class|interface|trait)(\s+)(#{nsid})/i do
- groups Keyword::Declaration, Text, Name::Class
+ rule id_with_ns do |m|
+ name = m[0].downcase
+ if name == "use"
+ push :in_use
+ token Keyword::Namespace
+ elsif name == "const"
+ push :in_const
+ token Keyword
+ elsif name == "catch"
+ push :in_catch
+ token Keyword
+ elsif %w(public protected private).include? name
+ push :in_visibility
+ token Keyword
+ elsif name == "stdClass"
+ token Name::Class
+ elsif self.class.keywords.include? name
+ token Keyword
+ elsif m[0] =~ /^__.*?__$/
+ token Name::Builtin
+ elsif m[0] =~ /^(E|PHP)(_[[:upper:]]+)+$/
+ token Keyword::Constant
+ elsif m[0] =~ /(\\|^)[[:upper:]][[[:upper:]][[:digit:]]_]+$/
+ token Name::Constant
+ elsif m[0] =~ /(\\|^)[[:upper:]][[:alnum:]]*?$/
+ token Name::Class
+ else
+ token Name
+ end
- rule %r/(use)(\s+)(function|const|)(\s*)(#{nsid})/i do
- groups Keyword::Namespace, Text, Keyword::Namespace, Text, Name::Namespace
- push :use
- end
- rule %r/(namespace)(\s+)(#{nsid})/i do
- groups Keyword::Namespace, Text, Name::Namespace
- end
- # anonymous functions
- rule %r/(function)(\s*)(?=\()/i do
- groups Keyword, Text
- end
+ end
- # named functions
- rule %r/(function)(\s+)(&?)(\s*)/i do
- groups Keyword, Text, Operator, Text
- push :funcname
- end
+ state :operators do
+ rule %r/[~!%^&*+\|:.<>\/@-]+/, Operator
+ end
- rule %r/(const)(\s+)(#{id})/i do
- groups Keyword, Text, Name::Constant
- end
+ state :string do
+ rule %r/"/, Str::Double, :pop!
+ rule %r/[^\\{$"]+/, Str::Double
+ rule %r/\\u\{[0-9a-fA-F]+\}/, Str::Escape
+ rule %r/\\([efrntv\"$\\]|[0-7]{1,3}|[xX][0-9a-fA-F]{1,2})/, Str::Escape
+ rule %r/\$#{id}(\[\S+\]|->#{id})?/, Name::Variable
- rule %r/stdClass\b/i, Name::Class
- rule %r/(true|false|null)\b/i, Keyword::Constant
- rule %r/(E|PHP)(_[[:upper:]]+)+\b/, Keyword::Constant
- rule %r/\$\{\$+#{id}\}/i, Name::Variable
- rule %r/\$+#{id}/i, Name::Variable
- rule %r/(yield)([ \n\r\t]+)(from)/i do
- groups Keyword, Text, Keyword
+ rule %r/\{\$\{/, Str::Interpol, :string_interp_double
+ rule %r/\{(?=\$)/, Str::Interpol, :string_interp_single
+ rule %r/(\{)(\S+)(\})/ do
+ groups Str::Interpol, Name::Variable, Str::Interpol
- # may be intercepted for builtin highlighting
- rule %r/\\?#{nsid}/i do |m|
- name = m[0].downcase
+ rule %r/[${\\]+/, Str::Double
+ end
- if self.class.keywords.include? name
- token Keyword
- elsif self.builtins.include? name
- token Name::Builtin
- else
- token Name::Other
- end
- end
+ state :string_interp_double do
+ rule %r/\}\}/, Str::Interpol, :pop!
+ mixin :php
+ end
+ state :string_interp_single do
+ rule %r/\}/, Str::Interpol, :pop!
+ mixin :php
+ end
+ state :values do
+ # heredocs
+ rule %r/<<<(["']?)(#{id})\1\n.*?\n\s*\2;?/im, Str::Heredoc
+ # numbers
rule %r/(\d[_\d]*)?\.(\d[_\d]*)?(e[+-]?\d[_\d]*)?/i, Num::Float
rule %r/0[0-7][0-7_]*/, Num::Oct
rule %r/0b[01][01_]*/i, Num::Bin
rule %r/0x[a-f0-9][a-f0-9_]*/i, Num::Hex
rule %r/\d[_\d]*/, Num::Integer
+ # strings
rule %r/'([^'\\]*(?:\\.[^'\\]*)*)'/, Str::Single
rule %r/`([^`\\]*(?:\\.[^`\\]*)*)`/, Str::Backtick
rule %r/"/, Str::Double, :string
- end
- state :use do
- rule %r/(\s+)(as)(\s+)(#{id})/i do
- groups Text, Keyword, Text, Name
- :pop!
+ # functions
+ rule %r/(function|fn)\b/i do
+ push :in_function_return
+ push :in_function_params
+ push :in_function_name
+ token Keyword
- rule %r/\\\{/, Operator, :uselist
- rule %r/;/, Punctuation, :pop!
+ # constants
+ rule %r/(true|false|null)\b/i, Keyword::Constant
+ # objects
+ rule %r/new\b/i, Keyword, :in_new
- state :uselist do
+ state :variables do
+ rule %r/\$\{\$+#{id}\}/, Name::Variable
+ rule %r/\$+#{id}/, Name::Variable
+ end
+ state :whitespace do
rule %r/\s+/, Text
- rule %r/,/, Operator
- rule %r/\}/, Operator, :pop!
- rule %r/(as)(\s+)(#{id})/i do
- groups Keyword, Text, Name
- end
- rule %r/#{id}/, Name::Namespace
+ rule %r/#.*?$/, Comment::Single
+ rule %r(//.*?$), Comment::Single
+ rule %r(/\*\*(?!/).*?\*/)m, Comment::Doc
+ rule %r(/\*.*?\*/)m, Comment::Multiline
- state :funcname do
- rule %r/#{id}/, Name::Function, :pop!
+ state :root do
+ rule %r/<\?(php|=)?/i, Comment::Preproc, :php
+ rule(/.*?(?=<\?)|.*/m) { delegate parent }
- state :string do
- rule %r/"/, Str::Double, :pop!
- rule %r/[^\\{$"]+/, Str::Double
- rule %r/\\u\{[0-9a-fA-F]+\}/, Str::Escape
- rule %r/\\([efrntv\"$\\]|[0-7]{1,3}|[xX][0-9a-fA-F]{1,2})/,
- Str::Escape
- rule %r/\$#{id}(\[\S+\]|->#{id})?/, Name::Variable
+ state :php do
+ mixin :escape
- rule %r/\{\$\{/, Str::Interpol, :interp_double
- rule %r/\{(?=\$)/, Str::Interpol, :interp_single
- rule %r/(\{)(\S+)(\})/ do
- groups Str::Interpol, Name::Variable, Str::Interpol
+ mixin :whitespace
+ mixin :variables
+ mixin :values
+ rule %r/(namespace)
+ (\s+)
+ (#{id_with_ns})/ix do |m|
+ groups Keyword::Namespace, Text, Name::Namespace
- rule %r/[${\\]+/, Str::Double
+ rule %r/(class|interface|trait|extends|implements)
+ (\s+)
+ (#{id_with_ns})/ix do |m|
+ groups Keyword::Declaration, Text, Name::Class
+ end
+ mixin :names
+ rule %r/[;,\(\)\{\}\[\]]/, Punctuation
+ mixin :operators
+ rule %r/[=?]/, Operator
- state :interp_double do
- rule %r/\}\}/, Str::Interpol, :pop!
+ state :in_assign do
+ rule %r/,/, Punctuation, :pop!
+ rule %r/[\[\]]/, Punctuation
+ rule %r/\(/, Punctuation, :in_assign_function
+ mixin :escape
+ mixin :whitespace
+ mixin :values
+ mixin :variables
+ mixin :names
+ mixin :operators
+ mixin :return
+ end
+ state :in_assign_function do
+ rule %r/\)/, Punctuation, :pop!
+ rule %r/,/, Punctuation
+ mixin :in_assign
+ end
+ state :in_catch do
+ rule %r/\(/, Punctuation
+ rule %r/\|/, Operator
+ rule id, Name::Class
+ mixin :escape
+ mixin :whitespace
+ mixin :return
+ end
+ state :in_const do
+ rule id, Name::Constant
+ rule %r/=/, Operator, :in_assign
+ mixin :escape
+ mixin :whitespace
+ mixin :return
+ end
+ state :in_function_body do
+ rule %r/{/, Punctuation, :push
+ rule %r/}/, Punctuation, :pop!
mixin :php
- state :interp_single do
- rule %r/\}/, Str::Interpol, :pop!
+ state :in_function_name do
+ rule %r/&/, Operator
+ rule id, Name
+ rule %r/\(/, Punctuation, :pop!
+ mixin :escape
+ mixin :whitespace
+ mixin :return
+ end
+ state :in_function_params do
+ rule %r/\)/, Punctuation, :pop!
+ rule %r/,/, Punctuation
+ rule %r/[.]{3}/, Punctuation
+ rule %r/=/, Operator, :in_assign
+ rule %r/\??#{id}/, Keyword::Type, :in_assign
+ mixin :escape
+ mixin :whitespace
+ mixin :variables
+ mixin :return
+ end
+ state :in_function_return do
+ rule %r/:/, Punctuation
+ rule %r/use\b/i, Keyword, :in_function_use
+ rule %r/\??#{id}/, Keyword::Type, :in_assign
+ rule %r/\{/ do
+ token Punctuation
+ goto :in_function_body
+ end
+ mixin :escape
+ mixin :whitespace
+ mixin :return
+ end
+ state :in_function_use do
+ rule %r/[,\(]/, Punctuation
+ rule %r/&/, Operator
+ rule %r/\)/, Punctuation, :pop!
+ mixin :escape
+ mixin :whitespace
+ mixin :variables
+ mixin :return
+ end
+ state :in_new do
+ rule %r/class\b/i do
+ token Keyword::Declaration
+ goto :in_new_class
+ end
+ rule id_with_ns, Name::Class, :pop!
+ mixin :escape
+ mixin :whitespace
+ mixin :return
+ end
+ state :in_new_class do
+ rule %r/\}/, Punctuation, :pop!
+ rule %r/\{/, Punctuation
mixin :php
+ end
+ state :in_use do
+ rule %r/[,\}]/, Punctuation
+ rule %r/(function|const)\b/i, Keyword
+ rule %r/(#{ns})(\{)/ do
+ groups Name::Namespace, Punctuation
+ end
+ rule %r/#{id_with_ns}(_#{id})+/, Name::Function
+ mixin :escape
+ mixin :whitespace
+ mixin :names
+ mixin :return
+ end
+ state :in_visibility do
+ rule %r/(?=(abstract|const|function|static)\b)/i, Keyword, :pop!
+ rule %r/\??#{id}/, Keyword::Type, :pop!
+ mixin :escape
+ mixin :whitespace
+ mixin :return