lib/rouge/lexers/php.rb in rouge-0.2.6 vs lib/rouge/lexers/php.rb in rouge-0.2.7
- old
+ new
@@ -41,21 +41,23 @@
start do
push :php if start_inline?
- keywords = %w(
- and E_PARSE old_function E_ERROR or as E_WARNING parent eval
- PHP_OS break exit case extends PHP_VERSION cfunction FALSE
- print for require continue foreach require_once declare return
- default static do switch die stdClass echo else TRUE elseif
- var empty if xor enddeclare include virtual endfor include_once
- while endforeach global __FILE__ endif list __LINE__ endswitch
- new __sleep endwhile not array __wakeup E_ALL NULL final
- php_user_filter interface implements public private protected
- abstract clone try catch throw this use namespace
- )
+ def self.keywords
+ @keywords ||= %w(
+ and E_PARSE old_function E_ERROR or as E_WARNING parent eval
+ PHP_OS break exit case extends PHP_VERSION cfunction FALSE
+ print for require continue foreach require_once declare return
+ default static do switch die stdClass echo else TRUE elseif
+ var empty if xor enddeclare include virtual endfor include_once
+ while endforeach global __FILE__ endif list __LINE__ endswitch
+ new __sleep endwhile not array __wakeup E_ALL NULL final
+ php_user_filter interface implements public private protected
+ abstract clone try catch throw this use namespace
+ )
+ end
state :root do
rule /<\?(php|=)?/, 'Comment.Preproc', :php
rule(/.*?(?=<\?)|.*/m) { delegate parent }
@@ -91,18 +93,27 @@
rule /(const)(\s+)([a-zA-Z_]\w*)/i do
group 'Keyword'; group 'Text'; group 'Name.Constant'
- rule /(?:#{keywords.join('|')})\b/, 'Keyword'
rule /(true|false|null)\b/, 'Keyword.Constant'
rule /\$\{\$+[a-z_]\w*\}/i, 'Name.Variable'
rule /\$+[a-z_]\w*/i, 'Name.Variable'
# may be intercepted for builtin highlighting
- rule /[\\a-z_][\\\w]*/i, 'Name.Other'
+ rule /[\\a-z_][\\\w]*/i do |m|
+ name = m[0]
+ if self.class.keywords.include? name
+ token 'Keyword'
+ elsif self.builtins.include? name
+ token 'Name.Builtin'
+ else
+ token 'Name.Other'
+ end
+ end
rule /(\d+\.\d*|\d*\.\d+)(e[+-]?\d+)?/i, 'Literal.Number.Float'
rule /\d+e[+-]?\d+/i, 'Literal.Number.Float'
rule /0[0-7]+/, 'Literal.Number.Oct'
rule /0x[a-f0-9]+/i, 'Literal.Number.Hex'
rule /\d+/, 'Literal.Number.Integer'
@@ -143,15 +154,9 @@
state :interp_single do
rule /\}/, 'Literal.String.Interpol', :pop!
mixin :php
- end
- postprocess 'Name.Other' do |tok, val|
- tok = 'Name.Builtin' if builtins.include? val
- token tok, val