lib/rouge/lexers/mosel.rb in rouge-3.4.1 vs lib/rouge/lexers/mosel.rb in rouge-3.5.0
- old
+ new
@@ -164,11 +164,11 @@
mmjobs_parameters = %w(conntmpl defaultnode fsrvdelay fsrvnbiter fsrvport jobid keepalive nodenumber parentnumber)
state :whitespace do
# Spaces
- rule /\s+/m, Text
+ rule %r/\s+/m, Text
# ! Comments
rule %r((!).*$\n?), Comment::Single
# (! Comments !)
rule %r(\(!.*?!\))m, Comment::Multiline
@@ -180,46 +180,46 @@
# character (\a \b \f \n \r \t \v \xxx with xxx being the character code as an octal number).
# Each sequence is replaced by the corresponding control character (e.g. \n is the `new line' command) or, if no control character exists, by the second character of the sequence itself (e.g. \\ is replaced by '\').
# The escape sequences are not interpreted if they are contained in strings that are enclosed in single quotes.
state :single_quotes do
- rule /'/, Str::Single, :pop!
- rule /[^']+/, Str::Single
+ rule %r/'/, Str::Single, :pop!
+ rule %r/[^']+/, Str::Single
state :double_quotes do
- rule /"/, Str::Double, :pop!
- rule /(\\"|\\[0-7]{1,3}\D|\\[abfnrtv]|\\\\)/, Str::Escape
- rule /[^"]/, Str::Double
+ rule %r/"/, Str::Double, :pop!
+ rule %r/(\\"|\\[0-7]{1,3}\D|\\[abfnrtv]|\\\\)/, Str::Escape
+ rule %r/[^"]/, Str::Double
state :base do
rule %r{"}, Str::Double, :double_quotes
rule %r{'}, Str::Single, :single_quotes
rule %r{((0(x|X)[0-9a-fA-F]*)|(([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)|(\.[0-9]+))((e|E)(\+|-)?[0-9]+)?)(L|l|UL|ul|u|U|F|f|ll|LL|ull|ULL)?}, Num
rule %r{[~!@#\$%\^&\*\(\)\+`\-={}\[\]:;<>\?,\.\/\|\\]}, Punctuation
# rule %r{'([^']|'')*'}, Str
-# rule /"(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"/, Str
+# rule %r/"(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"/, Str
- rule /(true|false)\b/i, Name::Builtin
- rule /\b(#{core_keywords.join('|')})\b/i, Keyword
- rule /\b(#{core_functions.join('|')})\b/, Name::Builtin
+ rule %r/(true|false)\b/i, Name::Builtin
+ rule %r/\b(#{core_keywords.join('|')})\b/i, Keyword
+ rule %r/\b(#{core_functions.join('|')})\b/, Name::Builtin
- rule /\b(#{mmxprs_functions.join('|')})\b/, Name::Function
- rule /\b(#{mmxpres_constants.join('|')})\b/, Name::Constant
- rule /\b(#{mmxprs_parameters.join('|')})\b/i, Name::Property
+ rule %r/\b(#{mmxprs_functions.join('|')})\b/, Name::Function
+ rule %r/\b(#{mmxpres_constants.join('|')})\b/, Name::Constant
+ rule %r/\b(#{mmxprs_parameters.join('|')})\b/i, Name::Property
- rule /\b(#{mmsystem_functions.join('|')})\b/i, Name::Function
- rule /\b(#{mmsystem_parameters.join('|')})\b/, Name::Property
+ rule %r/\b(#{mmsystem_functions.join('|')})\b/i, Name::Function
+ rule %r/\b(#{mmsystem_parameters.join('|')})\b/, Name::Property
- rule /\b(#{mmjobs_functions.join('|')})\b/i, Name::Function
- rule /\b(#{mmjobs_parameters.join('|')})\b/, Name::Property
+ rule %r/\b(#{mmjobs_functions.join('|')})\b/i, Name::Function
+ rule %r/\b(#{mmjobs_parameters.join('|')})\b/, Name::Property
rule id, Name
state :root do