lib/rouge/lexers/coffeescript.rb in rouge-3.3.0 vs lib/rouge/lexers/coffeescript.rb in rouge-3.4.0
- old
+ new
@@ -16,16 +16,24 @@
return true if text.shebang? 'coffee'
def self.keywords
@keywords ||= %w(
- for in of while break return continue switch when then if else
- throw try catch finally new delete typeof instanceof super
- extends this class by
+ for by while until loop break continue return
+ switch when then if else do yield throw try catch finally await
+ new delete typeof instanceof super extends this class
+ import export debugger
+ def self.reserved
+ @reserved ||= %w(
+ case function var void with const let enum
+ native implements interface package private protected public static
+ )
+ end
def self.constants
@constants ||= %w(
true false yes no on off null NaN Infinity undefined
@@ -41,11 +49,11 @@
id = /[$a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/
state :comments_and_whitespace do
rule /\s+/m, Text
- rule /###\s*\n.*?###/m, Comment::Multiline
+ rule /###[^#].*?###/m, Comment::Multiline
rule /#.*$/, Comment::Single
state :multiline_regex do
# this order is important, so that #{ isn't interpreted
@@ -75,11 +83,11 @@
state :root do
rule(%r(^(?=\s|/|<!--))) { push :slash_starts_regex }
mixin :comments_and_whitespace
rule %r(
- [+][+]|--|~|&&|\band\b|\bor\b|\bis\b|\bisnt\b|\bnot\b|[?]|:|=|
- [|][|]|\\(?=\n)|(<<|>>>?|==?|!=?|[-<>+*`%&|^/])=?
+ [+][+]|--|~|&&|\band\b|\bor\b|\bis\b|\bisnt\b|\bnot\b|\bin\b|\bof\b|
+ [?]|:|=|[|][|]|\\(?=\n)|(<<|>>>?|==?|!=?|[-<>+*`%&|^/])=?
)x, Operator, :slash_starts_regex
rule /[-=]>/, Name::Function
rule /(@)([ \t]*)(#{id})/ do