lib/rouge/formatters/html.rb in rouge-0.4.0 vs lib/rouge/formatters/html.rb in rouge-0.5.0
- old
+ new
@@ -20,13 +20,13 @@
# useful for formats in which stylesheets are not available.
# Content will be wrapped in a `<pre>` tag with the given
# `:css_class` unless `:wrap` is set to `false`.
def initialize(opts={})
- @css_class = opts[:css_class] || 'highlight'
- @line_numbers = opts.fetch(:line_numbers) { false }
- @inline_theme = opts.fetch(:inline_theme) { nil }
+ @css_class = opts.fetch(:css_class, 'highlight')
+ @line_numbers = opts.fetch(:line_numbers, false)
+ @inline_theme = opts.fetch(:inline_theme, nil)
@wrap = opts.fetch(:wrap, true)
# @yield the html output.
def stream(tokens, &b)
@@ -46,19 +46,24 @@
yield '</pre>' if @wrap
def stream_tableized(tokens, &b)
num_lines = 0
- code = ''
+ last_val = ''
+ formatted = ''
tokens.each do |tok, val|
+ last_val = val
num_lines += val.scan(/\n/).size
- span(tok, val) { |str| code << str }
+ span(tok, val) { |str| formatted << str }
- # add an extra line number for non-newline-terminated strings
- num_lines += 1 if code[-1] != "\n"
+ # add an extra line for non-newline-terminated strings
+ if last_val[-1] != "\n"
+ num_lines += 1
+ span(Token::Tokens::Text::Whitespace, "\n") { |str| formatted << str }
+ end
# generate a string of newline-separated line numbers for the gutter
numbers = do |x|
%<<div class="lineno">#{x+1}</div>>
@@ -70,10 +75,10 @@
yield '<td class="gutter gl">'
yield numbers
yield '</td>'
yield '<td class="code">'
- yield code
+ yield formatted
yield '</td>'
yield '</tr></tbody></table>'
yield '</pre>' if @wrap