lib/rouge/cli.rb in rouge-3.1.1 vs lib/rouge/cli.rb in rouge-3.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -302,10 +302,12 @@
return enum_for(:doc) unless block_given?
yield %|usage: rougify style [<theme-name>] [<options>]|
yield %||
yield %|Print CSS styles for the given theme. Extra options are|
- yield %|passed to the theme. Theme defaults to thankful_eyes.|
+ yield %|passed to the theme. To select a mode (light/dark) for the|
+ yield %|theme, append '.light' or '.dark' to the <theme-name>|
+ yield %|respectively. Theme defaults to thankful_eyes.|
yield %||
yield %|options:|
yield %| --scope (default: .highlight) a css selector to scope by|
yield %||
yield %|available themes:|