lib/boot.rg in rouge-lang-0.0.4 vs lib/boot.rg in rouge-lang-0.0.5
- old
+ new
@@ -29,22 +29,23 @@
(defmacro lazy-seq [& body]
`(Rouge.Seq.Lazy. (fn [] ~@body)))
(defn reduce [f coll]
- (.inject (.to_a coll) | f))
+ (.inject (.to_a (seq coll)) | f))
(defmacro when [cond & body]
`(if ~cond
(defn cons [head tail]
(Rouge.Seq.Cons. head tail))
(defn count [coll]
- (.count coll))
+ (let [s (seq coll)]
+ (if s (.count s) 0)))
(defn = [a b]
(.== a b))
(defn nil? [x]
@@ -70,14 +71,15 @@
(or (nil? coll)
(= 0 (count coll))))
(defn map [f coll]
- (if (empty? coll)
- nil
- (let [[hd & tl] coll]
- (cons (f hd) (map f tl))))))
+ (let [s (seq coll)]
+ (if (empty? s)
+ nil
+ (let [[hd & tl] s]
+ (cons (f hd) (map f tl)))))))
(defn str [& args]
(let [args (.to_a (map .to_s args))]
(.join args "")))
@@ -92,10 +94,13 @@
(.print Kernel (apply str args) "\n"))
(defn class [object]
(.class object))
+(defn class? [obj class]
+ (.is_a? obj class))
(defn sequential? [coll]
(or (.is_a? coll Rouge.Seq.ISeq)
(.is_a? coll Array)))
(defn not [bool]
@@ -360,9 +365,87 @@
(defn sort-by [keyfn coll]
(-> coll
(.sort_by | keyfn)))
+(defn to-array [coll]
+ "Returns an array of (seq coll)."
+ (.to_a (seq coll)))
+(defmacro cond
+ ([])
+ ([test result & rest]
+ `(if ~test ~result (cond ~@rest))))
+(ns ^{:doc "Implemenations of functions from clojure.string."}
+ rouge.string
+ (:use rouge.core ruby))
+(defn blank? [s]
+ "Returns true if s is falsy, empty, or contains only whitespace."
+ (if s
+ (if (or (= (.length s) 0)
+ true
+ (if (.all? (to-array s) | #(.match #"\s" %))
+ true
+ false))
+ false)))
+(defn lower-case [s]
+ "Converts the characters in string s to all lower-case."
+ (.downcase s))
+(defn upper-case [s]
+ "Converts the string s to all upper-case."
+ (.upcase s))
+(defn capitalize [s]
+ "Converts a string to all lower-case with the first character capitalized"
+ (-> s .downcase .capitalize))
+(defn trim [s]
+ "Removes all leading and trailing whitespace characters from the string s."
+ (.strip s))
+(defn ltrim [s]
+ "Removes all leading whitespace characters from the string s."
+ (.lstrip s))
+(defn rtrim [s]
+ "Removes all trailing whitespace characters from the string s."
+ (.rstrip s))
+(defn trim-newline [s]
+ "Removes all trailing newline characters from the string s."
+ (.sub s #"(\n|\r)*$" ""))
+(defn split [s delimiter]
+ "Splits a string s in to substrings based on delimiter. The delimiter may be
+ either another string or regular expression."
+ (.split s delimiter))
+(defn split-lines [s]
+ "Split the string s in to substrings at new lines."
+ (.split s #"\n|\r"))
+(defn join [separator coll]
+ "Returns a string in which all elements in coll are joined by the separator."
+ (.join (to-array coll) separator))
+(defn reverse [s]
+ "Returns the string s with it's characters in reverse order."
+ (.reverse s))
+;; TODO
+#_(defn escape [s cmap])
+;; TODO
+#_(defn replace [s match replacement])
+;; TODO
+#_(defn replace-first [s match replacement])
(ns rouge.test
(:use rouge.core ruby))
(def ^:dynamic *test-level* [])