man/ronn.1 in ronn-ng-0.9.0 vs man/ronn.1 in ronn-ng-0.9.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-.\" generated with Ronn-NG/v0.9.0
-.TH "RONN" "1" "December 2019" "Ronn-NG 0.9.0" "Ronn Manual"
+.\" generated with Ronn-NG/v0.9.1
+.TH "RONN" "1" "January 2020" "Ronn-NG 0.9.1" "Ronn Manual"
\fBronn\fR \- convert markdown files to manpages
\fBronn\fR [\fIformat\fR\|\.\|\.\|\.] \fIfile\fR\|\.\|\.\|\.
@@ -11,10 +11,12 @@
\fBronn\fR \fB\-S\fR|\fB\-\-server\fR \fIfile\fR\|\.\|\.\|\.
\fBronn\fR \fB\-\-pipe\fR \fIfile\fR
\fBronn\fR < \fIfile\fR
+\fBronn\fR \fB\-E\fR|\fB\-\-encoding\fR \fIencoding\fR \|\.\|\.\|\.
\fBRonn\fR converts textfiles to standard roff\-formatted Unix manpages or HTML\. ronn\-format(7) is based on markdown(7) but includes additional rules and syntax geared toward authoring manuals\.
In its default mode, \fBronn\fR converts one or more input \fIfile\fRs to HTML or roff output files\. The \fB\-\-roff\fR, \fB\-\-html\fR, and \fB\-\-fragment\fR options dictate which output files are generated\. Multiple format arguments may be specified to generate multiple output files\. Output files are named after and written to the same directory as input \fIfile\fRs\.
@@ -22,27 +24,31 @@
With no \fIfile\fR arguments, \fBronn\fR acts as simple filter\. Ronn source text is read from standard input and roff output is written to standard output\. Use the \fB\-\-html\fR, \fB\-\-roff\fR, and/or \fB\-\-fragment\fR options to select the output format\.
The \fBronn\fR command expects input to be valid ronn\-format(7) text\. Source files are typically named \fIname\fR\.\fIsection\fR\.ronn (e\.g\., \fBexample\.1\.ronn\fR)\. The \fIname\fR and \fIsection\fR should match the name and section defined in the \fIfile\fR\'s heading\.
+Source files must be in UTF\-8 encoding, or the encoding specified by the \fB\-E\fR/\fB\-\-encoding\fR option, regardless of the locale that \fBronn\fR is running under\.
When building roff or HTML output files, destination filenames are determined by taking the basename of the input \fIfile\fR and adding the appropriate file extension (or removing the file extension in the case of roff output)\. For example, executing \fBronn example\.1\.ronn\fR generates \fBexample\.1\fR with roff output and \fBexample\.1\.html\fR with HTML output\.
These options control whether output is written to file(s), standard output, or directly to a man pager\.
.IP "\[ci]" 4
\fB\-m\fR, \fB\-\-man\fR: Don\'t generate files, display \fIfile\fRs as if man(1) were invoked on the roff output file\. This simulates default man behavior by piping the roff output through groff(1) and the paging program specified by the \fBMANPAGER\fR environment variable\.
.IP "\[ci]" 4
-\fB\-S\fR, \fB\-\-server\fR: Don\'t generate files, start an HTTP server at \fI\%http://localhost:1207/\fR and serve dynamically generated HTML for the set of input \fIfile\fRs\. A file named \fIexample\.2\.ronn\fR is served as \fI/example\.2\.html\fR\. There\'s also an index page at the root with links to each \fIfile\fR\.
+\fB\-S\fR, \fB\-\-server\fR: Don\'t generate files, start an HTTP server at \fIhttp://localhost:1207/\fR and serve dynamically generated HTML for the set of input \fIfile\fRs\. A file named \fIexample\.2\.ronn\fR is served as \fI/example\.2\.html\fR\. There\'s also an index page at the root with links to each \fIfile\fR\.
The server respects the \fB\-\-style\fR and document attribute options (\fB\-\-manual\fR, \fB\-\-date\fR, etc\.)\. These same options can be varied at request time by giving them as query parameters: \fB?manual=FOO&style=dark,toc\fR
\fINOTE: The builtin server is designed to assist in the process of writing and styling manuals\. It is in no way recommended as a general purpose web server\.\fR
.IP "\[ci]" 4
\fB\-\-port\fR=\fIport\fR When used with \fB\-S\fR/\fB\-\-server\fR, runs the server at the specified port instead of the default port 1207\.
.IP "\[ci]" 4
\fB\-\-pipe\fR: Don\'t generate files, write generated output to standard output\. This is the default behavior when ronn source text is piped in on standard input and no \fIfile\fR arguments are provided\.
.IP "\[ci]" 4
\fB\-o\fR=\fIdirectory\fR, \fB\-\-output\-dir\fR=\fIdirectory\fR: Write generated files to the specified directory instead of the default location\.
+.IP "\[ci]" 4
+\fB\-E\fR=\fIencoding\fR, \fB\-\-encoding\fR=<encoding: Specify the encoding that input files are in\. Default is UTF\-8, regardless of user\'s locale settings\. Input sent to STDIN is always treated as UTF\-8, regardless of whether \fB\-E\fR is passed\.
.IP "" 0
Format options control the files \fBronn\fR generates, or the output format when the \fB\-\-pipe\fR argument is specified\. When no format options are given, both \fB\-\-roff\fR and \fB\-\-html\fR are assumed\.
\fB\-r\fR, \fB\-\-roff\fR
@@ -52,11 +58,11 @@
Generate output in HTML format\.
\fB\-f\fR, \fB\-\-fragment\fR
Generate output in HTML format but only the document fragment, not the header, title, or footer\.
-Document attributes displayed in the header and footer areas of generated content are specified with these options\. (These values may also be set via the \fI\%#ENVIRONMENT\fR\.)
+Document attributes displayed in the header and footer areas of generated content are specified with these options\. (These values may also be set via the \fIENVIRONMENT\fR\.)
The name of the manual this man page belongs to; \fImanual\fR is prominently displayed top\-center in the header area\.
@@ -68,15 +74,15 @@
HTML output can be customized through the use of CSS stylesheets:
The list of CSS stylesheets to apply to the document\. Multiple \fImodule\fR arguments may be specified, but must be separated by commas or spaces\.
-When \fImodule\fR is a simple word, search for files named \fImodule\fR\fB\.css\fR in all directories listed in the \fI\%#ENVIRONMENT\fR environment variable, and then search internal styles\.
+When \fImodule\fR is a simple word, search for files named \fImodule\fR\fB\.css\fR in all directories listed in the \fI\fBRONN_STYLE\fR\fR environment variable, and then search internal styles\.
When \fImodule\fR includes a \fI/\fR character, use it as the full path to a stylesheet file\.
-Internal styles are \fIman\fR (included by default), \fItoc\fR, and \fI80c\fR\. See \fI\%#STYLES\fR for descriptions of features added by each module\.
+Internal styles are \fIman\fR (included by default), \fItoc\fR, and \fI80c\fR\. See \fISTYLES\fR for descriptions of features added by each module\.
Miscellaneous options:
\fB\-w\fR, \fB\-\-warnings\fR
Show troff warnings on standard error when performing roff conversion\. Warnings are most often the result of a bug in ronn\'s HTML to roff conversion logic\.
@@ -141,11 +147,11 @@
The heading and footing, respectively\.
The main \fB<h1>\fR element\. Hidden by default unless the manual has no \fIname\fR or \fIsection\fR attributes\.
-See the builtin style sources \fI\%http://github\.com/apjanke/ronn\-ng/tree/master/lib/ronn/template\fR for examples\.
+See the builtin style sources \fIhttp://github\.com/apjanke/ronn\-ng/tree/master/lib/ronn/template\fR for examples\.
Build roff and HTML output files and view the roff manpage using man(1):
.IP "" 4
$ ronn some\-great\-program\.1\.ronn
@@ -187,11 +193,11 @@
$ ronn \-\-man hello\.1\.ronn
.IP "" 0
-Serve HTML manpages at \fI\%http://localhost:1207/\fR for all \fB*\.ronn\fR files under a \fBman/\fR directory:
+Serve HTML manpages at \fIhttp://localhost:1207/\fR for all \fB*\.ronn\fR files under a \fBman/\fR directory:
.IP "" 4
$ ronn \-\-server man/*\.ronn
$ open http://localhost:1207/
@@ -214,8 +220,8 @@
The paging program used for man pages\. This is typically set to something like \'less \-is\'\.
Used instead of \fBMANPAGER\fR when \fBMANPAGER\fR is not defined\.
-Ronn\-NG is Copyright (C) 2009 Ryan Tomayko \fI\%http://tomayko\.com/about\fR and (C) 2018 Andrew Janke \fI\%https://apjanke\.net\fR
+Ronn\-NG is Copyright (C) 2009 Ryan Tomayko \fIhttp://tomayko\.com/about\fR and (C) 2018 Andrew Janke \fIhttps://apjanke\.net\fR
groff(1), man(1), pandoc(1), manpages(5), markdown(7), roff(7), ronn\-format(7)