lib/ronin/network/dns.rb in ronin-support-0.4.1 vs lib/ronin/network/dns.rb in ronin-support-0.5.0.rc1
- old
+ new
@@ -40,11 +40,11 @@
# Sets the DNS nameserver to be queried.
- # @param [IPAddr, String, nil]
+ # @param [IPAddr, String, nil] address
# The address of the nameserver.
# @return [String, nil]
# The address of the new nameserver.
@@ -82,22 +82,32 @@
# The hostname to lookup.
# @param [String, nil] nameserver
# Optional DNS nameserver to query.
+ # @yield [address]
+ # If a block is given and the hostname was resolved, the address will
+ # be passed to the block.
+ #
+ # @yieldparam [String] address
+ # The address of the hostname.
+ #
# @return [String, nil]
# The address of the hostname.
# @api public
def dns_lookup(hostname,nameserver=DNS.nameserver)
- resolv = dns_resolver(nameserver)
+ hostname = hostname.to_s
+ resolv = dns_resolver(nameserver)
+ address = begin
+ resolv.getaddress(hostname).to_s
+ rescue Resolv::ResolvError
+ end
- begin
- resolv.getaddress(hostname.to_s).to_s
- rescue Resolv::ResolvError
- end
+ yield(address) if (block_given? && address)
+ return address
# Looks up all addresses of a hostname.
@@ -105,17 +115,28 @@
# The hostname to lookup.
# @param [String, nil] nameserver
# Optional DNS nameserver to query.
+ # @yield [address]
+ # If a block is given, each resolved address will be passed to the
+ # block.
+ #
+ # @yieldparam [String] address
+ # A address of the hostname.
+ #
# @return [Array<String>]
# The addresses of the hostname.
# @api public
- def dns_lookup_all(hostname,nameserver=DNS.nameserver)
- dns_resolver(nameserver).getaddresses(hostname.to_s).map(&:to_s)
+ def dns_lookup_all(hostname,nameserver=DNS.nameserver,&block)
+ hostname = hostname.to_s
+ addresses = dns_resolver(nameserver).getaddresses(hostname).map(&:to_s)
+ addresses.each(&block) if block
+ return addresses
# Looks up the hostname of the address.
@@ -123,22 +144,32 @@
# The address to lookup.
# @param [String, nil] nameserver
# Optional DNS nameserver to query.
+ # @yield [hostname]
+ # If a block is given and a hostname was found for the address,
+ # the resolved hostname will be passed to the block.
+ #
+ # @yieldparam [String] hostname
+ # The hostname of the address.
+ #
# @return [String, nil]
# The hostname of the address.
# @api public
def dns_reverse_lookup(address,nameserver=DNS.nameserver)
- resolv = dns_resolver(nameserver)
+ address = address.to_s
+ resolv = dns_resolver(nameserver)
+ hostname = begin
+ resolv.getname(address).to_s
+ rescue Resolv::ResolvError
+ end
- begin
- resolv.getname(address.to_s).to_s
- rescue Resolv::ResolvError
- end
+ yield(hostname) if (block_given? && hostname)
+ return hostname
# Looks up all hostnames associated with the address.
@@ -146,16 +177,27 @@
# The address to lookup.
# @param [String, nil] nameserver
# Optional DNS nameserver to query.
+ # @yield [hostname]
+ # If a block is given and hostnames were found for the address,
+ # each hostname will be passed to the block.
+ #
+ # @yieldparam [String] hostname
+ # A hostname of the address.
+ #
# @return [Array<String>]
# The hostnames of the address.
# @api public
- def dns_reverse_lookup_all(address,nameserver=DNS.nameserver)
- dns_resolver(nameserver).getnames(address.to_s).map(&:to_s)
+ def dns_reverse_lookup_all(address,nameserver=DNS.nameserver,&block)
+ address = address.to_s
+ hostnames = dns_resolver(nameserver).getnames(address).map(&:to_s)
+ hostnames.each(&block) if block
+ return hostnames