lib/rom/struct.rb in rom-repository-1.0.0.beta3 vs lib/rom/struct.rb in rom-repository-1.0.0.rc1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,10 +1,48 @@
require 'dry/struct'
module ROM
- # Simple data-struct
+ # Simple data-struct class
- # By default mappers use this as the model
+ # ROM structs are plain data structures loaded by repositories.
+ # They implement Hash protocol which means that they can be used
+ # in places where Hash-like objects are supported.
+ #
+ # Repositories define subclasses of ROM::Struct automatically, they are not
+ # defined as constants in any module, instead, generated mappers are configured
+ # to use anonymous struct classes as models.
+ #
+ # Structs are based on dry-struct gem, they include `schema` with detailed information
+ # about attribute types returned from relations, thus can be introspected to build
+ # additional functionality when desired.
+ #
+ # @example accessing relation struct model
+ # rom = ROM.container(:sql, 'sqlite::memory') do |conf|
+ # conf.default.create_table(:users) do
+ # primary_key :id
+ # column :name, String
+ # end
+ # end
+ #
+ # class UserRepo < ROM::Repository[:users]
+ # end
+ #
+ # user_repo =
+ #
+ # # get auto-generated User struct
+ # model = user_repo.users.mapper.model
+ # # => ROM::Struct[User]
+ #
+ # # see struct's schema attributes
+ #
+ # # model.schema[:id]
+ # # => #<Dry::Types::Constrained type=#<Dry::Types::Definition primitive=Integer options={}> options={:rule=>#<Dry::Logic::Rule::Predicate predicate=#<Method: Module(Dry::Logic::Predicates::Methods)#gt?> options={:args=>[0]}>, :meta=>{:primary_key=>true, :name=>:id, :source=>ROM::Relation::Name(users)}} rule=#<Dry::Logic::Rule::Predicate predicate=#<Method: Module(Dry::Logic::Predicates::Methods)#gt?> options={:args=>[0]}>>
+ #
+ # model.schema[:name]
+ # # => #<Dry::Types::Sum left=#<Dry::Types::Constrained type=#<Dry::Types::Definition primitive=NilClass options={}> options={:rule=>#<Dry::Logic::Rule::Predicate predicate=#<Method: Module(Dry::Logic::Predicates::Methods)#type?> options={:args=>[NilClass]}>} rule=#<Dry::Logic::Rule::Predicate predicate=#<Method: Module(Dry::Logic::Predicates::Methods)#type?> options={:args=>[NilClass]}>> right=#<Dry::Types::Definition primitive=String options={}> options={:meta=>{:name=>:name, :source=>ROM::Relation::Name(users)}}>
+ #
+ # @see dry-struct
+ # @see dry-types
# @api public
class Struct < Dry::Struct
# Returns a short string representation