spec/rollbar_spec.rb in rollbar-1.1.0 vs spec/rollbar_spec.rb in rollbar-1.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -10,55 +10,801 @@
require 'sucker_punch/testing/inline'
rescue LoadError
describe Rollbar do
+ let(:notifier) { Rollbar.notifier }
+ context 'Notifier' do
+ context 'log' do
+ let(:exception) do
+ begin
+ foo = bar
+ rescue => e
+ e
+ end
+ end
let(:configuration) { Rollbar.configuration }
- describe '.report_exception' do
- before(:each) do
- configure
- Rollbar.configure do |config|
- config.logger = logger_mock
+ it 'should report a simple message' do
+ expect(notifier).to receive(:report).with('error', 'test message', nil, nil)
+ notifier.log('error', 'test message')
+ it 'should report a simple message with extra data' do
+ extra_data = {:key => 'value', :hash => {:inner_key => 'inner_value'}}
+ expect(notifier).to receive(:report).with('error', 'test message', nil, extra_data)
+ notifier.log('error', 'test message', extra_data)
+ end
+ it 'should report an exception' do
+ expect(notifier).to receive(:report).with('error', nil, exception, nil)
+ notifier.log('error', exception)
+ end
+ it 'should report an exception with extra data' do
+ extra_data = {:key => 'value', :hash => {:inner_key => 'inner_value'}}
+ expect(notifier).to receive(:report).with('error', nil, exception, extra_data)
+ notifier.log('error', exception, extra_data)
+ end
+ it 'should report an exception with a description' do
+ expect(notifier).to receive(:report).with('error', 'exception description', exception, nil)
+ notifier.log('error', exception, 'exception description')
+ end
+ it 'should report an exception with a description and extra data' do
+ extra_data = {:key => 'value', :hash => {:inner_key => 'inner_value'}}
+ expect(notifier).to receive(:report).with('error', 'exception description', exception, extra_data)
+ notifier.log('error', exception, extra_data, 'exception description')
+ end
+ end
+ context 'debug/info/warning/error/critical' do
+ let(:exception) do
+ begin
+ foo = bar
+ rescue => e
+ e
+ end
+ end
+ let(:extra_data) { {:key => 'value', :hash => {:inner_key => 'inner_value'}} }
+ it 'should report with a debug level' do
+ expect(notifier).to receive(:report).with('debug', nil, exception, nil)
+ notifier.debug(exception)
+ expect(notifier).to receive(:report).with('debug', 'description', exception, nil)
+ notifier.debug(exception, 'description')
+ expect(notifier).to receive(:report).with('debug', 'description', exception, extra_data)
+ notifier.debug(exception, 'description', extra_data)
+ end
+ it 'should report with an info level' do
+ expect(notifier).to receive(:report).with('info', nil, exception, nil)
+ notifier.info(exception)
+ expect(notifier).to receive(:report).with('info', 'description', exception, nil)
+ notifier.info(exception, 'description')
+ expect(notifier).to receive(:report).with('info', 'description', exception, extra_data)
+ notifier.info(exception, 'description', extra_data)
+ end
+ it 'should report with a warning level' do
+ expect(notifier).to receive(:report).with('warning', nil, exception, nil)
+ notifier.warning(exception)
+ expect(notifier).to receive(:report).with('warning', 'description', exception, nil)
+ notifier.warning(exception, 'description')
+ expect(notifier).to receive(:report).with('warning', 'description', exception, extra_data)
+ notifier.warning(exception, 'description', extra_data)
+ end
+ it 'should report with an error level' do
+ expect(notifier).to receive(:report).with('error', nil, exception, nil)
+ notifier.error(exception)
+ expect(notifier).to receive(:report).with('error', 'description', exception, nil)
+ notifier.error(exception, 'description')
+ expect(notifier).to receive(:report).with('error', 'description', exception, extra_data)
+ notifier.error(exception, 'description', extra_data)
+ end
+ it 'should report with a critical level' do
+ expect(notifier).to receive(:report).with('critical', nil, exception, nil)
+ notifier.critical(exception)
+ expect(notifier).to receive(:report).with('critical', 'description', exception, nil)
+ notifier.critical(exception, 'description')
+ expect(notifier).to receive(:report).with('critical', 'description', exception, extra_data)
+ notifier.critical(exception, 'description', extra_data)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'scope' do
+ it 'should create a new notifier object' do
+ notifier2 = notifier.scope
+ notifier2.should_not eq(notifier)
+ notifier2.should be_instance_of(Rollbar::Notifier)
+ end
+ it 'should create a copy of the parent notifier\'s configuration' do
+ notifier.configure do |config|
+ config.code_version = '123'
+ config.payload_options = {
+ :a => 'a',
+ :b => {:c => 'c'}
+ }
+ end
+ notifier2 = notifier.scope
+ notifier2.configuration.code_version.should == '123'
+ notifier2.configuration.should_not equal(notifier.configuration)
+ notifier2.configuration.payload_options.should_not equal(notifier.configuration.payload_options)
+ notifier2.configuration.payload_options.should == notifier.configuration.payload_options
+ notifier2.configuration.payload_options.should == {
+ :a => 'a',
+ :b => {:c => 'c'}
+ }
+ end
+ it 'should not modify any parent notifier configuration' do
+ configure
+ Rollbar.configuration.code_version.should be_nil
+ Rollbar.configuration.payload_options.should be_empty
+ notifier.configure do |config|
+ config.code_version = '123'
+ config.payload_options = {
+ :a => 'a',
+ :b => {:c => 'c'}
+ }
+ end
+ notifier2 = notifier.scope
+ notifier2.configure do |config|
+ config.payload_options[:c] = 'c'
+ end
+ notifier.configuration.payload_options[:c].should be_nil
+ notifier3 = notifier2.scope({
+ :b => {:c => 3, :d => 'd'}
+ })
+ notifier3.configure do |config|
+ config.code_version = '456'
+ end
+ notifier.configuration.code_version.should == '123'
+ notifier.configuration.payload_options.should == {
+ :a => 'a',
+ :b => {:c => 'c'}
+ }
+ notifier2.configuration.code_version.should == '123'
+ notifier2.configuration.payload_options.should == {
+ :a => 'a',
+ :b => {:c => 'c'},
+ :c => 'c'
+ }
+ notifier3.configuration.code_version.should == '456'
+ notifier3.configuration.payload_options.should == {
+ :a => 'a',
+ :b => {:c => 3, :d => 'd'},
+ :c => 'c'
+ }
+ Rollbar.configuration.code_version.should be_nil
+ Rollbar.configuration.payload_options.should be_empty
+ end
+ end
+ context 'report' do
+ let(:logger_mock) { double("Rails.logger").as_null_object }
+ before(:each) do
+ configure
+ Rollbar.configure do |config|
+ config.logger = logger_mock
+ end
+ end
+ after(:each) do
+ Rollbar.unconfigure
+ configure
+ end
+ it 'should reject input that doesn\'t contain an exception, message or extra data' do
+ expect(logger_mock).to receive(:error).with('[Rollbar] Tried to send a report with no message, exception or extra data.')
+ expect(notifier).not_to receive(:schedule_payload)
+ result = notifier.send(:report, 'info', nil, nil, nil)
+ result.should == 'error'
+ end
+ it 'should be ignored if the person is ignored' do
+ person_data = {
+ :id => 1,
+ :username => "test",
+ :email => "test@example.com"
+ }
+ notifier.configure do |config|
+ config.ignored_person_ids += [1]
+ config.payload_options = { :person => person_data }
+ end
+ expect(notifier).not_to receive(:schedule_payload)
+ result = notifier.send(:report, 'info', 'message', nil, nil)
+ result.should == 'ignored'
+ end
+ it 'should evaluate callables in the payload' do
+ notifier.should receive(:schedule_payload) do |payload|
+ data = payload['data']
+ data[:body][:message][:extra][:callable].should == 2
+ end
+ callable = proc { 1 + 1 }
+ notifier.send(:report, 'warning', 'message', nil, { :callable => callable })
+ end
+ end
+ context 'build_payload' do
+ after(:each) do
+ Rollbar.unconfigure
+ configure
+ end
+ context 'a basic payload' do
+ let(:extra_data) { {:key => 'value', :hash => {:inner_key => 'inner_value'}} }
+ let(:payload) { notifier.send(:build_payload, 'info', 'message', nil, extra_data) }
+ it 'should have the correct root-level keys' do
+ payload.keys.should match_array(['access_token', 'data'])
+ end
+ it 'should have the correct data keys' do
+ payload['data'].keys.should include(:timestamp, :environment, :level, :language, :framework, :server,
+ :notifier, :body)
+ end
+ it 'should have the correct notifier name and version' do
+ payload['data'][:notifier][:name].should == 'rollbar-gem'
+ payload['data'][:notifier][:version].should == Rollbar::VERSION
+ end
+ it 'should have the correct language and framework' do
+ payload['data'][:language].should == 'ruby'
+ payload['data'][:framework].should == Rollbar.configuration.framework
+ payload['data'][:framework].should match(/^Rails/)
+ end
+ it 'should have the correct server keys' do
+ payload['data'][:server].keys.should match_array([:host, :root])
+ end
+ it 'should have the correct level and message body' do
+ payload['data'][:level].should == 'info'
+ payload['data'][:body][:message][:body].should == 'message'
+ end
+ end
+ it 'should merge in a new key from payload_options' do
+ notifier.configure do |config|
+ config.payload_options = { :some_new_key => 'some new value' }
+ end
+ payload = notifier.send(:build_payload, 'info', 'message', nil, nil)
+ payload['data'][:some_new_key].should == 'some new value'
+ end
+ it 'should overwrite existing keys from payload_options' do
+ payload_options = {
+ :notifier => 'bad notifier',
+ :server => { :host => 'new host', :new_server_key => 'value' }
+ }
+ notifier.configure do |config|
+ config.payload_options = payload_options
+ end
+ payload = notifier.send(:build_payload, 'info', 'message', nil, nil)
+ payload['data'][:notifier].should == 'bad notifier'
+ payload['data'][:server][:host].should == 'new host'
+ payload['data'][:server][:root].should_not be_nil
+ payload['data'][:server][:new_server_key].should == 'value'
+ end
+ it 'should have default environment "unspecified"' do
+ Rollbar.unconfigure
+ payload = notifier.send(:build_payload, 'info', 'message', nil, nil)
+ payload['data'][:environment].should == 'unspecified'
+ end
+ it 'should have an overridden environment' do
+ Rollbar.configure do |config|
+ config.environment = 'overridden'
+ end
+ payload = notifier.send(:build_payload, 'info', 'message', nil, nil)
+ payload['data'][:environment].should == 'overridden'
+ end
+ it 'should not have custom data under default configuration' do
+ payload = notifier.send(:build_payload, 'info', 'message', nil, nil)
+ payload['data'][:body][:message][:extra].should be_nil
+ end
+ it 'should have custom message data when custom_data_method is configured' do
+ Rollbar.configure do |config|
+ config.custom_data_method = lambda { {:a => 1, :b => [2, 3, 4]} }
+ end
+ payload = notifier.send(:build_payload, 'info', 'message', nil, nil)
+ payload['data'][:body][:message][:extra].should_not be_nil
+ payload['data'][:body][:message][:extra][:a].should == 1
+ payload['data'][:body][:message][:extra][:b][2].should == 4
+ end
+ it 'should merge extra data into custom message data' do
+ custom_method = lambda do
+ { :a => 1,
+ :b => [2, 3, 4],
+ :c => { :d => 'd', :e => 'e' },
+ :f => ['1', '2']
+ }
+ end
+ Rollbar.configure do |config|
+ config.custom_data_method = custom_method
+ end
+ payload = notifier.send(:build_payload, 'info', 'message', nil, {:c => {:e => 'g'}, :f => 'f'})
+ payload['data'][:body][:message][:extra].should_not be_nil
+ payload['data'][:body][:message][:extra][:a].should == 1
+ payload['data'][:body][:message][:extra][:b][2].should == 4
+ payload['data'][:body][:message][:extra][:c][:d].should == 'd'
+ payload['data'][:body][:message][:extra][:c][:e].should == 'g'
+ payload['data'][:body][:message][:extra][:f].should == 'f'
+ end
+ it 'should include project_gem_paths' do
+ notifier.configure do |config|
+ config.project_gems = ['rails', 'rspec']
+ end
+ payload = notifier.send(:build_payload, 'info', 'message', nil, nil)
+ payload['data'][:project_package_paths].should have(2).items
+ end
+ it 'should include a code_version' do
+ notifier.configure do |config|
+ config.code_version = 'abcdef'
+ end
+ payload = notifier.send(:build_payload, 'info', 'message', nil, nil)
+ payload['data'][:code_version].should == 'abcdef'
+ end
+ it 'should have the right hostname' do
+ payload = notifier.send(:build_payload, 'info', 'message', nil, nil)
+ payload['data'][:server][:host].should == Socket.gethostname
+ end
+ it 'should have root and branch set when configured' do
+ configure
+ Rollbar.configure do |config|
+ config.root = '/path/to/root'
+ config.branch = 'master'
+ end
+ payload = notifier.send(:build_payload, 'info', 'message', nil, nil)
+ payload['data'][:server][:root].should == '/path/to/root'
+ payload['data'][:server][:branch].should == 'master'
+ end
+ end
+ context 'build_payload_body' do
+ let(:exception) do
+ begin
+ foo = bar
+ rescue => e
+ e
+ end
+ end
+ it 'should build a message body when no exception is passed in' do
+ body = notifier.send(:build_payload_body, 'message', nil, nil)
+ body[:message][:body].should == 'message'
+ body[:message][:extra].should be_nil
+ body[:trace].should be_nil
+ end
+ it 'should build a message body when no exception and extra data is passed in' do
+ body = notifier.send(:build_payload_body, 'message', nil, {:a => 'b'})
+ body[:message][:body].should == 'message'
+ body[:message][:extra].should == {:a => 'b'}
+ body[:trace].should be_nil
+ end
+ it 'should build an exception body when one is passed in' do
+ body = notifier.send(:build_payload_body, 'message', exception, nil)
+ body[:message].should be_nil
+ trace = body[:trace]
+ trace.should_not be_nil
+ trace[:extra].should be_nil
+ trace[:exception][:class].should_not be_nil
+ trace[:exception][:message].should_not be_nil
+ end
+ it 'should build an exception body when one is passed in along with extra data' do
+ body = notifier.send(:build_payload_body, 'message', exception, {:a => 'b'})
+ body[:message].should be_nil
+ trace = body[:trace]
+ trace.should_not be_nil
+ trace[:exception][:class].should_not be_nil
+ trace[:exception][:message].should_not be_nil
+ trace[:extra].should == {:a => 'b'}
+ end
+ end
+ context 'build_payload_body_exception' do
+ let(:exception) do
+ begin
+ foo = bar
+ rescue => e
+ e
+ end
+ end
+ after(:each) do
+ Rollbar.unconfigure
+ configure
+ end
+ it 'should build valid exception data' do
+ body = notifier.send(:build_payload_body_exception, nil, exception, nil)
+ body[:message].should be_nil
+ trace = body[:trace]
+ frames = trace[:frames]
+ frames.should be_a_kind_of(Array)
+ frames.each do |frame|
+ frame[:filename].should be_a_kind_of(String)
+ frame[:lineno].should be_a_kind_of(Fixnum)
+ if frame[:method]
+ frame[:method].should be_a_kind_of(String)
+ end
+ end
+ # should be NameError, but can be NoMethodError sometimes on rubinius 1.8
+ # http://yehudakatz.com/2010/01/02/the-craziest-fing-bug-ive-ever-seen/
+ trace[:exception][:class].should match(/^(NameError|NoMethodError)$/)
+ trace[:exception][:message].should match(/^(undefined local variable or method `bar'|undefined method `bar' on an instance of)/)
+ end
+ it 'should build exception data with a description' do
+ body = notifier.send(:build_payload_body_exception, 'exception description', exception, nil)
+ trace = body[:trace]
+ trace[:exception][:message].should match(/^(undefined local variable or method `bar'|undefined method `bar' on an instance of)/)
+ trace[:exception][:description].should == 'exception description'
+ end
+ it 'should build exception data with a description and extra data' do
+ extra_data = {:key => 'value', :hash => {:inner_key => 'inner_value'}}
+ body = notifier.send(:build_payload_body_exception, 'exception description', exception, extra_data)
+ trace = body[:trace]
+ trace[:exception][:message].should match(/^(undefined local variable or method `bar'|undefined method `bar' on an instance of)/)
+ trace[:exception][:description].should == 'exception description'
+ trace[:extra][:key].should == 'value'
+ trace[:extra][:hash].should == {:inner_key => 'inner_value'}
+ end
+ it 'should build exception data with a extra data' do
+ extra_data = {:key => 'value', :hash => {:inner_key => 'inner_value'}}
+ body = notifier.send(:build_payload_body_exception, nil, exception, extra_data)
+ trace = body[:trace]
+ trace[:exception][:message].should match(/^(undefined local variable or method `bar'|undefined method `bar' on an instance of)/)
+ trace[:extra][:key].should == 'value'
+ trace[:extra][:hash].should == {:inner_key => 'inner_value'}
+ end
+ context 'with nested exceptions' do
+ let(:crashing_code) do
+ proc do
+ begin
+ begin
+ fail CauseException.new('the cause')
+ rescue
+ fail StandardError.new('the error')
+ end
+ rescue => e
+ e
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ let(:rescued_exception) { crashing_code.call }
+ let(:message) { 'message' }
+ let(:extra) { {} }
+ context 'using ruby >= 2.1' do
+ next unless Exception.instance_methods.include?(:cause)
+ it 'sends the two exceptions in the trace_chain attribute' do
+ body = notifier.send(:build_payload_body_exception, message, rescued_exception, extra)
+ body[:trace].should be_nil
+ body[:trace_chain].should be_kind_of(Array)
+ chain = body[:trace_chain]
+ chain[0][:exception][:class].should match(/StandardError/)
+ chain[0][:exception][:message].should match(/the error/)
+ chain[1][:exception][:class].should match(/CauseException/)
+ chain[1][:exception][:message].should match(/the cause/)
+ end
+ context 'using ruby <= 2.1' do
+ next if Exception.instance_methods.include?(:cause)
+ it 'sends only the last exception in the trace attribute' do
+ body = notifier.send(:build_payload_body_exception, message, rescued_exception, extra)
+ body[:trace].should be_kind_of(Hash)
+ body[:trace_chain].should be_nil
+ body[:trace][:exception][:class].should match(/StandardError/)
+ body[:trace][:exception][:message].should match(/the error/)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context 'build_payload_body_message' do
+ it 'should build a message' do
+ body = notifier.send(:build_payload_body_message, 'message', nil)
+ body[:message][:body].should == 'message'
+ body[:trace].should be_nil
+ end
+ it 'should build a message with extra data' do
+ extra_data = {:key => 'value', :hash => {:inner_key => 'inner_value'}}
+ body = notifier.send(:build_payload_body_message, 'message', extra_data)
+ body[:message][:body].should == 'message'
+ body[:message][:extra][:key].should == 'value'
+ body[:message][:extra][:hash].should == {:inner_key => 'inner_value'}
+ end
+ it 'should build an empty message with extra data' do
+ extra_data = {:key => 'value', :hash => {:inner_key => 'inner_value'}}
+ body = notifier.send(:build_payload_body_message, nil, extra_data)
+ body[:message][:body].should == 'Empty message'
+ body[:message][:extra][:key].should == 'value'
+ body[:message][:extra][:hash].should == {:inner_key => 'inner_value'}
+ end
+ end
+ context 'evaluate_payload' do
+ let(:notifier) do
+ notifier = Rollbar.notifier
+ notifier.configure do |config|
+ config.logger = logger_mock
+ end
+ notifier
+ end
+ let(:logger_mock) { double("Rails.logger").as_null_object }
+ before(:each) do
+ configure
+ notifier.configure do |config|
+ config.logger = logger_mock
+ end
+ end
+ it 'should evaluate callables and store the result' do
+ a = 'some string'
+ payload = {
+ :evaluate1 => lambda { 1 + 1 },
+ :evaluate2 => Proc.new { 2 + 2 },
+ :hash => {
+ :inner_evaluate1 => a.method(:to_s),
+ :inner_evaluate2 => lambda { {:key => 'value'} }
+ }
+ }
+ payload_copy = payload.clone
+ notifier.send(:evaluate_payload, payload_copy)
+ payload_copy[:evaluate1].should == 2
+ payload_copy[:evaluate2].should == 4
+ payload_copy[:hash][:inner_evaluate1].should == 'some string'
+ payload_copy[:hash][:inner_evaluate2][:key].should == 'value'
+ end
+ it 'should not crash when the callable raises an exception' do
+ logger_mock.should_receive(:error).with("[Rollbar] Error while evaluating callable in payload for key evaluate1")
+ payload = {
+ :evaluate1 => lambda { a = b },
+ :evaluate2 => Proc.new { 2 + 2 },
+ :key => 'value'
+ }
+ payload_copy = payload.clone
+ notifier.send(:evaluate_payload, payload_copy)
+ payload_copy[:evaluate1].should be_nil
+ payload_copy[:evaluate2].should == 4
+ payload_copy[:key].should == 'value'
+ end
+ end
+ context 'enforce_valid_utf8' do
+ it 'should replace invalid utf8 values' do
+ payload = {
+ :bad_value => "bad value 1\255",
+ :bad_value_2 => "bad\255 value 2",
+ "bad\255 key" => "good value",
+ :hash => {
+ :inner_bad_value => "\255\255bad value 3",
+ "inner \255bad key" => 'inner good value',
+ "bad array key\255" => [
+ 'good array value 1',
+ "bad\255 array value 1\255",
+ {
+ :inner_inner_bad => "bad inner \255inner value"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ payload_copy = payload.clone
+ notifier.send(:enforce_valid_utf8, payload_copy)
+ payload_copy[:bad_value].should == "bad value 1"
+ payload_copy[:bad_value_2].should == "bad value 2"
+ payload_copy["bad key"].should == "good value"
+ payload_copy.keys.should_not include("bad\456 key")
+ payload_copy[:hash][:inner_bad_value].should == "bad value 3"
+ payload_copy[:hash]["inner bad key"].should == 'inner good value'
+ payload_copy[:hash]["bad array key"].should == [
+ 'good array value 1',
+ 'bad array value 1',
+ {
+ :inner_inner_bad => 'bad inner inner value'
+ }
+ ]
+ end
+ end
+ context 'truncate_payload' do
+ it 'should truncate all nested strings in the payload' do
+ payload = {
+ :truncated => '1234567',
+ :not_truncated => '123456',
+ :hash => {
+ :inner_truncated => '123456789',
+ :inner_not_truncated => '567',
+ :array => ['12345678', '12', {:inner_inner => '123456789'}]
+ }
+ }
+ payload_copy = payload.clone
+ notifier.send(:truncate_payload, payload_copy, 6)
+ payload_copy[:truncated].should == '123...'
+ payload_copy[:not_truncated].should == '123456'
+ payload_copy[:hash][:inner_truncated].should == '123...'
+ payload_copy[:hash][:inner_not_truncated].should == '567'
+ payload_copy[:hash][:array].should == ['123...', '12', {:inner_inner => '123...'}]
+ end
+ it 'should truncate utf8 strings properly' do
+ payload = {
+ :truncated => 'Ŝǻмρļẻ śţяịņģ',
+ :not_truncated => '123456',
+ }
+ payload_copy = payload.clone
+ notifier.send(:truncate_payload, payload_copy, 6)
+ payload_copy[:truncated].should == "Ŝǻм..."
+ payload_copy[:not_truncated].should == '123456'
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context 'reporting' do
+ let(:exception) do
foo = bar
rescue => e
- @exception = e
+ e
let(:logger_mock) { double("Rails.logger").as_null_object }
+ let(:user) { User.create(:email => 'email@example.com', :encrypted_password => '', :created_at => Time.now, :updated_at => Time.now) }
+ before(:each) do
+ configure
+ Rollbar.configure do |config|
+ config.logger = logger_mock
+ end
+ end
+ after(:each) do
+ Rollbar.unconfigure
+ configure
+ end
it 'should report exceptions without person or request data' do
logger_mock.should_receive(:info).with('[Rollbar] Success')
- Rollbar.report_exception(@exception)
+ Rollbar.error(exception)
it 'should not report anything when disabled' do
logger_mock.should_not_receive(:info).with('[Rollbar] Success')
Rollbar.configure do |config|
config.enabled = false
- Rollbar.report_exception(@exception)
+ Rollbar.error(exception).should == 'disabled'
+ end
- Rollbar.configure do |config|
- config.enabled = true
- end
+ it 'should report exceptions without person or request data' do
+ logger_mock.should_receive(:info).with('[Rollbar] Success')
+ Rollbar.error(exception)
it 'should be enabled when freshly configured' do
Rollbar.configuration.enabled.should == true
it 'should not be enabled when not configured' do
Rollbar.configuration.enabled.should be_nil
- Rollbar.report_exception(@exception).should == 'disabled'
+ Rollbar.error(exception).should == 'disabled'
it 'should stay disabled if configure is called again' do
@@ -69,167 +815,139 @@
# now configure again (perhaps to change some other values)
Rollbar.configure do |config| end
Rollbar.configuration.enabled.should == false
- Rollbar.report_exception(@exception).should == 'disabled'
+ Rollbar.error(exception).should == 'disabled'
- it 'should report exceptions with request and person data' do
- logger_mock.should_receive(:info).with('[Rollbar] Success')
- request_data = {
- :params => { :foo => "bar" },
- :url => 'http://localhost/',
- :user_ip => '',
- :headers => {},
- :GET => { "baz" => "boz" },
- :session => { :user_id => 123 },
- :method => "GET",
- }
- person_data = {
- :id => 1,
- :username => "test",
- :email => "test@example.com"
- }
- Rollbar.report_exception(@exception, request_data, person_data)
- end
- it "should work with an IO object as rack.errors" do
- logger_mock.should_receive(:info).with('[Rollbar] Success')
- request_data = {
- :params => { :foo => "bar" },
- :url => 'http://localhost/',
- :user_ip => '',
- :headers => {},
- :GET => { "baz" => "boz" },
- :session => { :user_id => 123 },
- :method => "GET",
- :env => { :"rack.errors" => IO.new(2, File::WRONLY) },
- }
- person_data = {
- :id => 1,
- :username => "test",
- :email => "test@example.com"
- }
- Rollbar.report_exception(@exception, request_data, person_data)
- end
it 'should ignore ignored exception classes' do
- saved_filters = Rollbar.configuration.exception_level_filters
Rollbar.configure do |config|
config.exception_level_filters = { 'NameError' => 'ignore' }
- Rollbar.report_exception(@exception)
+ Rollbar.error(exception)
+ end
- Rollbar.configure do |config|
- config.exception_level_filters = saved_filters
- end
+ it "should work with an IO object as rack.errors" do
+ logger_mock.should_receive(:info).with('[Rollbar] Success')
+ Rollbar.error(exception, :env => { :"rack.errors" => IO.new(2, File::WRONLY) })
it 'should ignore ignored persons' do
+ person_data = {
+ :id => 1,
+ :username => "test",
+ :email => "test@example.com"
+ }
Rollbar.configure do |config|
+ config.payload_options = {:person => person_data}
config.ignored_person_ids += [1]
+ Rollbar.error(exception)
+ end
+ it 'should not ignore non-ignored persons' do
person_data = {
:id => 1,
:username => "test",
:email => "test@example.com"
- Rollbar.report_exception(@exception, {}, person_data)
- end
- it 'should not ignore non-ignored persons' do
Rollbar.configure do |config|
+ config.payload_options = { :person => person_data }
config.ignored_person_ids += [1]
Rollbar.last_report = nil
- person_data = {
- :id => 1,
- :username => "test",
- :email => "test@example.com"
- }
- Rollbar.report_exception(@exception, {}, person_data)
+ Rollbar.error(exception)
Rollbar.last_report.should be_nil
person_data = {
:id => 2,
:username => "test2",
:email => "test2@example.com"
- Rollbar.report_exception(@exception, {}, person_data)
+ new_options = {
+ :person => person_data
+ }
+ Rollbar.scoped(new_options) do
+ Rollbar.error(exception)
+ end
Rollbar.last_report.should_not be_nil
it 'should allow callables to set exception filtered level' do
callable_mock = double
saved_filters = Rollbar.configuration.exception_level_filters
Rollbar.configure do |config|
config.exception_level_filters = { 'NameError' => callable_mock }
- callable_mock.should_receive(:call).with(@exception).at_least(:once).and_return("info")
+ callable_mock.should_receive(:call).with(exception).at_least(:once).and_return("info")
- Rollbar.report_exception(@exception)
- Rollbar.configure do |config|
- config.exception_level_filters = saved_filters
- end
+ Rollbar.error(exception)
it 'should not report exceptions when silenced' do
- Rollbar.should_not_receive :schedule_payload
+ expect_any_instance_of(Rollbar::Notifier).to_not receive(:schedule_payload)
test_var = 1
Rollbar.silenced do
test_var = 2
rescue => e
- Rollbar.report_exception(e)
+ Rollbar.error(e)
test_var.should == 2
it 'should report exception objects with no backtrace' do
payload = nil
- Rollbar.stub(:schedule_payload) do |*args|
+ notifier.stub(:schedule_payload) do |*args|
payload = args[0]
- Rollbar.report_exception(StandardError.new("oops"))
+ Rollbar.error(StandardError.new("oops"))
payload["data"][:body][:trace][:frames].should == []
payload["data"][:body][:trace][:exception][:class].should == "StandardError"
payload["data"][:body][:trace][:exception][:message].should == "oops"
it 'should return the exception data with a uuid, on platforms with SecureRandom' do
if defined?(SecureRandom) and SecureRandom.respond_to?(:uuid)
- Rollbar.stub(:schedule_payload) do |*args| end
- exception_data = Rollbar.report_exception(StandardError.new("oops"))
+ exception_data = Rollbar.error(StandardError.new("oops"))
exception_data[:uuid].should_not be_nil
it 'should report exception objects with nonstandard backtraces' do
payload = nil
- Rollbar.stub(:schedule_payload) do |*args|
+ notifier.stub(:schedule_payload) do |*args|
payload = args[0]
class CustomException < StandardError
def backtrace
@@ -237,31 +955,33 @@
exception = CustomException.new("oops")
- Rollbar.report_exception(exception)
+ notifier.error(exception)
payload["data"][:body][:trace][:frames][0][:method].should == "custom backtrace line"
it 'should report exceptions with a custom level' do
payload = nil
- Rollbar.stub(:schedule_payload) do |*args|
+ notifier.stub(:schedule_payload) do |*args|
payload = args[0]
- Rollbar.report_exception(@exception)
+ Rollbar.error(exception)
- payload["data"][:level].should == 'error'
+ payload['data'][:level].should == 'error'
- Rollbar.report_exception(@exception, nil, nil, 'debug')
+ Rollbar.log('debug', exception)
- payload["data"][:level].should == 'debug'
+ payload['data'][:level].should == 'debug'
+ # Backwards
context 'report_message' do
before(:each) do
Rollbar.configure do |config|
config.logger = logger_mock
@@ -294,19 +1014,21 @@
logger_mock.should_receive(:info).with('[Rollbar] Success')
Rollbar.report_message("Test message with extra data", 'debug', :foo => "bar",
:hash => { :a => 123, :b => "xyz" })
+ # END Backwards
it 'should not crash with circular extra_data' do
a = { :foo => "bar" }
b = { :a => a }
c = { :b => b }
a[:c] = c
logger_mock.should_receive(:error).with(/\[Rollbar\] Reporting internal error encountered while sending data to Rollbar./)
- Rollbar.report_message("Test message with circular extra data", 'debug', a)
+ Rollbar.error("Test message with circular extra data", a)
it 'should be able to report form validation errors when they are present' do
logger_mock.should_receive(:info).with('[Rollbar] Success')
user.errors.add(:example, "error")
@@ -317,40 +1039,17 @@
logger_mock.should_not_receive(:info).with('[Rollbar] Success')
- after(:each) do
- Rollbar.configure do |config|
- config.logger = ::Rails.logger
- end
- end
- end
- context 'report_message_with_request' do
- before(:each) do
- configure
- Rollbar.configure do |config|
- config.logger = logger_mock
- end
- end
- let(:logger_mock) { double("Rails.logger").as_null_object }
- let(:user) { User.create(:email => 'email@example.com', :encrypted_password => '', :created_at => Time.now, :updated_at => Time.now) }
- it 'should report simple messages' do
- logger_mock.should_receive(:info).with('[Rollbar] Scheduling payload')
+ it 'should report messages with extra data' do
logger_mock.should_receive(:info).with('[Rollbar] Success')
- Rollbar.report_message_with_request("Test message")
- Rollbar.last_report[:request].should be_nil
- Rollbar.last_report[:person].should be_nil
+ Rollbar.info("Test message with extra data", :foo => "bar",
+ :hash => { :a => 123, :b => "xyz" })
it 'should report messages with request, person data and extra data' do
- Rollbar.last_report = nil
logger_mock.should_receive(:info).with('[Rollbar] Scheduling payload')
logger_mock.should_receive(:info).with('[Rollbar] Success')
request_data = {
:params => {:foo => 'bar'}
@@ -363,40 +1062,54 @@
extra_data = {
:extra_foo => 'extra_bar'
- Rollbar.report_message_with_request("Test message", 'info', request_data, person_data, extra_data)
+ Rollbar.configure do |config|
+ config.payload_options = {
+ :request => request_data,
+ :person => person_data
+ }
+ end
+ Rollbar.info("Test message", extra_data)
Rollbar.last_report[:request].should == request_data
Rollbar.last_report[:person].should == person_data
- Rollbar.last_report[:body][:message][:extra_foo].should == 'extra_bar'
+ Rollbar.last_report[:body][:message][:extra][:extra_foo].should == 'extra_bar'
context 'payload_destination' do
before(:each) do
Rollbar.configure do |config|
config.logger = logger_mock
config.filepath = 'test.rollbar'
+ end
+ after(:each) do
+ Rollbar.unconfigure
+ configure
+ end
+ let(:exception) do
foo = bar
rescue => e
- @exception = e
+ e
let(:logger_mock) { double("Rails.logger").as_null_object }
it 'should send the payload over the network by default' do
logger_mock.should_not_receive(:info).with('[Rollbar] Writing payload to file')
logger_mock.should_receive(:info).with('[Rollbar] Sending payload').once
logger_mock.should_receive(:info).with('[Rollbar] Success').once
- Rollbar.report_exception(@exception)
+ Rollbar.error(exception)
it 'should save the payload to a file if set' do
logger_mock.should_not_receive(:info).with('[Rollbar] Sending payload')
logger_mock.should_receive(:info).with('[Rollbar] Writing payload to file').once
@@ -407,11 +1120,11 @@
Rollbar.configure do |config|
config.write_to_file = true
filepath = config.filepath
- Rollbar.report_exception(@exception)
+ Rollbar.error(exception)
File.exist?(filepath).should == true
File.read(filepath).should include test_access_token
@@ -425,15 +1138,22 @@
before(:each) do
Rollbar.configure do |config|
config.logger = logger_mock
+ end
+ after(:each) do
+ Rollbar.unconfigure
+ configure
+ end
+ let(:exception) do
foo = bar
rescue => e
- @exception = e
+ e
let(:logger_mock) { double("Rails.logger").as_null_object }
@@ -445,11 +1165,11 @@
Rollbar.configure do |config|
config.use_async = true
- Rollbar.report_exception(@exception)
+ Rollbar.error(exception)
Rollbar.configure do |config|
config.use_async = false
@@ -466,16 +1186,11 @@
logger_mock.info 'Custom async handler called'
- Rollbar.report_exception(@exception)
- Rollbar.configure do |config|
- config.use_async = false
- config.async_handler = Rollbar.default_async_handler
- end
+ Rollbar.error(exception)
# We should be able to send String payloads, generated
# by a previous version of the gem. This can happend just
# after a deploy with an gem upgrade.
@@ -495,11 +1210,11 @@
it 'sends a payload generated as String, not as a Hash' do
logger_mock.should_receive(:info).with('[Rollbar] Success')
- Rollbar.report_exception(@exception)
+ Rollbar.report_exception(exception)
context 'with async failover handlers' do
before do
Rollbar.reconfigure do |config|
@@ -534,11 +1249,11 @@
it 'logs the error but doesnt try to report an internal error' do
expect(logger_mock).to receive(:error).with(log_message)
- Rollbar.report_exception(exception)
+ Rollbar.error(exception)
context 'if the first failover handler success' do
let(:handler) { proc { |_| 'success' } }
@@ -546,11 +1261,11 @@
it 'calls the failover handler and doesnt report internal error' do
expect(Rollbar).not_to receive(:report_internal_error)
expect(handler).to receive(:call)
- Rollbar.report_exception(exception)
+ Rollbar.error(exception)
context 'with two handlers, the first failing' do
let(:handler1) { proc { |_| fail 'this handler fails' } }
@@ -558,11 +1273,11 @@
let(:handlers) { [handler1, handler2] }
it 'calls the second handler and doesnt report internal error' do
expect(handler2).to receive(:call)
- Rollbar.report_exception(exception)
+ Rollbar.error(exception)
context 'with two handlers, both failing' do
let(:handler1) { proc { |_| fail 'this handler fails' } }
@@ -570,11 +1285,11 @@
let(:handlers) { [handler1, handler2] }
it 'reports internal error' do
expect(logger_mock).to receive(:error)
- Rollbar.report_exception(exception)
+ Rollbar.error(exception)
@@ -587,16 +1302,11 @@
Rollbar.configure do |config|
- Rollbar.report_exception(@exception)
- Rollbar.configure do |config|
- config.use_async = false
- config.async_handler = Rollbar.default_async_handler
- end
+ Rollbar.error(exception)
describe "#use_sidekiq", :if => defined?(Sidekiq) do
it "should instanciate sidekiq delayer with custom values" do
@@ -612,185 +1322,34 @@
Rollbar.configure do |config|
config.async_handler = handler
- Rollbar.report_exception(@exception)
- Rollbar.configure do |config|
- config.use_async = false
- config.async_handler = Rollbar.default_async_handler
- end
+ Rollbar.error(exception)
- context 'message_data' do
- before(:each) do
- configure
- @message_body = "This is a test"
- @level = 'debug'
- end
- it 'should build a message' do
- data = Rollbar.send(:message_data, @message_body, @level, {})
- data[:body][:message][:body].should == @message_body
- data[:level].should == @level
- data[:custom].should be_nil
- end
- it 'should accept extra_data' do
- user_id = 123
- name = "Tester"
- data = Rollbar.send(:message_data, @message_body, 'info',
- :user_id => user_id, :name => name)
- data[:level].should == 'info'
- message = data[:body][:message]
- message[:body].should == @message_body
- message[:user_id].should == user_id
- message[:name].should == name
- end
- it 'should build a message with custom data when configured' do
- Rollbar.configure do |config|
- config.custom_data_method = lambda { {:foo => "bar", :hello => [1, 2, 3]} }
- end
- data = Rollbar.send(:message_data, @message_body, @level, {})
- data[:level].should == @level
- data[:body][:message][:body].should == @message_body
- data[:custom].should_not be_nil
- data[:custom][:foo].should == "bar"
- data[:custom][:hello][2].should == 3
- Rollbar.configure do |config|
- config.custom_data_method = nil
- end
- end
- end
- describe '.exception_data' do
- before(:each) do
- configure
- begin
- foo = bar
- rescue => e
- @exception = e
- end
- end
- it 'should accept force_level' do
- level = 'critical'
- data = Rollbar.send(:exception_data, @exception, level)
- data[:level].should == level
- end
- it 'should build valid exception data' do
- data = Rollbar.send(:exception_data, @exception)
- data[:level].should_not be_nil
- data[:custom].should be_nil
- trace = data[:body][:trace]
- frames = trace[:frames]
- frames.should be_a_kind_of(Array)
- frames.each do |frame|
- frame[:filename].should be_a_kind_of(String)
- frame[:lineno].should be_a_kind_of(Fixnum)
- if frame[:method]
- frame[:method].should be_a_kind_of(String)
- end
- end
- # should be NameError, but can be NoMethodError sometimes on rubinius 1.8
- # http://yehudakatz.com/2010/01/02/the-craziest-fing-bug-ive-ever-seen/
- trace[:exception][:class].should match(/^(NameError|NoMethodError)$/)
- trace[:exception][:message].should match(/^(undefined local variable or method `bar'|undefined method `bar' on an instance of)/)
- end
- it 'should include custom data when configured' do
- Rollbar.configure do |config|
- config.custom_data_method = lambda { {:foo => "baz", :hello => [4, 5, 6]} }
- end
- data = Rollbar.send(:exception_data, @exception)
- data[:body][:trace].should_not be_nil
- data[:custom][:foo].should == "baz"
- data[:custom][:hello][2].should == 6
- Rollbar.configure do |config|
- config.custom_data_method = nil
- end
- end
- context 'with nested exceptions' do
- let(:crashing_code) do
- proc do
- begin
- begin
- fail CauseException.new('the cause')
- rescue
- fail StandardError.new('the error')
- end
- rescue => e
- e
- end
- end
- end
- let(:rescued_exception) { crashing_code.call }
- if Exception.instance_methods.include?(:cause)
- it 'sends the two exceptions in the trace_chain attribute' do
- data = Rollbar.send(:exception_data, rescued_exception)
- body = data[:body]
- body[:trace].should be_nil
- body[:trace_chain].should be_kind_of(Array)
- chain = body[:trace_chain]
- chain[0][:exception][:class].should match(/StandardError/)
- chain[0][:exception][:message].should match(/the error/)
- chain[1][:exception][:class].should match(/CauseException/)
- chain[1][:exception][:message].should match(/the cause/)
- end
- else
- it 'sends only the last exception in the trace attribute' do
- data = Rollbar.send(:exception_data, rescued_exception)
- body = data[:body]
- body[:trace].should be_kind_of(Hash)
- body[:trace_chain].should be_nil
- body[:trace][:exception][:class].should match(/StandardError/)
- body[:trace][:exception][:message].should match(/the error/)
- end
- end
- end
- end
context 'logger' do
before(:each) do
it 'should have use the Rails logger when configured to do so' do
- Rollbar.send(:logger).should == ::Rails.logger
+ expect(Rollbar.send(:logger)).to be_kind_of(Rollbar::LoggerProxy)
+ expect(Rollbar.send(:logger).object).should == ::Rails.logger
it 'should use the default_logger when no logger is set' do
logger = Logger.new(STDERR)
Rollbar.configure do |config|
config.default_logger = lambda { logger }
- Rollbar.send(:logger).should == logger
+ Rollbar.send(:logger).object.should == logger
it 'should have a default default_logger' do
Rollbar.send(:logger).should_not be_nil
@@ -798,76 +1357,15 @@
after(:each) do
- context 'build_payload' do
- before(:each) do
- configure
- Rollbar.configure do |config|
- config.logger = logger_mock
- end
- end
- let(:logger_mock) { double("Rails.logger").as_null_object }
- it 'should build valid json' do
- data = { :foo => { :bar => 'baz'}}
- payload = Rollbar.send(:build_payload, data)
- payload["data"][:foo][:bar].should == "baz"
- end
- it 'should strip out invalid utf-8' do
- payload = Rollbar.send(:build_payload, {
- :good_key => "\255bad value",
- "bad\255 key" => "good value",
- "bad key 2\255" => "bad \255value",
- :hash => {
- "bad array \255key" => ["bad\255 array element", "good array element"]
- }
- })
- payload["data"][:good_key].should == 'bad value'
- payload["data"]["bad key"].should == 'good value'
- payload["data"]["bad key 2"].should == 'bad value'
- payload["data"][:hash].should == {
- "bad array key" => ["bad array element", "good array element"]
- }
- end
- it 'should truncate large strings if the payload is too big' do
- data = {:foo => {:bar => "baz"}, :large => 'a' * (128 * 1024), :small => 'b' * 1024}
- payload = Rollbar.send(:build_payload, data)
- json = Rollbar.send(:dump_payload, payload)
- hash = MultiJson.load(json)
- hash["data"]["large"].should == '%s...' % ('a' * 1021)
- hash["data"]["small"].should == 'b' * 1024
- end
- it 'should send a failsafe message if the payload cannot be reduced enough' do
- logger_mock.should_receive(:error).with(/Sending failsafe response due to Could not send payload due to it being too large after truncating attempts/)
- logger_mock.should_receive(:info).with('[Rollbar] Success')
- orig_max = Rollbar::MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE
- Rollbar::MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE = 1
- orig_send_failsafe = Rollbar.method(:send_failsafe)
- Rollbar.stub(:send_failsafe) do |message, exception|
- Rollbar::MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE = orig_max
- orig_send_failsafe.call(message, exception)
- end
- Rollbar.report_exception(@exception)
- end
- end
context 'enforce_valid_utf8' do
it 'should replace invalid utf8 values' do
bad_key = "inner \x92bad key"
bad_key.force_encoding('ASCII-8BIT') if bad_key.respond_to?('force_encoding')
payload = {
:bad_value => "bad value 1\255",
:bad_value_2 => "bad\255 value 2",
"bad\255 key" => "good value",
:hash => {
@@ -882,11 +1380,11 @@
payload_copy = payload.clone
- Rollbar.send(:enforce_valid_utf8, payload_copy)
+ notifier.send(:enforce_valid_utf8, payload_copy)
payload_copy[:bad_value].should == "bad value 1"
payload_copy[:bad_value_2].should == "bad value 2"
payload_copy["bad key"].should == "good value"
payload_copy.keys.should_not include("bad\456 key")
@@ -913,11 +1411,11 @@
:array => ['12345678', '12', {:inner_inner => '123456789'}]
payload_copy = payload.clone
- Rollbar.send(:truncate_payload, payload_copy, 6)
+ notifier.send(:truncate_payload, payload_copy, 6)
payload_copy[:truncated].should == '123...'
payload_copy[:not_truncated].should == '123456'
payload_copy[:hash][:inner_truncated].should == '123...'
payload_copy[:hash][:inner_not_truncated].should == '567'
@@ -929,81 +1427,30 @@
:truncated => 'Ŝǻмρļẻ śţяịņģ',
:not_truncated => '123456',
payload_copy = payload.clone
- Rollbar.send(:truncate_payload, payload_copy, 6)
+ notifier.send(:truncate_payload, payload_copy, 6)
payload_copy[:truncated].should == "Ŝǻм..."
payload_copy[:not_truncated].should == '123456'
- context 'base_data' do
- before(:each) { configure }
- it 'should have the correct notifier name' do
- Rollbar.send(:base_data)[:notifier][:name].should == 'rollbar-gem'
- end
- it 'should have the correct notifier version' do
- Rollbar.send(:base_data)[:notifier][:version].should == Rollbar::VERSION
- end
- it 'should have all the required keys' do
- data = Rollbar.send(:base_data)
- data[:timestamp].should_not be_nil
- data[:environment].should_not be_nil
- data[:level].should_not be_nil
- data[:language].should == 'ruby'
- data[:framework].should match(/^Rails/)
- end
- it 'should have default environment "unspecified"' do
- data = Rollbar.send(:base_data)
- data[:environment].should == 'unspecified'
- end
- it 'should have an overridden environment' do
- Rollbar.configure do |config|
- config.environment = 'overridden'
- end
- data = Rollbar.send(:base_data)
- data[:environment].should == 'overridden'
- end
- it 'should not have custom data under default configuration' do
- data = Rollbar.send(:base_data)
- data[:custom].should be_nil
- end
- it 'should have custom data when custom_data_method is configured' do
- Rollbar.configure do |config|
- config.custom_data_method = lambda { {:a => 1, :b => [2, 3, 4]} }
- end
- data = Rollbar.send(:base_data)
- data[:custom].should_not be_nil
- data[:custom][:a].should == 1
- data[:custom][:b][2].should == 4
- end
- end
context 'server_data' do
it 'should have the right hostname' do
- Rollbar.send(:server_data)[:host] == Socket.gethostname
+ notifier.send(:server_data)[:host] == Socket.gethostname
it 'should have root and branch set when configured' do
Rollbar.configure do |config|
config.root = '/path/to/root'
config.branch = 'master'
- data = Rollbar.send(:server_data)
+ data = notifier.send(:server_data)
data[:root].should == '/path/to/root'
data[:branch].should == 'master'
@@ -1018,11 +1465,11 @@
gems.each {|gem|
- data = Rollbar.send(:message_data, 'test', 'info', {})
+ data = notifier.send(:build_payload, 'info', 'test', nil, {})['data']
data[:project_package_paths].kind_of?(Array).should == true
data[:project_package_paths].length.should == gem_paths.length
data[:project_package_paths].each_with_index{|path, index|
path.should == gem_paths[index]
@@ -1041,11 +1488,11 @@
gem_paths.length.should > 1
gem_paths.any?{|path| path.include? 'rollbar-gem'}.should == true
gem_paths.any?{|path| path.include? 'rspec-rails'}.should == true
- data = Rollbar.send(:message_data, 'test', 'info', {})
+ data = notifier.send(:build_payload, 'info', 'test', nil, {})['data']
data[:project_package_paths].kind_of?(Array).should == true
data[:project_package_paths].length.should == gem_paths.length
(data[:project_package_paths] - gem_paths).length.should == 0
@@ -1054,37 +1501,37 @@
Rollbar.configure do |config|
config.project_gems = gems
- data = Rollbar.send(:message_data, 'test', 'info', {})
+ data = notifier.send(:build_payload, 'info', 'test', nil, {})['data']
data[:project_package_paths].kind_of?(Array).should == true
data[:project_package_paths].length.should == 1
context "report_internal_error" do
it "should not crash when given an exception object" do
1 / 0
rescue => e
- Rollbar.send(:report_internal_error, e)
+ notifier.send(:report_internal_error, e)
context "send_failsafe" do
it "should not crash when given a message and exception" do
1 / 0
rescue => e
- Rollbar.send(:send_failsafe, "test failsafe", e)
+ notifier.send(:send_failsafe, "test failsafe", e)
it "should not crash when given all nils" do
- Rollbar.send(:send_failsafe, nil, nil)
+ notifier.send(:send_failsafe, nil, nil)
context "request_data_extractor" do
before(:each) do
@@ -1099,9 +1546,72 @@
env = {"HTTP_USER_AGENT" => "test", "HTTP_COOKIE" => "cookie"}
headers = @dummy_class.send(:rollbar_headers, env)
headers.should have_key "User-Agent"
headers.should_not have_key "Cookie"
+ end
+ end
+ describe '.scoped' do
+ let(:scope_options) do
+ { :foo => 'bar' }
+ end
+ it 'changes payload options inside the block' do
+ Rollbar.reset_notifier!
+ configure
+ current_notifier_id = Rollbar.notifier.object_id
+ Rollbar.scoped(scope_options) do
+ configuration = Rollbar.notifier.configuration
+ expect(Rollbar.notifier.object_id).not_to be_eql(current_notifier_id)
+ expect(configuration.payload_options).to be_eql(scope_options)
+ end
+ expect(Rollbar.notifier.object_id).to be_eql(current_notifier_id)
+ end
+ context 'if the block fails' do
+ let(:crashing_block) { proc { fail } }
+ it 'restores the old notifier' do
+ notifier = Rollbar.notifier
+ expect { Rollbar.scoped(&crashing_block) }.to raise_error
+ expect(notifier).to be_eql(Rollbar.notifier)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'if the block creates a new thread' do
+ let(:block) do
+ proc do
+ Thread.new do
+ scope = Rollbar.notifier.configuration.payload_options
+ Thread.main[:inner_scope] = scope
+ end.join
+ end
+ end
+ let(:scope) do
+ { :foo => 'bar' }
+ end
+ it 'maintains the parent thread notifier scope' do
+ Rollbar.scoped(scope, &block)
+ expect(Thread.main[:inner_scope]).to be_eql(scope)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe '.reset_notifier' do
+ it 'resets the notifier' do
+ notifier1_id = Rollbar.notifier.object_id
+ Rollbar.reset_notifier!
+ expect(Rollbar.notifier.object_id).not_to be_eql(notifier1_id)
# configure with some basic params
def configure