lib/roll/command.rb in roll-1.1.0 vs lib/roll/command.rb in roll-1.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,206 +1,69 @@
+#require File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__)) + '/roll.rb'
require 'roll'
-#require 'roll/platform'
-require 'optparse'
-# TODO: clean command to remove dead directories from environment
module Roll
# = Command-line Interface
- #
+ #--
+ # TODO: clean command to remove dead directories from environment
+ #++
class Command
+ # Command-line arguments.
+ attr :args
+ # Command-line options.
+ attr :opts
+ # Instance of OptionParser.
+ attr :op
# Initialize and execute command.
def self.main(*argv)
- new(*argv).execute
+ #cmd = argv.shift
+ idx = argv.index{ |e| e !~ /^\-/ }
+ cmd = idx ? argv.delete_at(idx) : 'help'
+ begin
+ require "roll/commands/#{cmd}"
+ rescue LoadError
+ cmd = 'help'
+ require "roll/commands/#{cmd}"
+ end
+ klass = ::Roll.const_get("Command#{cmd.capitalize}")
# New Command.
def initialize(*argv)
- @argv = argv
+ # only need optparse when command is run
+ require 'optparse'
+ @op =
+ @args = argv
+ @opts = {}
def execute
- cmd = @argv.find{ |e| e !~ /^\-/ }
+ setup
- options = {}
+ op.on_tail("--warn", "-w", "Show warnings.") do
+ $VERBOSE = true
+ end
- parser =
- parser.banner = "Usage: roll [COMMAND]"
- __send__("#{cmd}_optparse", parser, options) if cmd
- if !cmd
- parser.separator "Commands:"
- parser.separator " in [DIR] " + (" " * 23) + "Roll directory into current environment."
- parser.separator " out [DIR] " + (" " * 23) + "Remove directory from current environment."
- parser.separator " env " + (" " * 23) + "Show current environment."
- parser.separator " index " + (" " * 23) + "Show current environment index."
- parser.separator " sync " + (" " * 23) + "Synchronize environment indexes."
- parser.separator " path " + (" " * 23) + "Output bin PATH list."
- parser.separator " verify " + (" " * 23) + "Verify project dependencies in current environment."
- parser.separator "Options:"
+ op.on_tail("--debug", "Run in debugging mode.") do
+ $DEBUG = true
+ $VERBOSE = true
- parser.on_tail("--help", "-h", "Display this help message.") do
- puts parser
+ op.on_tail("--help", "-h", "Display this help message.") do
+ puts op
- parser.parse!
+ op.parse!(args)
- ARGV.shift # remove command
- if cmd
- __send__(cmd, ARGV, options)
- else
- # no command ?
- end
- end
- #
- def env_optparse(op, options)
- op.banner = "Usage: roll env [NAME]"
- op.separator "Show current environment."
- op
- end
- #
- def index_optparse(op, options)
- op.banner = "Usage: roll index [NAME]"
- op.separator "Show current environment index."
- op
- end
- #
- def sync_optparse(op, options)
- op.banner = "Usage: roll sync [NAME]"
- op.separator "Synchronize ledger(s) to their respective environment(s)."
- op
- end
- #
- def in_optparse(op, options)
- op.banner = "Usage: roll in [PATH]"
- op.separator "Insert path into current environment."
- op.separator "Options:"
- op.on("--depth", "-d [INTEGER]") do |int|
- options[:depth] = int
- end
- end
- #
- def out_optparse(op, options)
- op.banner = "Usage: roll out [PATH]"
- op.separator "Remove path from current environment."
- op
- end
- #
- def path_optparse(op, options)
- op.banner = "Usage: roll path"
- op.separator "Generate executable PATH list."
- op
- end
- #
- def verify_optparse(op, options)
- op.banner = "Usage: roll verify"
- op.separator "Verify dependencies in current environment."
- op
- end
- # Show/Change current environment.
- #
- def env(args, opts)
- puts Roll.env(*args)
- end
- # Show/Change current environment.
- #
- def index(args, opts)
- puts Roll.index(*args)
- end
- # Synchronize ledgers.
- #
- def sync(args, opts)
- name = args.first
- list = name ? [name] : Environment.list
- list.each do |name|
- result = Roll.sync(name)
- if result
- puts " saved #{name}"
- else
- puts " current #{name}"
- end
- end
- end
- #
- def in(args, opts)
- path = File.expand_path(args.first || Dir.pwd)
- depth = opts[:depth]
- path, file = *, depth)
- puts "#{path}"
- puts " '-> #{file}"
- end
- #
- def out(args, opts)
- path = File.expand_path(args.first || Dir.pwd)
- path, file = *Roll.out(path)
- puts "#{file}"
- puts " '-> #{path} -> [x]"
- end
- #
- def verify(args, opts)
- list = Roll.verify
- list.each do |(name, constraint)|
- puts "#{name} #{constraint}"
- end
- end
- # This script builds a list of all roll-ready bin locations
- # and writes that list as an environment setting shell script.
- # On Linux a call to this to you .bashrc file. Eg.
- #
- # if [ -f ~/.rollrc ]; then
- # . roll
- # fi
- #
- # Currently this only supports bash.
- #
- # TODO: It would be better to "install" executables
- # to an appropriate bin dir, using links (soft if possible).
- # There could go in ~/.bin or .config/roll/<ledger>.bin/
- #
- def path(args, opts)
- when /mswin/, /wince/
- div = ';'
- else
- div = ':'
- end
- env_path = ENV['PATH'].split(/[#{div}]/)
- # Go thru each roll lib and make sure bin path is in path.
- binpaths = []
- Library.list.each do |name|
- lib = Library[name]
- if lib.bindir?
- binpaths << lib.bindir
- end
- end
- #pathenv = (["$PATH"] + binpaths).join(div)
- pathenv = binpaths.join(div)
- #puts %{export PATH="#{pathenv}"}
- puts pathenv
+ call