lib/roda/plugins/sessions.rb in roda-3.18.0 vs lib/roda/plugins/sessions.rb in roda-3.19.0
- old
+ new
@@ -18,12 +18,13 @@
class Roda
module RodaPlugins
# The sessions plugin adds support for sessions using cookies. It is the recommended
# way to support sessions in Roda applications.
- # The session cookies are encrypted with AES-256-CTR and then signed with HMAC-SHA-256.
- # By default, session data is padded to reduce information leaked based on the session size.
+ # The session cookies are encrypted with AES-256-CTR using a separate encryption key per cookie,
+ # and then signed with HMAC-SHA-256. By default, session data is padded to reduce information
+ # leaked based on the session size.
# Sessions are serialized via JSON, so session information should only store data that
# allows roundtrips via JSON (String, Integer, Float, Array, Hash, true, false, and nil).
# In particular, note that Symbol does not round trip via JSON, so symbols should not be
# used in sessions when this plugin is used. This plugin sets the
@@ -75,10 +76,16 @@
# checks.
# :old_secret :: The previous secret to use, allowing for secret rotation. Must be a string of at least 64
# bytes if given.
# :pad_size :: Pad session data (after possible compression, before encryption), to a multiple of this
# many bytes (default: 32). This can be between 2-4096 bytes, or +nil+ to disable padding.
+ # :per_cookie_cipher_secret :: Uses a separate cipher key for every cookie, with the key used generated using
+ # HMAC-SHA-256 of 32 bytes of random data with the default cipher secret. This
+ # offers additional protection in case the random initialization vector used when
+ # encrypting the session data has been reused. Odds of that are 1 in 2**64 if
+ # initialization vector is truly random, but weaknesses in the random number
+ # generator could make the odds much higher. Default is +true+.
# :parser :: The parser for the serialized session data (default: <tt>JSON.method(:parse)</tt>).
# :serializer :: The serializer for the session data (default +:to_json.to_proc+).
# :skip_within :: If the last update time for the session cookie is less than this number of seconds from the
# current time, and the session has not been modified, do not set a new session cookie
# (default: 3600).
@@ -103,17 +110,22 @@
# <tt>require 'roda/session_middleware'</tt> and <tt>use RodaSessionMiddleware</tt>.
# <tt>RodaSessionMiddleware</tt> passes the options given to this plugin.
# = Session Cookie Cryptography/Format
- # Session cookies created by this plugin use the following format:
+ # Session cookies created by this plugin by default use the following format:
- # urlsafe_base64(version + IV + auth tag + encrypted session data + HMAC)
+ # urlsafe_base64("\1" + random_data + IV + encrypted session data + HMAC)
+ # If +:per_cookie_cipher_secret+ option is set to +false+, an older format is used:
+ #
+ # urlsafe_base64("\0" + IV + encrypted session data + HMAC)
+ #
# where:
- # version :: 1 byte, currently must be 0, other values reserved for future expansion.
+ # version :: 1 byte, currently must be 1 or 0, other values reserved for future expansion.
+ # random_data :: 32 bytes, used for generating the per-cookie secret
# IV :: 16 bytes, initialization vector for AES-256-CTR cipher.
# encrypted session data :: >=12 bytes of data encrypted with AES-256-CTR cipher, see below.
# HMAC :: 32 bytes, HMAC-SHA-256 of all preceding data plus cookie key (so that a cookie value
# for a different key cannot be used even if the secret is the same).
@@ -139,10 +151,11 @@
DEFLATE_BIT = 0x1000
SESSION_CREATED_AT = 'roda.session.created_at'.freeze
SESSION_UPDATED_AT = 'roda.session.updated_at'.freeze
SESSION_SERIALIZED = 'roda.session.serialized'.freeze
+ SESSION_VERSION_NUM = 'roda.session.version'.freeze
SESSION_DELETE_RACK_COOKIE = 'roda.session.delete_rack_session_cookie'.freeze
# Exception class used when creating a session cookie that would exceed the
# allowable cookie size limit.
class CookieTooLarge < RodaError
@@ -164,10 +177,13 @@
co = opts[:cookie_options] = DEFAULT_COOKIE_OPTIONS.merge(opts[:cookie_options] || OPTS).freeze
opts[:remove_cookie_options] = co.merge(:max_age=>'0', :expires=>
opts[:parser] ||= app.opts[:json_parser] || JSON.method(:parse)
opts[:serializer] ||= app.opts[:json_serializer] || :to_json.to_proc
+ opts[:per_cookie_cipher_secret] = true unless opts.has_key?(:per_cookie_cipher_secret)
+ opts[:session_version_num] = opts[:per_cookie_cipher_secret] ? 1 : 0
if opts[:upgrade_from_rack_session_cookie_secret]
opts[:upgrade_from_rack_session_cookie_key] ||= 'rack.session'
rsco = opts[:upgrade_from_rack_session_cookie_options] = Hash[opts[:upgrade_from_rack_session_cookie_options] || OPTS]
rsco[:path] ||= co[:path]
rsco[:domain] ||= co[:domain]
@@ -315,27 +331,38 @@
data = Base64.urlsafe_decode64(data)
rescue ArgumentError
return _session_serialization_error("Unable to decode session: invalid base64")
- length = data.bytesize
- if data.length < 61
- # minimum length (1+16+12+32) (version+cipher_iv+minimum session+hmac)
+ case version = data.getbyte(0)
+ when 1
+ per_cookie_secret = true
+ # minimum length (1+32+16+12+32) (version+random_data+cipher_iv+minimum session+hmac)
# 1 : version
+ # 32 : random_data (if per_cookie_cipher_secret)
# 16 : cipher_iv
# 12 : minimum_session
# 2 : bitmap for gzip + padding info
# 4 : creation time
# 4 : update time
# 2 : data
# 32 : HMAC-SHA-256
- return _session_serialization_error("Unable to decode session: data too short")
+ min_data_length = 93
+ when 0
+ per_cookie_secret = false
+ # minimum length (1+16+12+32) (version+cipher_iv+minimum session+hmac)
+ min_data_length = 61
+ when nil
+ return _session_serialization_error("Unable to decode session: no data")
+ else
+ return _session_serialization_error("Unable to decode session: version marker unsupported")
- unless data.getbyte(0) == 0
- # version marker
- return _session_serialization_error("Unable to decode session: version marker unsupported")
+ length = data.bytesize
+ if data.length < min_data_length
+ return _session_serialization_error("Unable to decode session: data too short")
encrypted_data = data.slice!(0, length-32)
unless Rack::Utils.secure_compare(data, OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(, opts[:hmac_secret], encrypted_data+opts[:key]))
if opts[:old_hmac_secret] && Rack::Utils.secure_compare(data, OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(, opts[:old_hmac_secret], encrypted_data+opts[:key]))
@@ -343,20 +370,28 @@
return _session_serialization_error("Not decoding session: HMAC invalid")
+ # Remove version
+ cipher_secret = opts[use_old_cipher_secret ? :old_cipher_secret : :cipher_secret]
+ if per_cookie_secret
+ cipher_secret = OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(, cipher_secret, encrypted_data.slice!(0, 32))
+ end
+ cipher_iv = encrypted_data.slice!(0, 16)
cipher ="aes-256-ctr")
# Not rescuing cipher errors. If there is an error in the decryption, that's
# either a bug in the plugin that needs to be fixed, or an attacker is already
# able to forge a valid HMAC, in which case the error should be raised to
# alert the application owner about the problem.
- cipher.key = opts[use_old_cipher_secret ? :old_cipher_secret : :cipher_secret]
- cipher_iv = cipher.iv = encrypted_data.slice!(0, 16)
+ cipher.key = cipher_secret
+ cipher.iv = cipher_iv
data = cipher.update(encrypted_data) <<
bitmap, created_at, updated_at = data.unpack('vVV')
padding_bytes = bitmap & PADDING_MASK
if (max = opts[:max_seconds]) && > created_at + max
@@ -374,10 +409,11 @@
env = @env
env[SESSION_CREATED_AT] = created_at
env[SESSION_UPDATED_AT] = updated_at
+ env[SESSION_VERSION_NUM] = version
def _serialize_session(session)
@@ -385,10 +421,11 @@
env = @env
now =
json_data = opts[:serializer].call(session).force_encoding('BINARY')
if (serialized_session = env[SESSION_SERIALIZED]) &&
+ (opts[:session_version_num] == env[SESSION_VERSION_NUM]) &&
(updated_at = env[SESSION_UPDATED_AT]) &&
(now - updated_at < opts[:skip_within]) &&
(serialized_session == json_data)
@@ -416,17 +453,27 @@
serialized_data = [bitmap, session_create_time||now, now].pack('vVV')
serialized_data << padding_data if padding_data
serialized_data << json_data
+ cipher_secret = opts[:cipher_secret]
+ if per_cookie_secret = opts[:per_cookie_cipher_secret]
+ version = "\1"
+ per_cookie_secret_base = SecureRandom.random_bytes(32)
+ cipher_secret = OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(, cipher_secret, per_cookie_secret_base)
+ else
+ version = "\0"
+ end
cipher ="aes-256-ctr")
- cipher.key = opts[:cipher_secret]
+ cipher.key = cipher_secret
cipher_iv = cipher.random_iv
encrypted_data = cipher.update(serialized_data) <<
data =
- data << "\0" # version marker
+ data << version
+ data << per_cookie_secret_base if per_cookie_secret_base
data << cipher_iv
data << encrypted_data
data << OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(, opts[:hmac_secret], data+opts[:key])
data = Base64.urlsafe_encode64(data)