lib/roda/plugins/assets.rb in roda-2.17.0 vs lib/roda/plugins/assets.rb in roda-2.18.0
- old
+ new
@@ -61,10 +61,25 @@
# The assets method will respect the application's :add_script_name option,
# if it set it will automatically prefix the path with the SCRIPT_NAME for
# the request.
+ # == Asset Paths
+ #
+ # If you just want the paths rather than the full tags, you can use
+ # assets_paths instead. This will return an array of the sources that
+ # the assets function would have put into tags:
+ #
+ # assets_paths(:css)
+ # # => ["/assets/css/foo.css", "/assets/css/app.css"]
+ #
+ # If compilation is turned on, it will return the path to the compiled
+ # asset:
+ #
+ # assets_paths(:css)
+ # # => ["/assets/app.5e7b06baa1a514d8473b0eca514b806c201073b9.css"]
+ #
# == Asset Groups
# The asset plugin supports groups for the cases where you have different
# css/js files for your front end and back end. To use asset groups, you
# pass a hash for the :css and/or :js options:
@@ -180,12 +195,25 @@
# If the compiled asset metadata file already exists when the assets plugin
# is loaded, the plugin will read the file to get the compiled asset metadata,
# and it will run in compiled mode, assuming that the compiled asset files
# already exist.
- # ==== Postprocessing
+ # ==== On Heroku
+ # Heroku supports precompiling the assets when using Roda. You just need to
+ # add an assets:precompile task, similar to this:
+ #
+ # namespace :assets do
+ # desc "Precompile the assets"
+ # task :precompile do
+ # require './app'
+ # App.compile_assets
+ # end
+ # end
+ #
+ # == Postprocessing
+ #
# If you pass a callable object to the :postprocessor option, it will be called
# before an asset is served.
# If the assets are to be compiled, the object will be called at compilation time.
# It is passed three arguments; the name of the asset file, the type of the
@@ -200,23 +228,10 @@
# :postprocessor => lambda do |file, type, content|
# type == :css ? AutoprefixerRails.process(content).css : content
# end
# }
- # ==== On Heroku
- #
- # Heroku supports precompiling the assets when using Roda. You just need to
- # add an assets:precompile task, similar to this:
- #
- # namespace :assets do
- # desc "Precompile the assets"
- # task :precompile do
- # require './app'
- # App.compile_assets
- # end
- # end
- #
# == External Assets/Assets from Gems
# The assets plugin only supports loading assets files underneath the assets
# path. You cannot pass an absolute path to an asset file and have it
# work. If you would like to reference asset files that are outside the assets
@@ -584,43 +599,20 @@
module InstanceMethods
- # Return a string containing html tags for the given asset type.
- # This will use a script tag for the :js type and a link tag for
- # the :css type.
- #
- # To return the tags for a specific asset group, use an array for
- # the type, such as [:css, :frontend].
- #
- # When the assets are not compiled, this will result in a separate
- # tag for each asset file. When the assets are compiled, this will
- # result in a single tag to the compiled asset file.
- def assets(type, attrs = nil)
+ # Return an array of paths for the given asset type and optionally
+ # asset group. See the assets function documentation for details.
+ def assets_paths(type)
o = self.class.assets_opts
type, *dirs = type if type.is_a?(Array)
stype = type.to_s
ru = Rack::Utils
- attrs = if attrs
-{|k,v| "#{k}=\"#{ru.escape_html(v.to_s)}\""}.join(SPACE)
- else
- end
- if type == :js
- tag_start = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" #{attrs} src=\""
- tag_end = JS_END
- else
- tag_start = "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" #{attrs} href=\""
- tag_end = CSS_END
- end
url_prefix = request.script_name if self.class.opts[:add_script_name]
- # Create a tag for each individual file
if compiled = o[:compiled]
asset_host = o[:compiled_asset_host]
if dirs && !dirs.empty?
key = dirs.join(DOT)
ckey = "#{stype}.#{key}"
@@ -634,19 +626,55 @@
if ukey
if algo = o[:sri]
integrity = "\" integrity=\"#{algo}-#{ru.escape_html([[hash].pack('H*')].pack('m').tr("\n", EMPTY_STRING))}"
- "#{tag_start}#{asset_host}#{url_prefix}/#{o[:"compiled_#{stype}_prefix"]}.#{ukey}.#{stype}#{integrity}#{tag_end}"
+ [ "#{asset_host}#{url_prefix}/#{o[:"compiled_#{stype}_prefix"]}.#{ukey}.#{stype}#{integrity}" ]
+ else
+ []
asset_dir = o[type]
if dirs && !dirs.empty?
dirs.each{|f| asset_dir = asset_dir[f]}
prefix = "#{dirs.join(SLASH)}/" if o[:group_subdirs]
- Array(asset_dir).map{|f| "#{tag_start}#{url_prefix}/#{o[:"#{stype}_prefix"]}#{prefix}#{f}#{o[:"#{stype}_suffix"]}#{tag_end}"}.join(NEWLINE)
+ Array(asset_dir).map{|f| "#{url_prefix}/#{o[:"#{stype}_prefix"]}#{prefix}#{f}#{o[:"#{stype}_suffix"]}"}
+ end
+ # Return a string containing html tags for the given asset type.
+ # This will use a script tag for the :js type and a link tag for
+ # the :css type.
+ #
+ # To return the tags for a specific asset group, use an array for
+ # the type, such as [:css, :frontend].
+ #
+ # When the assets are not compiled, this will result in a separate
+ # tag for each asset file. When the assets are compiled, this will
+ # result in a single tag to the compiled asset file.
+ def assets(type, attrs = nil)
+ ru = Rack::Utils
+ attrs = if attrs
+{|k,v| "#{k}=\"#{ru.escape_html(v.to_s)}\""}.join(SPACE)
+ else
+ end
+ ltype = if type.is_a?(Array)
+ type[0]
+ else
+ type
+ end
+ if ltype == :js
+ tag_start = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" #{attrs} src=\""
+ tag_end = JS_END
+ else
+ tag_start = "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" #{attrs} href=\""
+ tag_end = CSS_END
+ end
+ assets_paths(type).map{|p| "#{tag_start}#{p}#{tag_end}"}.join(NEWLINE)
# Render the asset with the given filename. When assets are compiled,
# or when the file is already of the given type (no rendering necessary),
# this returns the contents of the compiled file.