spec/rocketstarter_spec.rb in rocketstarter-0.0.3 vs spec/rocketstarter_spec.rb in rocketstarter-0.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,11 +1,95 @@
+# This file was wrote by Japanese with UTF8
+# This spec needs sandbox directory, please make "~/sandbox/rocketstarter" directory first!
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper.rb'
+require "~/Sources/secret.rb"
-# Time to add your specs!
-# http://rspec.info/
-describe "Place your specs here" do
+describe "のspec用のメソッドが動作するとき:" do
+ it "Hash.includes_hash?を使うと、ハッシュを含むかどうかがわかる事" do
+ target = {"1" => "a", "2" => "b", "3" => "c"}
+ target.includes_hash?(target).should be_true
+ target.includes_hash?({"1" => "a"}).should be_true
+ target.includes_hash?({"5" => "a"}).should be_false
+ target.includes_hash?(target.merge({"4" => "d"})).should be_false
+ end
- it "find this spec in spec directory" do
- violated "Be sure to write your specs"
+ it "build_option_stringはハッシュからパラメータ用文字列を生成できる事" do
+ options = {
+ "bystring" => "string",
+ "byflag" => "true",
+ "project" => "testproj",
+ }
+ build_option_string(options).should == " --project=testproj --byflag --bystring=string"
+ it 'options.delete("project")を使うと、プロジェクト名を取り出し、ハッシュからは抜ける事' do
+ options = {
+ "bystring" => "string",
+ "byflag" => "true",
+ "project" => "testproj",
+ }
+ project_name = options.delete("project")
+ project_name.should == "testproj"
+ build_option_string(options).should == " --byflag --bystring=string"
+ end
+describe "のspecが実行された場合:" do
+ before do
+ move_to_sandbox
+ clean_up_sandbox
+ end
+ it "sandboxに移動できる事" do
+ move_to_sandbox.should be_true
+ end
+ it "sandboxをclean upできる事" do
+ clean_up_sandbox.should be_true
+ end
+describe "に--initオプションを付けた場合:" do
+ before do
+ move_to_sandbox
+ clean_up_sandbox
+ setup_config_directory
+ end
+ it "最初はconfigファイルとプラグインリストファイルが無い事" do
+ FileTest::file?(path_of_config_file).should be_false
+ end
+ it "--initを付けるとconfigファイルとプラグインリストファイルのテンプレートが生成される事" do
+ setup_config_file.should be_true
+ FileTest::file?(path_of_config_file).should be_true
+ FileTest::file?(path_of_plugin_list_file).should be_true
+ end
+ it "最初の初期化時はファイルを上書きしない事" do
+ setup_config_file.should be_true
+ FileTest::file?(path_of_config_file).should be_true
+ FileTest::file?(path_of_plugin_list_file).should be_true
+ end
+ it "2回目の初期化時はファイルの上書き確認が表示される事" do
+ setup_config_file.should be_true
+ setup_config_file(nil, 4).should be_true
+ FileTest::file?(path_of_config_file).should be_true
+ FileTest::file?(path_of_plugin_list_file).should be_true
+ end
+ it "--init時に他のパラメータを付けておくと、デフォルトではなく、パラメータを保存する事" do
+ options = {
+ "database" => "sqlite3",
+ "verbose" => "true",
+ }
+ setup_config_file(options).should be_true
+ parse_setting.includes_hash?(options).should be_true
+ end