lib/rocket_job/plugins/document.rb in rocketjob-2.1.3 vs lib/rocket_job/plugins/document.rb in rocketjob-3.0.0.alpha
- old
+ new
@@ -1,58 +1,83 @@
# encoding: UTF-8
require 'active_support/concern'
-require 'mongo'
-require 'mongo_ha'
- require 'active_model/serializers/xml'
-rescue LoadError
- raise "Please add gem 'activemodel-serializers-xml' to Gemfile to support Active Model V5"
-require 'mongo_mapper'
module RocketJob
module Plugins
# Base class for storing models in MongoDB
module Document
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
- include MongoMapper::Document
+ include Mongoid::Document
included do
- # Prevent data in MongoDB from re-defining the model behavior.
- self.static_keys = true
+ store_in client: 'rocketjob'
- # Only save changes to this instance to prevent losing
- # changes made by other processes or threads.
- self.partial_updates = true
- # Turn off embedded callbacks. Slow and not used by Jobs.
- embedded_callbacks_off
+ class_attribute :user_editable_fields, instance_accessor: false
+ self.user_editable_fields = []
- # Patch the way MongoMapper reloads a model
- def reload
- if doc = collection.find_one(:_id => id)
- # Clear out keys that are not returned during the reload from MongoDB
- (keys.keys - doc.keys).each { |key| send("#{key}=", nil) }
- initialize_default_values
- load_from_database(doc)
- self
- else
- raise MongoMapper::DocumentNotFound, "Document match #{_id.inspect} does not exist in #{} collection"
+ module ClassMethods
+ # Defines all the fields that are accessible on the Document
+ # For each field that is defined, a getter and setter will be
+ # added as an instance method to the Document.
+ #
+ # @example Define a field.
+ # field :score, :type => Integer, :default => 0
+ #
+ # @param [ Symbol ] name The name of the field.
+ # @param [ Hash ] options The options to pass to the field.
+ #
+ # @option options [ Class ] :type The type of the field.
+ # @option options [ String ] :label The label for the field.
+ # @option options [ Object, Proc ] :default The field's default
+ # @option options [ Boolean ] :class_attribute Keep the fields default in a class_attribute
+ # @option options [ Boolean ] :user_editable Field can be edited by end users in RJMC
+ #
+ # @return [ Field ] The generated field
+ def field(name, options)
+ if options.delete(:user_editable) == true
+ self.user_editable_fields += [name.to_sym] unless user_editable_fields.include?(name.to_sym)
+ end
+ if options.delete(:class_attribute) == true
+ class_attribute(name, instance_accessor: false)
+ if options.has_key?(:default)
+ public_send("#{name}=", options[:default])
+ end
+ options[:default] = lambda { self.class.public_send(name) }
+ end
+ super(name, options)
+ # V2 Backward compatibility
+ def key(name, type, options = {})
+ field(name, options.merge(type: type))
+ end
+ # Mongoid does not apply ordering, add sort
+ def first
+ all.sort('_id' => 1).first
+ end
+ # Mongoid does not apply ordering, add sort
+ def last
+ all.sort('_id' => -1).first
+ end
- def update_attributes_and_reload(attrs)
- if doc = collection.find_and_modify(query: {:_id => id}, update: {'$set' => attrs})
+ # Apply changes to this document returning the updated document from the database.
+ # Allows other changes to be made on the server that will be loaded.
+ def find_and_update(attrs)
+ if doc = collection.find(_id: id).find_one_and_update({'$set' => attrs}, return_document: :after)
# Clear out keys that are not returned during the reload from MongoDB
- (keys.keys - doc.keys).each { |key| send("#{key}=", nil) }
- initialize_default_values
- load_from_database(doc)
+ (fields.keys + embedded_relations.keys - doc.keys).each { |key| send("#{key}=", nil) }
+ @attributes = attributes
+ apply_defaults
- raise MongoMapper::DocumentNotFound, "Document match #{_id.inspect} does not exist in #{} collection"
+ raise Mongoid::Error::DocumentNotFound, "Document match #{_id.inspect} does not exist in #{} collection"