lib/roby/interface.rb in roby-0.8.0 vs lib/roby/interface.rb in roby-3.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,474 +1,141 @@
-require 'utilrb/column_formatter'
+require 'roby'
module Roby
- # An augmented DRbObject which allow to properly interface with remotely
- # running plan objects.
- class RemoteObjectProxy < DRbObject
- attr_accessor :remote_interface
+ # High-level command and control of a Roby controller
+ #
+ # The {Interface} module provides a high-level control interface to a
+ # running Roby controller. It is the basis for all remote Roby UIs such as
+ # the Syskit IDE or the Roby shell. The following documentation aims at
+ # giving a bird eye's view of the module's structure
+ #
+ # == Jobs
+ #
+ # The high-level construct used in the Roby interface is the job. Jobs are
+ # representation of the high-level goals that a user gave to the system. A
+ # task represents a job if:
+ #
+ # - it provides the {Interface::Job} service
+ # - it has a non-nil {Interface::Job#job_id} argument
+ # - itself or its planned task is a mission
+ #
+ # In case a job task is a planning task, the job itself will be represented
+ # by the job's planned task. Across the job-related APIs, one will see that
+ # jobs are therefore associated with two tasks: the task or placeholder
+ # task, and the job task itself.
+ #
+ # The interface APIs provide ways to track the progress of jobs. Each job
+ # transition is represented by a Interface::JOB_* constant (e.g.
+ # {Interface::JOB_READY}), and notifications are sent to remote endpoints
+ # about the current state and progress of jobs.
+ #
+ # == Synchronous Client/Server API
+ #
+ # A Roby application will in most cases create an {Interface::Interface}
+ # object, which is the endpoint for all interface-related matters. A
+ # client/server mechanism allows to access the app's interface.
+ # {Interface::Server} provides the server-side and {Interface::Client} the
+ # client-side. Both classes are independent of the communication channel
+ # used. The communication is based on marshalling and demarshalling of an
+ # array that represents a method name and arguments on the
+ # {Interface::Interface} class. The marshalling/demarshalling and the exact
+ # packet format is left to the channel class given to Client and Server at
+ # construction time (see below)
+ #
+ # The core of the method calls on {Interface::Client} are the calls
+ # available on {Interface::Interface}. Check the latter to figure out what
+ # you can do with the former. In addition, it supports starting actions (and
+ # jobs) using an action_name!(arguments) syntax. This is meant as syntactic
+ # sugar for use in interactive implementations, but one should use
+ # {Interface::Interface#start_job} when starting jobs programmatically.
+ #
+ # In addition to the remote method calls, the Client API provides
+ # notifications pushed by the interface:
+ #
+ # - {Interface::Client#pop_notification}: general log messages from
+ # {Application#notify}. By default, all log messages generated from {Robot}
+ # are forwarded this way
+ # - {Interface::Client#pop_job_progress}: job progress
+ # - {Interface::Client#pop_exception}: about exceptions
+ #
+ # == Asynchronous API
+ #
+ # To connect to the client/server API, one has to have a remote Roby app to
+ # connect to. Moreoover, the API is really designed as a request/response
+ # scheme, which is not a very nice format to build UIs from.
+ #
+ # For these, reasons, a higher level, event-based API has been built on top
+ # of the client/server functionality. The main entrypoint for this
+ # asynchronous API is {Interface::Async::Interface}. In addition to properly
+ # handling (re)connections, this API provides also a nicer interface to job
+ # tracking.
+ #
+ # Jobs are represented by {Async::JobMonitor} objects, which track the job
+ # state and provide operations on them such as killing, dropping and
+ # restarting them as well as registering hooks to track their progress. One
+ # usually gets these job monitor objects by listening for new jobs using
+ # {Async::Interface#on_job}.
+ #
+ # Note that in most cases, new job monitor objects are inactive (i.e. won't
+ # get notifications) until you explicitely call {Async::JobMonitor#start} on
+ # them. Whether this is the case or not is documented on each method that
+ # return or yield a job monitor object.
+ #
+ # == Asynchronous log stream API
+ #
+ # In addition to the notifications provided by {Interface::Client}, one can
+ # use the Roby logging to build a complete representation of a plan. The
+ # {Interface::Async::Log} class gives easy-to-use access to such a rebuilt
+ # plan, along with the ability to disconnect and reconnect to a remote
+ # Roby app.
+ #
+ # == Event Loop Integration
+ #
+ # {Interface::Interface} hooks itself in the app's main event loop, as does
+ # {Interface::TCPServer}. On the client side, processing is done in
+ # {Interface::Client#poll} which therefore needs to be called periodically
+ # within your app's main loop. In Qt, it usually means starting a timer
+ #
+ # timer =
+ # timer.connect(SIGNAL('timeout()')) do
+ # client.poll
+ # end
+ #
+ # == Communication Channel
+ #
+ # {Interface::DRobyChannel} provides a default implementation, using the
+ # DRoby marshalling/demarshalling for object-to-binary translation,
+ # WebSockets for framing and a subclass of IO as the underlying
+ # communication medium. The most common usage is to spawn a TCP server based
+ # on this channel with {Interface::TCPServer}, and connect to it from the
+ # client side with {Interface.connect_with_tcp_to}. A Roby application
+ # spawns such a server automatically by calling
+ # {Roby::Application#setup_shell_interface} if
+ # {Roby::Application#public_shell_interface?} is true.
+ #
- def to_s
- __method_missing__(:to_s)
- end
- def pretty_print(pp)
- pp.text to_s
- end
+ module Interface
+ DEFAULT_PORT = 20201
- alias __method_missing__ method_missing
- def method_missing(*args, &block)
- if remote_interface
-, *args, &block)
- else
- super
- end
- end
- end
+ extend Logger::Hierarchy
- # RemoteInterface objects are used as local representation of remote
- # interface objects. They offer a seamless interface to a remotely running
- # Roby controller.
- class RemoteInterface
- # Create a RemoteInterface object for the remote object represented by
- # +interface+, where +interface+ is a DRbObject for a remote Interface
- # object.
- def initialize(interface)
- @interface = interface
- reconnect
+ module Async
+ extend Logger::Hierarchy
- def reconnect
- remote_models = @interface.task_models
- do |klass|
- klass = klass.proxy(nil)
- if klass.respond_to?(:remote_name)
- # This is a local proxy for a remote model. Add it in our
- # namespace as well.
- path = klass.remote_name.split '::'
- klass_name = path.pop
- mod = Object
- while !path.empty?
- name = path.shift
- mod = begin
- mod.const_get(name)
- rescue NameError
- mod.const_set(name,
- end
- end
- mod.const_set(klass_name, klass)
- end
- end
- end
- # Returns a Query object which can be used to interactively query the
- # running plan
- def find_tasks(model = nil, args = nil)
- q =
- if model
- q.which_fullfills(model, args)
- end
- q
- end
- # Defined for remotes queries to work
- def query_result_set(query) # :nodoc:
- @interface.remote_query_result_set(Distributed.format(query)).each do |t|
- t.remote_interface = self
- end
- end
- # Defined for remotes queries to work
- def query_each(result_set) # :nodoc:
- result_set.each do |t|
- yield(t)
- end
- end
- # Defined for remotes queries to work
- def query_roots(result_set, relation) # :nodoc:
- @interface.remote_query_roots(result_set, Distributed.format(relation)).each do |t|
- t.remote_interface = self
- end
- end
- # Returns the DRbObject for the remote controller state object
- def state
- remote_constant('State')
- end
- def instance_methods(include_super = false) # :nodoc:
- Interface.instance_methods(false).
- { |name| "#{name}!" }
- end
- def actions_summary(with_advanced = false)
- methods = @interface.actions
- if !with_advanced
- methods = methods.delete_if { |m| m.description.advanced? }
- end
- if !methods.empty?
- puts
- desc = do |p|
- doc = p.description.doc || ["(no description set)"]
- Hash['Name' => "#{}!", 'Description' => doc.join("\n")]
- end
- ColumnFormatter.from_hashes(desc, STDOUT,
- :header_delimiter => true,
- :column_delimiter => "|",
- :order => %w{Name Description})
- puts
- end
- nil
- end
- def actions(with_advanced = false)
- @interface.actions.each do |m|
- next if m.description.advanced? if !with_advanced
- display_action_description(m)
- puts
- end
- nil
- end
- # Standard way to display a set of tasks
- def task_set_to_s(task_set) # :nodoc:
- if task_set.empty?
- return "no tasks"
- end
- task = do |task|
- state_name = %w{pending starting running finishing finished}.find do |state_name|
- task.send("#{state_name}?")
- end
- since = task.start_time
- lifetime = task.lifetime
- Hash['Task' => task.to_s,
- 'State' => state_name,
- 'Since' => (since.asctime if since),
- 'Lifetime' => ( if lifetime)
- ]
- end
- io =
- ColumnFormatter.from_hashes(task, STDOUT,
- :header_delimiter => true,
- :column_delimiter => "|",
- :order => %w{Task State Lifetime Since})
- end
- # Displays information about the plan's missions
- def missions
- missions = find_tasks.mission.to_a
- task_set_to_s(missions)
- nil
- end
- # Displays information about the running tasks
- def running_tasks
- tasks = find_tasks.running.to_a
- task_set_to_s(tasks)
- nil
- end
- # Displays details about the actions matching 'regex'
- def describe(name, with_advanced = false)
- name =
- m = @interface.actions.find_all { |p| name === }
- if !with_advanced
- filtered = m.find_all { |m| !m.description.advanced? }
- m = filtered if !filtered.empty?
- end
- if m.empty?
- puts "no such method"
- else
- m.each do |desc|
- puts
- display_action_description(desc)
- puts
- end
- end
- nil
- end
- # Displays a help message
- def help
- puts
- puts "Available Actions"
- puts "================="
- actions_summary
- puts ""
- puts <<-EOHELP
-each action is started with action_name!(:arg1 => value1, :arg2 => value2, ...)
-and returns the corresponding task object. A message is displayed in the shell
-when the task finishes."
-Shell Commands
-Command | Help
-actions_summary(advanced = false) | displays the list of actions with a short documentation |
-actions(advanced = false) | displays details for each available actions |
-describe(regex) | displays details about the actions matching 'regex' |
-missions | displays the set of running missions with their status |
-running_tasks | displays the set of running tasks with their status |
- | |
-help | this help message |
- end
- # Standard display of an action description. +m+ is a PlanningMethod
- # object.
- def display_action_description(m) # :nodoc:
- args = m.description.arguments.
- sort_by { |arg_desc| }
- first = true
- args_summary = do |arg_desc|
- name =
- is_required = arg_desc.required
- format = if is_required then "%s"
- else "[%s]"
- end
- text = format % ["#{", " if !first}:#{name} => #{name}"]
- first = false
- text
- end
- args_table = args.
- map do |arg_desc|
- Hash['Argument' =>,
- 'Description' => (arg_desc.doc || "(no description set)")]
- end
- method_doc = m.description.doc || [""]
- puts "#{}! #{args_summary.join("")}\n#{method_doc.join("\n")}"
- if m.description.arguments.empty?
- puts "No arguments"
- else
- ColumnFormatter.from_hashes(args_table, STDOUT,
- :left_padding => " ",
- :header_delimiter => true,
- :column_delimiter => "|",
- :order => %w{Argument Description})
- end
- end
- def method_missing(m, *args) # :nodoc:
- result = @interface.send(m, *args)
- if result.kind_of?(RemoteObjectProxy)
- result.remote_interface = @interface
- end
- result
- rescue Exception => e
- raise e, e.message, Roby.filter_backtrace(e.backtrace)
- end
- # This class is used to interface with the Roby event loop and plan. It is the
- # main front object when accessing a Roby core remotely
- class Interface
- # This module defines the hooks needed to plug Interface objects onto
- # ExecutionEngine
- module GatherExceptions
- # The set of Interface objects that have been registered to us
- attribute(:interfaces) { }
- # Register a new Interface object so that it gets feedback information
- # from the running controller.
- def register_interface(iface)
- Roby.synchronize do
- interfaces << iface
- end
- end
- # Pushes a exception message to all the already registered remote interfaces.
- def push_exception_message(name, error, tasks)
- Roby.synchronize do
- msg = Roby.format_exception(error.exception).join("\n")
- msg << "\nThe following tasks have been killed:\n"
- tasks.each do |t|
- msg << " "
- if error.exception.involved_plan_object?(t)
- msg << "#{t.class}:0x#{t.address.to_s(16)}\n"
- else
- PP.pp(t, msg)
- end
- end
- interfaces.each do |iface|
- iface.pending_messages << msg
- end
- end
- end
- # Pushes an exception information on all remote interfaces connected to us
- def handled_exception(error, task)
- super if defined? super
- push_exception_message("exception", error, [task])
- end
- # Pushes an exception information on all remote interfaces connected to us
- def fatal_exception(error, tasks)
- super if defined? super
- push_exception_message("fatal exception", error, tasks)
- end
- end
- # The engine this interface is tied to
- attr_reader :engine
- # The set of pending messages that are to be displayed on the remote interface
- attr_reader :pending_messages
- # Creates a local server for a remote interface, acting on +control+
- def initialize(engine)
- @pending_messages =
- @engine = engine
- engine.extend GatherExceptions
- engine.register_interface self
- end
- # Clear the current plan: remove all running and permanent tasks.
- def clear
- engine.execute do
- plan.missions.dup.each { |t| plan.discard(t) }
- plan.permanent_tasks.dup.each { |t| }
- plan.permanent_events.dup.each { |t| }
- end
- end
- # Make the Roby event loop quit
- def stop; engine.quit; nil end
- # The Roby plan
- def plan; engine.plan end
- # Synchronously call +m+ on +tasks+ with the given arguments. This,
- # along with the implementation of RemoteInterface#method_missing,
- # ensures that no interactive operations are performed outside the
- # control thread.
- def call(task, m, *args)
- engine.execute do
- if m.to_s =~ /!$/
- event_name = $`
- # Check if the called event is terminal. If it is the case,
- # discard the task before calling it, and make sure the user
- # will get a message
- #
- if task.event(event_name).terminal?
- plan.unmark_mission(task)
- task.on(:stop) { |ev| pending_messages << "task #{ev.task} stopped by user request" }
- else
- task.on(event_name) { |ev| pending_messages << "done emitting #{ev.generator}" }
- end
- end
- task.send(m, *args)
- end
- end
- def find_tasks(model = nil, args = nil)
- plan.find_tasks(model, args)
- end
- # For using Query on Interface objects
- def remote_query_result_set(m_query) # :nodoc:
- plan.query_result_set(m_query.to_query(plan)).
- map { |t| }
- end
- # For using Query on Interface objects
- def remote_query_roots(result_set, m_relation) # :nodoc:
- plan.query_roots(result_set, m_relation.proxy(nil)).
- map { |t| }
- end
- # Returns a DRbObject on the given named constant. Use this to get a
- # remote interface to a given object, not taking into account its
- # 'marshallability'
- def remote_constant(name)
- end
- # Reload the Roby framework code
- #
- # WARNING: does not work for now
- def reload
- nil
- end
- # Returns the set of task models as DRobyTaskModel objects. The standard
- # Roby task models are excluded.
- def task_models
- task_models = []
- engine.execute do
- ObjectSpace.each_object(Class) do |obj|
- if obj <= Roby::Task && !~ /^Roby::/
- task_models << obj
- end
- end
- end
- { |t| t.droby_dump(nil) }
- end
- # Returns the set of PlanningMethod objects that describe the methods
- # exported in the application's planners.
- def actions
- map do |p|
- p.planning_methods
- end.flatten.sort_by { |p| }
- end
- # Called every once in a while by RemoteInterface to read and clear the
- # set of pending messages.
- def poll_messages
- result = []
- while !pending_messages.empty?
- msg = pending_messages.pop
- result << msg
- end
- result
- end
- # Tries to find a planner method which matches +name+ with +args+. If it finds
- # one, creates a task planned by a planning task and yields both
- def method_missing(name, *args)
- if name.to_s =~ /!$/
- name = $`.to_sym
- else
- super
- end
- if args.size > 1
- raise ArgumentError, "wrong number of arguments (#{args.size} for 1) in #{name}!"
- end
- options = args.first || {}
- task, planner = Robot.prepare_action(name, options)
- begin
- engine.wait_until(planner.event(:success)) do
- plan.add_mission(task)
- yield(task, planner) if block_given?
- end
- rescue Roby::UnreachableEvent
- raise RuntimeError, "cannot start #{name}: #{planner.terminal_event.context.first}"
- end
- engine.execute do
- result = planner.result
- result.on(:failed) { |ev| pending_messages << "task #{ev.task} failed" }
- result.on(:success) { |ev| pending_messages << "task #{ev.task} finished successfully" }
- end
- end
- end
+require 'websocket'
+require 'utilrb/hash'
+require 'roby/interface/job'
+require 'roby/interface/exceptions'
+require 'roby/interface/command_argument'
+require 'roby/interface/command'
+require 'roby/interface/command_library'
+require 'roby/interface/interface'
+require 'roby/interface/droby_channel'
+require 'roby/interface/server'
+require 'roby/interface/client'
+require 'roby/interface/subcommand_client'
+require 'roby/interface/tcp'
+require 'roby/interface/shell_client'
+require 'roby/interface/shell_subcommand'