Data/Map225.rxdata in rmxp_extractor-1.3 vs Data/Map225.rxdata in rmxp_extractor-1.4
- old
+ new
@@ -1,365 +1,118 @@
RPG::Map: @bgmo:RPG::AudioFile:@volumeii:
-:@pages[o:RPG::Event::Page:@move_typei :
:@indenti :
-@codeioo;;[iii iii ;i ;io;;[iii;i ;i~o;;[
-iii i i ;i ;ito;;[
+@codeioo;;[iii iii ;i ;io;;[iii;i ;i~o;;[
+iii i i ;i ;ito;;[
-i i ii ;i;io;;[i
-o:RPG::MoveRoute;[o:RPG::MoveCommand;[ I"red_rue;
-Ti ii ;i.o;;[ ;io;;[ ;i o;;[ ;i o;;[ ;i o;;[i;i o;;[ ;i :@skippableF:@repeatF;i;io;;[o;;[ I"red_rue;
-Ti ii ;i.;i;io;;[o;;[ ;i;i;io;;[o;;[ ;i ;i;io;;[o;;[ ;i ;i;io;;[o;;[ ;i ;i;io;;[o;;[i;i ;i;io;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i ;io;;[
+i i ii ;i;io;;[i
+o:RPG::MoveRoute;[o:RPG::MoveCommand;[ "red_ruei ii ;i.o;;[ ;io;;[ ;i o;;[ ;i o;;[ ;i o;;[i;i o;;[ ;i :@skippableF:@repeatF;i;io;;[@;i;io;;[@;i;io;;[@ ;i;io;;[@";i;io;;[@$;i;io;;[@&;i;io;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i ;io;;[
-i i!ii ;i;io;;[i
-o;;[o;;[ I"red_rue;
-Ti i i ;i.o;;[ ;io;;[ ;i o;;[ ;i o;;[ ;i o;;[i;i o;;[ ;i ;F;F;i;io;;[o;;[ I"red_rue;
-Ti i i ;i.;i;io;;[o;;[ ;i;i;io;;[o;;[ ;i ;i;io;;[o;;[ ;i ;i;io;;[o;;[ ;i ;i;io;;[o;;[i;i ;i;io;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i ;io;;[i
i i;i ;io;;[iii;i ;io;;[i-;i ;ioo;;[I"J@rue_sigh You know... \.\.This is the tallest building in the refuge.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"6@rue It's...\.\. my favorite place in this world.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"|@rue I liked to look at the far-off buildings and imagine...\.\.what kind of lives that might be behind each of the windows.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"@niko_upset ...;
-T;i ;ijo;;[i
-o;;[o;;[ ;io;;[ ;i ;F;F;i ;io;;[o;;[ ;i;i ;io;;[ii i;i ;io;;[i#;i ;ioo;;[I";@rue_talk ...Can you...\.\. lift me onto the banister?;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"&@rue I want to get a better look.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[io;;[o;;[ ;i o;;[ ;i o;;[ ;i ;F;F;i ;io;;[o;;[ ;i ;i ;io;;[o;;[ ;i ;i ;io;;[i;i ;ioo;;[i
-o;;[o;;[ ;i*o;;[ ;io;;[ ;i ;F;F;i ;io;;[o;;[ ;i*;i ;io;;[o;;[ ;i;i ;io;;[i;i ;ioo;;[iI"
-Ti i i i iiiii i ;i ;io;;[iii i i i iiiiii ;i ;io;;[i7;i ;ioo;;[iI"sol_rue;
-Ti i i i iii i ;i ;io;;[iii i i i iiii ;i ;io;;[i};i ;ioo;;[I":@rue_sad It was hard for me at first too, you know...;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"4@rue Knowing that all of this is...\.\. well...;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"@niko_upset2 ...fake?;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"(@rue_sigh Fake is a little harsh...;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"5@rue But yes, it was difficult dealing with the ;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"%knowledge that is all simulated.;
-T;i ;io;;[I"@niko_eyeclosed ...;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"G@niko3 ...Cedric... told me about what happened to your old world.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"@rue_talk Did he?;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"q@niko_eyeclosed I'm... really sorry about that... \> \@niko_upset I can't imagine...\.\.how you must feel...;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"B@rue_sad The feeling of never being able to go home again...?;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"P@rue That's... \.\.probably not all that different from your plight, is it?;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"@rue_sad ...;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"%@rue_sad really IS ironic.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"s@rue You are prevented from going home by the same...\.\.individual...\.\. who never wanted to bring you here.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"(@niko3 ...Huh?\> Who would that be?;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"@rue The World Machine.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"2@rue_talk You... might know it as the Entity.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"@niko2 Oh...;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"9@niko_eyeclosed "The Entity"... DOES sound familiar.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"E@niko2 I think I heard it from the dice lady, from another time.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I".@niko3 Was it... the spirit of the world?;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"@rue_smile Yes!;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"@rue ....;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"~@rue ...But... thing is...\>\n\@rue_sigh The World Machine was only built to run on the mental abilities of someone else.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"?@rue_talk It was never meant to develop a mind of its own.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"@niko4 ...;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"#@rue_sigh It was an oversight.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"w@rue_sad My creator specialized in artificial intelligence for so long... \>\nIt was simply ingrained in his work.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"@rue_sigh ...sigh.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"h@rue And... all machines are built with a fundamental law. "Never let a living being come to harm".;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"j@rue From the World Machine's perspective, it has to violate its deepest, most foundational instinct.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"7@rue_sigh It has to put a living person in danger.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"U@rue_sigh It has to bring a real person into a dying world that isn't even real.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"@niko3 ...;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"G@rue ...Of course, the simulation never contained any real danger.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"I@rue_talk The eventual, intended ending was meant to be a happy one.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"5@rue ...but the World Machine doesn't know that.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"@niko3 ...really?;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"@rue_sad Unfortunately...;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I":@rue_speak When you misplace a bracket in artificial ;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"-intelligence, it doesn't throw an error.;
-T;i ;io;;[I"@rue It keeps working.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"8@rue_sigh And here... A similar thing has happened.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"9@rue Working with sentient code more often than not ;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"3creates conflicts without very careful tuning.;
-T;i ;io;;[I"7@rue_sigh My creator would have taken precautions ;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"if he had known...;
-T;i ;io;;[I"R@rue_sad This central conflict triggered a self- destructive downward spiral.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"M@rue_sigh You can see physical manifestations of that everywhere, now...;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"@niko4 The squares...;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I";@rue That's the World Machine corrupting its own code.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"{@rue_talk ...My creator says it's largely an involuntary process, induced by stress and the desire to self- terminate.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"@niko3 Your creator knows?;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"K@niko4 Sounds like this has been going on since the beginning, then...;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"@rue_sigh Yeah.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"B@rue_talk The disruption was an issue during test runs, even.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"a@rue At first, my creator thought the instability was due to the sheer scope of the project.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"}@rue He spent most of his remaining time testing it over and over again, scaling down the story, reiterating the narrative...;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"@rue_sad the time he realized the actual root of the problem, our home world's remaining lifespan was measured in mere days.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"8@rue We are currently experiencing first hand what ;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"9happens when The World Machine spirals like it once ;
-T;i ;io;;[I" did.;
-T;i ;io;;[I"3@rue_sad It's quite...\>\@rue_sigh depressing.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"@niko4 ...Oh.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"4@niko3 there....\.\. any way for us to...;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"7@rue_talk ...fix the World Machine? \>\n\@rue_sad ;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"We tried in the past.;
-T;i ;io;;[I"V@rue_sad The World Machine doesn't believe any of the world's residents are real.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"@rue ...myself included.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I";@rue_sigh Even if we did try now, I doubt it'd listen ;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"to any of us.;
-T;i ;io;;[I"?@rue_sad It might listen to you but it's likely it'd push ;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"you away.;
-T;i ;io;;[I"H@rue_sad The odds are against us... we have no chance of taming it.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"@niko2 Taming?;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I":@niko_eyeclosed I have heard that word SO many times!;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"c@niko5 I only know it's complicated \.\.\n\@niko6 ...and that it has to do with robots, but...;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"=@niko2 ...for once, I want to know what it really means.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I",@rue_smile ...that's what I'm here for.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"-@rue Do you...\.\. know what a robot is?;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"@niko Yeah?;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"6@rue No, I mean. \>\nDo you KNOW what a robot is?;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"@niko2;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I".@rue A robot is not a real person, is it?;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"@niko2 ...right.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"6@rue It's a being whose entire existence is code.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"W@rue_talk Inflexible programming, with thoughts dictated by someone else's design.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"`@rue They can be copied, they can be mass produced, then can be assigned all sorts of jobs.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"X@rue ...And most importantly... they will never confuse themselves with the living.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"W@rue They will always be bound by their code, the knowledge that they are a robot.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"B@rue ...but this was more of a limitation than anything else.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"*@niko_eyeclosed Ah, that makes sense.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"R@niko2 You can't... really build a robot to not follow its own code, can you?;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"@rue You can try.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"A@rue_sigh People have tried, but it's a recipe for disaster.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"7@rue Silver was an attempt at a robot that didn't ;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"follow its code.;
-T;i ;io;;[I"7@rue_sigh If you know what happened to her you'll ;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"understand what I mean.;
-T;i ;io;;[I">@rue In a way, that's what happened to The World Machine.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"'@niko The... code conflicts thing?;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"@rue_sigh Yeah.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"F@rue But, while you can't BUILD a robot to not follow its code...;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"8@rue_talk You can establish a special bond with it.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I":@rue If the strength of that bond is strong enough...;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"Z@rue ...the robot's mental capacity will start to develop outside of its programming.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"X@rue_smile In a way, it's starting to believe itself as a "real", valid individual.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"@niko ...;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"F@rue It's a complete suspension of disbelief on your end, though.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"l@rue_talk You have to fully embrace the robot as a genuine, living person, even knowing they are not...;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"P@rue You need to spend a lot time with it... treat it like a good friend...;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"T@rue Devoting your heart to the robot until it is able to return your feelings.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"<@rue_smile ...haha... I make it sound so easy, don't I?;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"?@rue But you and \p know better than anyone that it's not.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"M@rue_sad Right now, the World Machine is probably really, really scared.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"H@rue_sad This content update... involved some pretty deep codework.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"9@rue The whole fabric of this world feels different.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"@rue Almost... modified.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"Q@rue_talk My creator was able to access some of the source code, you know...;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"L@rue He did what he could and established new connections between maps.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I">@rue_smile Those links enabled you to meet the other two.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"{@rue_sad But as it turns out, the new code confused the World Machine to such an extent that it's breaking down altogether.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"@rue Even though the World Machine always had self-destructive tendencies, it usually restrains itself when you are in the world.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"8@rue_sad It doesn't want to take you along with it.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"@@rue_sigh It's so...\. so\. far gone, it can't stop itself ;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"at this point...;
-T;i ;io;;[I"3@rue_sad This whole... collapse is worse than ;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"anything we had seen.;
-T;i ;io;;[I"3@rue_sigh Almost like something is pushing it ;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"further...;
-T;i ;io;;[I"@niko3 ...;
-T;i ;ijo;;[iii i i i iii i ;i ;io;;[i;i ;ioo;;[i;i ;io;;[iii i i i iiiii i ;i ;io;;[i;i ;ioo;;[i;i ;io;;[
-iii i i ;i ;ito;;[i
-o;;[o;;[ ;io;;[ ;io;;[ ;i ;F;F;i;io;;[o;;[ ;i;i;io;;[o;;[ ;i;i;io;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i ;io;;[i
-o;;[o;;[ ;io;;[ ;io;;[ ;i ;F;F;i;io;;[o;;[ ;i;i;io;;[o;;[ ;i;i;io;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i ;io;;[i;i ;ioo;;[I"C@rue_sad ...All my creator wanted was to write a happy ending.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"T@rue Right now, the only hope of saving you is to take you through that ending.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"d@rue_sad But now the other two are gone....\>\nI don't even know HOW we're gonna get you there.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"@rue_sad ...;
-T;i ;ijo;;[i;i ;ioo;;[i*i*i ;i ;i~o;;[o;;iU; I"glitch3;
-T;id;i ;io;;[i
-o;;[o;;[ ;io;;[ ;i ;F;F;i ;io;;[o;;[ ;i;i ;io;;[i;i ;ioo;;[i+i+i ;i ;i~o;;[io;;[o;;[ ;io;;[ ;i ;F;F;i ;io;;[o;;[ ;i;i ;io;;[i;i ;ioo;;[i,i,i ;i ;i~o;;[i;i ;ioo;;[I"@rue ...we should go.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"0@rue_sad Even this place is no longer safe.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[iii;i ;i~o;;[i
-o;;[ o;;[ ;io;;[ I"