Data/Map194.rxdata in rmxp_extractor-1.5 vs Data/Map194.rxdata in rmxp_extractor-1.6
- old
+ new
@@ -24,11 +24,11 @@
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o;;[I""$RESIDENTIAL TRACKING MACHINE;7@X;i ;ijo;;[I"3$For reference, an explanation of the symbols:;7@X;i ;ijo;;[i;i ;ioo;;[I"9$Cross: Medical Units are assigned to this building.;7@X;i ;ijo;;[i;i ;ioo;;[I"2$Robot: A robot is assigned to this building.;7@X;i ;ijo;;[I"=$Electricity: A power cell is assigned to this building.;7@X;i ;ijo;;[ ;i ;i ;o;;F;"A;i;F;i ;F;i;F; i;!T;"o;#;[o;$;[ ;i ;%F;&T;'i ;(F;)i;*o;+;,i;-"blue_scenery3;.i;/i ;0i
;1i ;2i ;3F;4T;5i;6F; "
;[o;;i ;[Go;;[I"(@proto1 [Okay, all of us are here.];7@X;i ;ijo;;[i;i ;ioo;;[io;#;[o;$;[ ;io;$;[ ;i ;%F;&F;i ;io;;[@;i ;io;;[I"F@proto1 [There is an emergency exit behind my computer terminal.];7@X;i ;ijo;;[io;#;[o;$;[ ;io;$;[ ;i ;%F;&F;i ;io;;[@;i ;io;;[io;#;[o;$;[ ;io;$;[ ;i ;%F;&F;i ;io;;[@;i ;io;;[I"h@proto2 [We did not want anyone to stumble upon this route, so the terminal has been weighed down.];7@X;i ;ijo;;[I"2@proto1 [It cannot be moved by normal means.];7@X;i ;ijo;;[I"?@proto2 [...But with our combined effort, it might budge.];7@X;i ;ijo;;[I"@proto2b [...Maybe.];7@X;i ;ijo;;[I" @proto2b [I am not strong.];7@X;i ;ijo;;[I")@niko2 I'm not that strong either...;7@X;i ;ijo;;[I"L@proto1c [If that doesn't work, we might need to dig around it, and...];7@X;i ;ijo;;[io;#;[o;$;[ ;io;$;[ ;i ;%F;&F;i ;io;;[@;i ;io;;[I"/@silver2 [You...\.\. could've just asked.];7@X;i ;ijo;;[io;#;[ o;$;[ ;i o;$;[ ;i o;$;[ ;io;$;[ ;i ;%F;&F;i ;io;;[@;i ;io;;[@;i ;io;;[@;i ;io;;[i#;i ;ioo;;[io;#;[o;$;[ ;i*o;$;[i;i"o;$;[ ;io;$;[ ;io;$;[i;i"o;$;[ ;i+o;$;[ ;i ;%F;&F;i ;io;;[@;i ;io;;[@;i ;io;;[@;i ;io;;[@;i ;io;;[@;i ;io;;[@;i ;io;;[io;#;[o;$;[i;i"o;$;[ ;i%o;$;[ ;io;$;[ ;io;$;[ ;i$o;$;[ ;i ;%F;&F;i ;io;;[@;i ;io;;[@;i ;io;;[@;i ;io;;[@;i ;io;;[@;i ;io;;[o;;iU; "elevator_bang;
iA;i ;io;;[i#;i ;ioo;;[o;;iU; "elevator_bang;
iA;i ;io;;[i#;i ;ioo;;[i;i ;ioo;;[I"@silver_eyeclosed [Phew.];7@X;i ;ijo;;[i;i ;ioo;;[io;#;[o;$;[ ;io;$;[ ;i ;%F;&F;i ;io;;[@?;i ;io;;[I"@Silver [Come on.];7@X;i ;ijo;;[io;#;[o;$;[i;i"o;$;[ ;io;$;[ ;io;$;[ ;i*o;$;[ ;i o;$;[ "