Data/Map067.rxdata in rmxp_extractor-1.3 vs Data/Map067.rxdata in rmxp_extractor-1.4
- old
+ new
@@ -1,1683 +1,577 @@
RPG::Map: @bgmo:RPG::AudioFile:@volumei_:
+@name"SelfContainedUniversePiano:@pitchi_:@tileset_idi :@events{Üio:RPG::Event
@list[o:RPG::EventCommand:@parameters[ :@indenti :
-@codei :@conditiono: RPG::Event::Page::Condition:@switch2_validF:@self_switch_chI"A;
-T:@switch1_idi:@switch1_validF:@variable_valuei :@self_switch_validF:@variable_idi:@variable_validF:@switch2_idi:@direction_fixF:@move_routeo:RPG::MoveRoute;[o:RPG::MoveCommand;[ ;io;$;[i;io;$;[ ;io;$;[i;io;$;[ ;io;$;[i;io;$;[ ;io;$;[i;io;$;[ ;i :@skippableF:@repeatT:
@triggeri :@step_animeF:@move_frequencyi:
@tile_idi :@directioni:@blend_typei :@character_huei :@always_on_topF:@walk_animeT:@move_speedi:
@throughF; I"marimo;
-;[o;;i;[o;;[ ;i ;i ;o;;F;I"A;
-T;i;F;i ;F;i;F; i;!F;"o;#;[o;$;[iP;io;$;[ ;io;$;[i;io;$;[ ;io;$;[i;io;$;[ ;io;$;[i;io;$;[ ;io;$;[ ;i ;%F;&T;'i ;(F;)i;*o;+;,iÿ;-I"water_waves_green2;
-T;.i;/i ;0i;1i ;2i ;3F;4T;5i;6F; I"
-;[o;;i;[o;;[ ;i ;i ;o;;F;I"A;
-T;i;F;i ;F;i;F; i;!F;"o;#;[o;$;[i;io;$;[ ;io;$;[i;io;$;[ ;io;$;[i;io;$;[ ;io;$;[i;io;$;[ ;io;$;[ ;i ;%F;&T;'i ;(F;)i;*o;+;,iÿ;-I"water_waves_green2;
-T;.i;/i ;0i;1i ;2i ;3F;4T;5i;6F; I"
-;[ o;;i ;[o;;[ ;i ;i ;o;;F;I"A;
-T;i;F;i ;F;i;F; i;!F;"o;#;[o;$;[ ;i ;%F;&T;'i ;(F;)i;*o;+;,iÿ;-I"green_npc_cedric;
-T;.i ;/i ;0i;1i ;2i ;3F;4T;5i;6Fo;;i ;[Øo;;[ ;i ;i÷o;;[i
-;i ;iòo;;[ii i;i ;iËo;;[i#;i ;ioo;;[i i;i ;iÏo;;[i o;#;[o;$;[ ;io;$;[ ;i ;%F;&F;i ;iÑo;;[o;$;[ ;i;i ;iýo;;[i;i ;ioo;;[i#;i ;ioo;;[i i i;i ;iËo;;[i o;#;[o;$;[ ;io;$;[ ;io;$;[ ;i ;%F;&F;i ;iÑo;;[o;$;[ ;i;i ;iýo;;[o;$;[ ;i;i ;iýo;;[ ;i ;iÒo;;[ ;i ;iuo;;[I"!Script.tmp_s1 = > ;
-T;i;ico;;[I"Script.eve_y("cedric npc");
-T;i;io;;[i ii ;i;ito;;[i o;#;[o;$;[ ;io;$;[ ;i ;%F;&F;i;iÑo;;[o;$;[ ;i;i;iýo;;[ ;i;iÒo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i;i›o;;[I"!Script.tmp_s1 = < ;
-T;i;ico;;[I"Script.eve_y("cedric npc");
-T;i;io;;[i ii ;i;ito;;[i o;#;[o;$;[ ;i o;$;[ ;i ;%F;&F;i;iÑo;;[o;$;[ ;i ;i;iýo;;[ ;i;iÒo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i;i›o;;[ ;i;ivo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i;iœo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i;iœo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i ;io;;[iúo;#;[o;$;[ ;io;$;[ ;i ;%F;&F;i ;iÑo;;[o;$;[ ;i;i ;iýo;;[ ;i ;iuo;;[I"!Script.tmp_s1 = Script.px > ;
-T;i;ico;;[I"#Script.eve_x("cedric npc") + 2;
-T;i;io;;[i ii ;i;ito;;[i o;#;[o;$;[ ;io;$;[ ;i ;%F;&F;i;iÑo;;[o;$;[ ;i;i;iýo;;[ ;i;iÒo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i;i›o;;[I"!Script.tmp_s1 = Script.px < ;
-T;i;ico;;[I"#Script.eve_x("cedric npc") - 2;
-T;i;io;;[i ii ;i;ito;;[i o;#;[o;$;[ ;io;$;[ ;i ;%F;&F;i;iÑo;;[o;$;[ ;i;i;iýo;;[ ;i;iÒo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i;i›o;;[ ;i;ivo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i;iœo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i;iœo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i ;io;;[o;;ii; I"DeepMinesPiano;
-T;i–;i ;iño;;[I"@cedric_talk It's you!;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"@niko !;
-T;i ;ijo;;[i iœi ;i ;ito;;[I"'@cedric_smile You are Niko, right?;
-T;i;ijo;;[I"@niko_speak Mhm!;
-T;i;ijo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i ;i›o;;[I"@cedric_hmm You... um...;
-T;i;ijo;;[I"@niko My name is Niko...;
-T;i;ijo;;[I"@cedric_smile Ah!;
-T;i;ijo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i ;iœo;;[I"N@cedric_smile N-\.\.nice finally to meet you! \@cedric_hmm \>, wait.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"G@cedric_sigh It is a pleasure to be of acquaintance at last, Niko.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"%@cedric_smile My name is Cedric.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"@niko2 Oh!;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"2@niko I'm supposed to be looking for you too!;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"@cedric I am aware.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"f@cedric_hmm Prototype had contacted me earlier, saying that you would be on your way to the city.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"@niko_speak He did?;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"C@cedric He sent me a message after his memories were restored.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"@niko Oh...;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"i@cedric_hmm He told me to wait in the city, but I thought it'd be faster for me to pick you guys up.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"9@cedric_sigh ...Turns out, that was a terrible idea.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"@niko2 Pick... us up?;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"7@niko_pancakes ...wait... YOU can fly that plane??;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"'@cedric_hmm What...\.\.is a plane?;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"'@niko_speak That thing behind you!;
-T;i ;ijo;;[ii
i;i ;iËo;;[i#;i ;ioo;;[i o;#;[o;$;[ ;io;$;[ ;i ;%F;&F;i ;iÑo;;[o;$;[ ;i;i ;iýo;;[i#;i ;ioo;;[I"2@cedric_talk Oh! You mean the flying machine?;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"3@niko_speak They're called planes in my world!;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"@cedric_hmm Oh...;
-T;i ;ijo;;[i i
i;i ;iËo;;[i#;i ;ioo;;[i o;#;[o;$;[ ;io;$;[ ;i ;%F;&F;i ;iÑo;;[o;$;[ ;i;i ;iýo;;[I"F@cedric_sigh ...I did not realize they existed in other worlds...;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"\@niko_speak ...wait! Are you the friend that Calamus and Alula was talking about, then?;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"I@niko_speak Is this the same flying machine they were talking about?;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"9@cedric I do not know anyone named Calamus or Alula.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"}@cedric_talk I think... they're meant to be friends with my father. \>\n\@cedric_hmm previous iterations of the...;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"@niko2 ...your father?;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"…@cedric_talk He was the original owner of the flying machine... \>\n\@cedric_hmm's... one of his greatest inventions, actually.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"/@niko_pancakes YOUR DAD INVENTED PLANES???;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"#@cedric_hmm ...flying machine.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"*@niko_pancakes IT'S COOL EITHER WAY!!;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"@cedric_smile Thanks?;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"b@cedric_talk But to answer your earlier question... I am proficient in operating the machine.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"a@cedric_hmm ...but...something weird happened to the engine when I was in the air earlier...;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"m@cedric_sigh I had to make an emergency landing on this tiny island before I crashed into the city wall.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"<@niko3 You almost crashed? \>\n\@niko4 That's terrible!;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"8@cedric_sigh It was not pleasant, I will admit.\n\>;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"a@cedric_hmm I wonder if the engine problem has to do with the square particle disruptions...;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"^@cedric I checked, but... there isn't any of that square stuff inside the machine itself.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"T@cedric_hmm ...but I noticed some islands in the Glen are REALLY messed up now.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I" @niko_eyeclosed They are...;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"U@cedric_sigh Sigh. \>\nGuess I should have listened to Proto in the first place.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"%@cedric_hmm ...say, where is he?;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"3@cedric_talk He said he was coming with you...;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"2@cedric Is he still back at the main islands?;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"@niko3 Oh... actually...;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I")@niko4 ...back at the Barrens, he...;
-T;i ;ijo;;[i;i ;ioo;;[I"J@niko_upset There was a cave-in...\.\. and then a bunch of squares...;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"4@niko_upset2 ...he...\.\. and the robot lady...;
-T;i ;ijo;;[i;i ;ioo;;[I":@niko_distressed_talk ...neither of them made it out.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[i;i ;ioo;;[I"@cedric_eek ...;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"@cedric_eek No....;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"@niko_distressed ...;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I":@niko_distressed2 He...\.\. did give me this, though.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"0@niko3 This disk he pulled from his head...;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"@cedric_talk Oh!!!;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"%@cedric_sigh2 Oh thank goodness.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"-@cedric_talk He gave you his main drive!;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"L@cedric_hmm As long as I have this, I should be able to bring him back.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"@niko2 R-really?;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I".@cedric_sigh It's gonna be hard, but yes.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"7@cedric You need all three of us for the big door.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"@niko2 The...?;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"R@cedric_hmm But first thing's first, we need to find a way to go to the city.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"D@niko_eyeclosed Right...\>\nThe city gate is kind of kaput now.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"N@cedric2 If this machine was working, we could just fly right in there...;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"o@cedric_hmm I've isolated the issue with the machine, but I can't repair it with the stuff I have on hand.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"*@niko_speak Oh? What's wrong with it?;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"{@cedric The \c[2]battery\c[0] in the engine is dead, and the engine has some \c[2]gears\c[0] that need to be replaced.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"_@niko ...\>\nDo you think you'll be able to fix it if \p and I help you find those things?;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"@cedric_hmm ...maybe.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"M@cedric_sigh Problem is... the Glen isn't exactly a very high-tech area.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"Y@cedric_sigh ...I'm not sure if you'll be able to find anything so specialized here.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I""@niko_speak We'll try anyway!;
-T;i ;ijo;;[I"B@niko_eyeclosed We can't really do anything else right now...;
-T;i ;ijo;;[i;i ;iòo;;[ ;i ;iuo;;[I"Script.tmp_s1 = 57 > ;
-T;i;ico;;[I" Script.eve_y("cedric npc") ;
-T;i;io;;[i ii ;i;ito;;[i o;#;[o;$;[ ;io;$;[ ;i ;%F;&F;i;iÑo;;[o;$;[ ;i;i;iýo;;[ ;i;iÒo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i;i›o;;[I"Script.tmp_s1 = 57 < ;
-T;i;ico;;[I"Script.eve_y("cedric npc");
-T;i;io;;[i ii ;i;ito;;[i o;#;[o;$;[ ;i o;$;[ ;i ;%F;&F;i;iÑo;;[o;$;[ ;i ;i;iýo;;[ ;i;iÒo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i;i›o;;[ ;i;ivo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i;iœo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i;iœo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i ;io;;[ ;i ;iuo;;[I"Script.tmp_s1 = 73 > ;
-T;i;ico;;[I" Script.eve_x("cedric npc") ;
-T;i;io;;[i ii ;i;ito;;[i o;#;[o;$;[ ;io;$;[ ;i ;%F;&F;i;iÑo;;[o;$;[ ;i;i;iýo;;[ ;i;iÒo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i;i›o;;[I"Script.tmp_s1 = 73 < ;
-T;i;ico;;[I"Script.eve_x("cedric npc");
-T;i;io;;[i ii ;i;ito;;[i o;#;[o;$;[ ;io;$;[ ;i ;%F;&F;i;iÑo;;[o;$;[ ;i;i;iýo;;[ ;i;iÒo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i;i›o;;[ ;i;ivo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i;iœo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i;iœo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i ;io;;[iöiöi ;i ;i~o;;[
-i6i6i i i ;i ;io;;[ ;i ;iøo;;[i0;i ;izo;;[ ;i ;i ;o;;F;I"A;
-T;i;F;i;F;i6;T; i;!F;"o;#;[o;$;[ ;i ;%F;&T;'i;(F;)i;*o;+;,iÿ;-I"green_npc_cedric;
-T;.i ;/i ;0i;1i ;2i ;3F;4T;5i;6Fo;;i ;[do;;[
-iii iRi ;i ;ito;;[I"!@niko2 We found a battery...;
-T;i;ijo;;[I"@cedric_talk Oh, nice!;
-T;i;ijo;;[I"/@cedric3 I honestly wasn't expecting it...;
-T;i;ijo;;[I"9@niko It's from the generator on one of the islands.;
-T;i;ijo;;[I"'@cedric_talk The research station?;
-T;i;ijo;;[I"@niko2 Yeah.;
-T;i;ijo;;[I"h@niko_speak It was powering all the robots there...\>\n\@niko_eyeclosed I felt bad for taking it...;
-T;i;ijo;;[I"@cedric_hmm Ah...;
-T;i;ijo;;[I"<@cedric_smile ...we can always just give it back later.;
-T;i;ijo;;[I"@niko_eyeclosed Alright...;
-T;i;ijo;;[ iRii i;i;i~o;;[iùiùi ;i;i~o;;[
+@codei :@conditiono: RPG::Event::Page::Condition:@switch2_validF:@self_switch_ch"A:@switch1_idi:@switch1_validF:@variable_valuei :@self_switch_validF:@variable_idi:@variable_validF:@switch2_idi:@direction_fixF:@move_routeo:RPG::MoveRoute;[o:RPG::MoveCommand;[ ;io;$;[i;io;$;[ ;io;$;[i;io;$;[ ;io;$;[i;io;$;[ ;io;$;[i;io;$;[ ;i :@skippableF:@repeatT:
@triggeri :@step_animeF:@move_frequencyi:
@tile_idi :@directioni:@blend_typei :@character_huei :@always_on_topF:@walk_animeT:@move_speedi:
@throughF; "marimo:@yi::@xi$:@idii<o;
+;[o;;i;[o;;[ ;i ;i ;o;;F;"A;i;F;i ;F;i;F; i;!F;"o;#;[o;$;[iP;io;$;[ ;io;$;[i;io;$;[ ;io;$;[i;io;$;[ ;io;$;[i;io;$;[ ;io;$;[ ;i ;%F;&T;'i ;(F;)i;*o;+;,iÿ;-"water_waves_green2;.i;/i ;0i;1i ;2i ;3F;4T;5i;6F; "
+;[o;;i;[o;;[ ;i ;i ;o;;F;"A;i;F;i ;F;i;F; i;!F;"o;#;[o;$;[i;io;$;[ ;io;$;[i;io;$;[ ;io;$;[i;io;$;[ ;io;$;[i;io;$;[ ;io;$;[ ;i ;%F;&T;'i ;(F;)i;*o;+;,iÿ;-"water_waves_green2;.i;/i ;0i;1i ;2i ;3F;4T;5i;6F; "
+;[ o;;i ;[o;;[ ;i ;i ;o;;F;"A;i;F;i ;F;i;F; i;!F;"o;#;[o;$;[ ;i ;%F;&T;'i ;(F;)i;*o;+;,iÿ;-"green_npc_cedric;.i ;/i ;0i;1i ;2i ;3F;4T;5i;6Fo;;i ;[Øo;;[ ;i ;i÷o;;[i
+;i ;iòo;;[ii i;i ;iËo;;[i#;i ;ioo;;[i i;i ;iÏo;;[i o;#;[o;$;[ ;io;$;[ ;i ;%F;&F;i ;iÑo;;[@;i ;iýo;;[i;i ;ioo;;[i#;i ;ioo;;[i i i;i ;iËo;;[i o;#;[o;$;[ ;io;$;[ ;io;$;[ ;i ;%F;&F;i ;iÑo;;[@;i ;iýo;;[@‘;i ;iýo;;[ ;i ;iÒo;;[ ;i ;iuo;;["!Script.tmp_s1 = > ;i;ico;;["Script.eve_y("cedric npc");i;io;;[i ii ;i;ito;;[i o;#;[o;$;[ ;io;$;[ ;i ;%F;&F;i;iÑo;;[@©;i;iýo;;[ ;i;iÒo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i;i›o;;["!Script.tmp_s1 = < ;i;ico;;["Script.eve_y("cedric npc");i;io;;[i ii ;i;ito;;[i o;#;[o;$;[ ;i o;$;[ ;i ;%F;&F;i;iÑo;;[@Á;i;iýo;;[ ;i;iÒo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i;i›o;;[ ;i;ivo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i;iœo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i;iœo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i ;io;;[iúo;#;[o;$;[ ;io;$;[ ;i ;%F;&F;i ;iÑo;;[@ß;i ;iýo;;[ ;i ;iuo;;["!Script.tmp_s1 = Script.px > ;i;ico;;["#Script.eve_x("cedric npc") + 2;i;io;;[i ii ;i;ito;;[i o;#;[o;$;[ ;io;$;[ ;i ;%F;&F;i;iÑo;;[@ó;i;iýo;;[ ;i;iÒo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i;i›o;;["!Script.tmp_s1 = Script.px < ;i;ico;;["#Script.eve_x("cedric npc") - 2;i;io;;[i ii ;i;ito;;[i o;#;[o;$;[ ;io;$;[ ;i ;%F;&F;i;iÑo;;[@;i;iýo;;[ ;i;iÒo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i;i›o;;[ ;i;ivo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i;iœo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i;iœo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i ;io;;[o;;ii; "DeepMinesPiano;
+i–;i ;iño;;[I"@cedric_talk It's you!:
+CP850;i ;ijo;;[I"@niko !;:@,;i ;ijo;;[i iœi ;i ;ito;;[I"'@cedric_smile You are Niko, right?;:@,;i;ijo;;[I"@niko_speak Mhm!;:@,;i;ijo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i ;i›o;;[I"@cedric_hmm You... um...;:@,;i;ijo;;[I"@niko My name is Niko...;:@,;i;ijo;;[I"@cedric_smile Ah!;:@,;i;ijo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i ;iœo;;[I"N@cedric_smile N-\.\.nice finally to meet you! \@cedric_hmm \>, wait.;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"G@cedric_sigh It is a pleasure to be of acquaintance at last, Niko.;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"%@cedric_smile My name is Cedric.;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"@niko2 Oh!;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"2@niko I'm supposed to be looking for you too!;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"@cedric I am aware.;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"f@cedric_hmm Prototype had contacted me earlier, saying that you would be on your way to the city.;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"@niko_speak He did?;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"C@cedric He sent me a message after his memories were restored.;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"@niko Oh...;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"i@cedric_hmm He told me to wait in the city, but I thought it'd be faster for me to pick you guys up.;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"9@cedric_sigh ...Turns out, that was a terrible idea.;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"@niko2 Pick... us up?;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"7@niko_pancakes ...wait... YOU can fly that plane??;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"'@cedric_hmm What...\.\.is a plane?;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"'@niko_speak That thing behind you!;:@,;i ;ijo;;[ii
i;i ;iËo;;[i#;i ;ioo;;[i o;#;[o;$;[ ;io;$;[ ;i ;%F;&F;i ;iÑo;;[@;i ;iýo;;[i#;i ;ioo;;[I"2@cedric_talk Oh! You mean the flying machine?;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"3@niko_speak They're called planes in my world!;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"@cedric_hmm Oh...;:@,;i ;ijo;;[i i
i;i ;iËo;;[i#;i ;ioo;;[i o;#;[o;$;[ ;io;$;[ ;i ;%F;&F;i ;iÑo;;[@š;i ;iýo;;[I"F@cedric_sigh ...I did not realize they existed in other worlds...;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"\@niko_speak ...wait! Are you the friend that Calamus and Alula was talking about, then?;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"I@niko_speak Is this the same flying machine they were talking about?;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"9@cedric I do not know anyone named Calamus or Alula.;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"}@cedric_talk I think... they're meant to be friends with my father. \>\n\@cedric_hmm previous iterations of the...;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"@niko2 ...your father?;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"…@cedric_talk He was the original owner of the flying machine... \>\n\@cedric_hmm's... one of his greatest inventions, actually.;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"/@niko_pancakes YOUR DAD INVENTED PLANES???;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"#@cedric_hmm ...flying machine.;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"*@niko_pancakes IT'S COOL EITHER WAY!!;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"@cedric_smile Thanks?;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"b@cedric_talk But to answer your earlier question... I am proficient in operating the machine.;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"a@cedric_hmm ...but...something weird happened to the engine when I was in the air earlier...;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"m@cedric_sigh I had to make an emergency landing on this tiny island before I crashed into the city wall.;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"<@niko3 You almost crashed? \>\n\@niko4 That's terrible!;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"8@cedric_sigh It was not pleasant, I will admit.\n\>;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"a@cedric_hmm I wonder if the engine problem has to do with the square particle disruptions...;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"^@cedric I checked, but... there isn't any of that square stuff inside the machine itself.;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"T@cedric_hmm ...but I noticed some islands in the Glen are REALLY messed up now.;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I" @niko_eyeclosed They are...;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"U@cedric_sigh Sigh. \>\nGuess I should have listened to Proto in the first place.;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"%@cedric_hmm ...say, where is he?;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"3@cedric_talk He said he was coming with you...;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"2@cedric Is he still back at the main islands?;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"@niko3 Oh... actually...;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I")@niko4 ...back at the Barrens, he...;:@,;i ;ijo;;[i;i ;ioo;;[I"J@niko_upset There was a cave-in...\.\. and then a bunch of squares...;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"4@niko_upset2 ...he...\.\. and the robot lady...;:@,;i ;ijo;;[i;i ;ioo;;[I":@niko_distressed_talk ...neither of them made it out.;:@,;i ;ijo;;[i;i ;ioo;;[I"@cedric_eek ...;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"@cedric_eek No....;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"@niko_distressed ...;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I":@niko_distressed2 He...\.\. did give me this, though.;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"0@niko3 This disk he pulled from his head...;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"@cedric_talk Oh!!!;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"%@cedric_sigh2 Oh thank goodness.;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"-@cedric_talk He gave you his main drive!;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"L@cedric_hmm As long as I have this, I should be able to bring him back.;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"@niko2 R-really?;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I".@cedric_sigh It's gonna be hard, but yes.;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"7@cedric You need all three of us for the big door.;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"@niko2 The...?;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"R@cedric_hmm But first thing's first, we need to find a way to go to the city.;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"D@niko_eyeclosed Right...\>\nThe city gate is kind of kaput now.;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"N@cedric2 If this machine was working, we could just fly right in there...;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"o@cedric_hmm I've isolated the issue with the machine, but I can't repair it with the stuff I have on hand.;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"*@niko_speak Oh? What's wrong with it?;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"{@cedric The \c[2]battery\c[0] in the engine is dead, and the engine has some \c[2]gears\c[0] that need to be replaced.;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"_@niko ...\>\nDo you think you'll be able to fix it if \p and I help you find those things?;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"@cedric_hmm ...maybe.;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"M@cedric_sigh Problem is... the Glen isn't exactly a very high-tech area.;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"Y@cedric_sigh ...I'm not sure if you'll be able to find anything so specialized here.;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I""@niko_speak We'll try anyway!;:@,;i ;ijo;;[I"B@niko_eyeclosed We can't really do anything else right now...;:@,;i ;ijo;;[i;i ;iòo;;[ ;i ;iuo;;["Script.tmp_s1 = 57 > ;i;ico;;[" Script.eve_y("cedric npc") ;i;io;;[i ii ;i;ito;;[i o;#;[o;$;[ ;io;$;[ ;i ;%F;&F;i;iÑo;;[@X;i;iýo;;[ ;i;iÒo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i;i›o;;["Script.tmp_s1 = 57 < ;i;ico;;["Script.eve_y("cedric npc");i;io;;[i ii ;i;ito;;[i o;#;[o;$;[ ;i o;$;[ ;i ;%F;&F;i;iÑo;;[@p;i;iýo;;[ ;i;iÒo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i;i›o;;[ ;i;ivo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i;iœo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i;iœo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i ;io;;[ ;i ;iuo;;["Script.tmp_s1 = 73 > ;i;ico;;[" Script.eve_x("cedric npc") ;i;io;;[i ii ;i;ito;;[i o;#;[o;$;[ ;io;$;[ ;i ;%F;&F;i;iÑo;;[@˜;i;iýo;;[ ;i;iÒo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i;i›o;;["Script.tmp_s1 = 73 < ;i;ico;;["Script.eve_x("cedric npc");i;io;;[i ii ;i;ito;;[i o;#;[o;$;[ ;io;$;[ ;i ;%F;&F;i;iÑo;;[@°;i;iýo;;[ ;i;iÒo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i;i›o;;[ ;i;ivo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i;iœo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i;iœo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i ;io;;[iöiöi ;i ;i~o;;[
+i6i6i i i ;i ;io;;[ ;i ;iøo;;[i0;i ;izo;;[ ;i ;i ;o;;F;"A;i;F;i;F;i6;T; i;!F;"o;#;[o;$;[ ;i ;%F;&T;'i;(F;)i;*o;+;,iÿ;-"green_npc_cedric;.i ;/i ;0i;1i ;2i ;3F;4T;5i;6Fo;;i ;[do;;[
+iii iRi ;i ;ito;;[I"!@niko2 We found a battery...;:@,;i;ijo;;[I"@cedric_talk Oh, nice!;:@,;i;ijo;;[I"/@cedric3 I honestly wasn't expecting it...;:@,;i;ijo;;[I"9@niko It's from the generator on one of the islands.;:@,;i;ijo;;[I"'@cedric_talk The research station?;:@,;i;ijo;;[I"@niko2 Yeah.;:@,;i;ijo;;[I"h@niko_speak It was powering all the robots there...\>\n\@niko_eyeclosed I felt bad for taking it...;:@,;i;ijo;;[I"@cedric_hmm Ah...;:@,;i;ijo;;[I"<@cedric_smile ...we can always just give it back later.;:@,;i;ijo;;[I"@niko_eyeclosed Alright...;:@,;i;ijo;;[ iRii i;i;i~o;;[iùiùi ;i;i~o;;[
iii i i ;i;io;;[i iøi ;i;ito;;[
-i i i i i;i;io;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i;i›o;;[I"@cedric_hmm We still need a few \c[2]gears\c[0] to put this engine back together.\>\nPlease do what you must to find some.;
-T;i;ijo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i;iœo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i ;i›o;;[
-iii ii ;i;ito;;[I"!@niko2 We found a battery...;
-T;i;ijo;;[I"@cedric_talk Oh, nice!;
-T;i;ijo;;[I"/@cedric3 I honestly wasn't expecting it...;
-T;i;ijo;;[I"k@niko We found this one in the Barrens.\>\nIt wasn't working at first, but \p and I managed to fix it!;
-T;i;ijo;;[I"@cedric_hmm Ah...;
-T;i;ijo;;[I"K@cedric_smile's good that you thought to bring it with you then.;
-T;i;ijo;;[I"@niko_speak Yup!;
-T;i;ijo;;[ iii i;i;i~o;;[iùiùi ;i;i~o;;[
+i i i i i;i;io;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i;i›o;;[I"@cedric_hmm We still need a few \c[2]gears\c[0] to put this engine back together.\>\nPlease do what you must to find some.;:@,;i;ijo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i;iœo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i ;i›o;;[
+iii ii ;i;ito;;[I"!@niko2 We found a battery...;:@,;i;ijo;;[I"@cedric_talk Oh, nice!;:@,;i;ijo;;[I"/@cedric3 I honestly wasn't expecting it...;:@,;i;ijo;;[I"k@niko We found this one in the Barrens.\>\nIt wasn't working at first, but \p and I managed to fix it!;:@,;i;ijo;;[I"@cedric_hmm Ah...;:@,;i;ijo;;[I"K@cedric_smile's good that you thought to bring it with you then.;:@,;i;ijo;;[I"@niko_speak Yup!;:@,;i;ijo;;[ iii i;i;i~o;;[iùiùi ;i;i~o;;[
iii i i ;i;io;;[i iøi ;i;ito;;[
-i i i i i;i;io;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i;i›o;;[I"@cedric_hmm We still need a few \c[2]gears\c[0] to put this engine back together.\>\nPlease do what you must to find some.;
-T;i;ijo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i;iœo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i;i›o;;[
-iii iSi ;i;ito;;[I"&@niko_speak We found a music box!;
-T;i;ijo;;[I"0@niko It... should have gears in it, right?;
-T;i;ijo;;[I"'@cedric I assume so, but...\>\n...;
-T;i;ijo;;[I"E@cedric_hmm This looks like one of the ones that my father made.;
-T;i;ijo;;[I"3@niko_pancakes YOUR DAD MAKES MUSIC BOXES TOO?;
-T;i;ijo;;[I"0@cedric_smile My dad makes a lot of things!;
-T;i;ijo;;[I"9@cedric_hmm Where did you get this from, by the way?;
-T;i;ijo;;[I"9@niko_speak A trader from the village gave it to me!;
-T;i;ijo;;[I"c@cedric I see.\>\nI remember father saying that he used to trade with some of the people here.;
-T;i;ijo;;[I"F@cedric_smile He did always love traveling this world, despite...;
-T;i;ijo;;[I"@cedric_hmm ...well.;
-T;i;ijo;;[I"0@cedric_sigh Ah, sorry, I started rambling.;
-T;i;ijo;;[I"D@cedric_talk The gears in there are compatible with the engine.;
-T;i;ijo;;[I"B@cedric_sigh Although it pains me to have to take it apart...;
-T;i;ijo;;[I" @niko2 Oh...\.\. I'm sorry!;
-T;i;ijo;;[I"@cedric_hmm It's fine...;
-T;i;ijo;;[ iSii i;i;i~o;;[iøiøi ;i;i~o;;[
+i i i i i;i;io;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i;i›o;;[I"@cedric_hmm We still need a few \c[2]gears\c[0] to put this engine back together.\>\nPlease do what you must to find some.;:@,;i;ijo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i;iœo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i;i›o;;[
+iii iSi ;i;ito;;[I"&@niko_speak We found a music box!;:@,;i;ijo;;[I"0@niko It... should have gears in it, right?;:@,;i;ijo;;[I"'@cedric I assume so, but...\>\n...;:@,;i;ijo;;[I"E@cedric_hmm This looks like one of the ones that my father made.;:@,;i;ijo;;[I"3@niko_pancakes YOUR DAD MAKES MUSIC BOXES TOO?;:@,;i;ijo;;[I"0@cedric_smile My dad makes a lot of things!;:@,;i;ijo;;[I"9@cedric_hmm Where did you get this from, by the way?;:@,;i;ijo;;[I"9@niko_speak A trader from the village gave it to me!;:@,;i;ijo;;[I"c@cedric I see.\>\nI remember father saying that he used to trade with some of the people here.;:@,;i;ijo;;[I"F@cedric_smile He did always love traveling this world, despite...;:@,;i;ijo;;[I"@cedric_hmm ...well.;:@,;i;ijo;;[I"0@cedric_sigh Ah, sorry, I started rambling.;:@,;i;ijo;;[I"D@cedric_talk The gears in there are compatible with the engine.;:@,;i;ijo;;[I"B@cedric_sigh Although it pains me to have to take it apart...;:@,;i;ijo;;[I" @niko2 Oh...\.\. I'm sorry!;:@,;i;ijo;;[I"@cedric_hmm It's fine...;:@,;i;ijo;;[ iSii i;i;i~o;;[iøiøi ;i;i~o;;[
iii i i ;i;io;;[i iùi ;i;ito;;[
-i i i i i;i ;io;;[ ;i ;i o;;[ ;i;i›o;;[I"r@cedric We still need a \c[3]battery\c[0] to get this engine running.\>\nPlease do what you must to find one.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[ ;i ;i o;;[ ;i;iœo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i;i›o;;[I")@niko_eyeclosed Sorry... I forgot...;
-T;i;ijo;;[I"/@niko What parts do we need to find again?;
-T;i;ijo;;[i iøi ;i;ito;;[I"J@cedric We still need a \c[3]battery\c[0] to get this engine running.;
-T;i ;ijo;;[ ;i ;i o;;[ ;i;i›o;;[i iùi ;i ;ito;;[I"V@cedric_hmm We still need a few \c[2]gears\c[0] to put this engine back together.;
+i i i i i;i ;io;;[ ;i ;i o;;[ ;i;i›o;;[I"r@cedric We still need a \c[3]battery\c[0] to get this engine running.\>\nPlease do what you must to find one.;:@,;i ;ijo;;[ ;i ;i o;;[ ;i;iœo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i;i›o;;[I")@niko_eyeclosed Sorry... I forgot...;:@,;i;ijo;;[I"/@niko What parts do we need to find again?;:@,;i;ijo;;[i iøi ;i;ito;;[I"J@cedric We still need a \c[3]battery\c[0] to get this engine running.;:@,;i ;ijo;;[ ;i ;i o;;[ ;i;i›o;;[i iùi ;i ;ito;;[I"V@cedric_hmm We still need a few \c[2]gears\c[0] to put this engine back together.;:@,;i
;ijo;;[ ;i
-;i o;;[ ;i ;i›o;;[I"j@cedric_hmm A \c[2]battery\c[0] for the engine, and a few \c[2]gears\c[0] to replace the broken ones.;
+;i o;;[ ;i ;i›o;;[I"j@cedric_hmm A \c[2]battery\c[0] for the engine, and a few \c[2]gears\c[0] to replace the broken ones.;:@,;i
;ijo;;[ ;i
-;i o;;[ ;i ;iœo;;[ ;i ;i o;;[ ;i;iœo;;[I"n@cedric If you could find me the parts I need, I should be able to get this machine off the ground again.;
-T;i;ijo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i;iœo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i;iœo;;[ ;i;i o;;[ ;i ;iœo;;[ ;i ;i ;o;;F;I"A;
-T;iö;T;i ;F;i;F; i;!F;"o;#;[o;$;[ ;i ;%F;&T;'i ;(F;)i;*o;+;,iÿ;-I"green_npc_cedric;
-T;.i ;/i ;0i;1i ;2i ;3F;4T;5i;6Fo;;i ;[o;;[ ;i ;i ;o;;F;I"A;
-T;iú;T;i ;F;i;F; i;!F;"o;#;[o;$;[ ;i ;%F;&T;'i ;(F;)i;*o;+;,iÿ;-I"