Data/Map025.rxdata in rmxp_extractor-1.5 vs Data/Map025.rxdata in rmxp_extractor-1.6
- old
+ new
@@ -1,26 +1,8 @@
RPG::Map: @bgmo:RPG::AudioFile:@volumeii:
-@list[o:RPG::EventCommand:@parameters["Place holder graphic:@indenti:
-@codeiqo;;[;i;i:@move_typei:@direction_fixF:@conditiono: RPG::Event::Page::Condition:@switch2_validF:@self_switch_ch"A:@switch1_idi:@switch1_validF:@variable_valuei:@self_switch_validF:@variable_idi:@variable_validF:@switch2_idi:@move_routeo:RPG::MoveRoute;[o:RPG::MoveCommand;[;i:@skippableF:@repeatT:
@throughF; " Milo:@yi:@xi:@idi
-o;;["1Neomi: Happy about sun and world restoration;i;iqo;;[" Liz: Is cute-struck by Niko;i;i�o;;["(Hermes: Pessimistic little smartass;i;i�o;;["0Dan: Wonder how will the sun change his job;i;i�o;;[;i;i;i;F;o;;F;"A;i;F;i;F;i;F; i;!o;";[o;#;[;i;$F;%T;&i;'F;(i;)F;*o;+;,i�;-"!labels;.i;/i;0i
;1i;2i;3T;4i;5F; "Character notes;6i;7i;8iio;
[o;;i;[o;;["Place holder graphic;i;iqo;;["With temporary audio;i;iqo;;["[sfx] {;i;iqo;;[" "file" :;i;i�o;;["2 "Audio/stems/what_once_was/guitar_main.mp3",;i;i�o;;[" "pitch" : 75;i;i�o;;["};i;i�o;;["[sfx] {;i;iqo;;[" "falloff" : 10,;i;i�o;;["" "shape" : { "radius" : 1 },;i;i�o;;[" "doppler" : 0;i;i�o;;["};i;i�o;;[;i;i;o;;F;"A;i;F;i;F;i;F; i;F;!o;";[o;#;[;i;$F;%T;&i;'F;(i;*o;+;,i�;-"green_npc_adult1;.i;/i;0i;1i;2i;)F;3T;4i;5Fo;;[�o;;["Place holder graphic;i;iqo;;[io;";[o;#;[;io;#;[;i;$F;%F;i;i�o;;[@q;i;i�o;;[ii;i;i�o;;["Oh hello!;i;ijo;;["%@niko_speak Hello, are you Milo?;i;ijo;;["That's me!;i;ijo;;[i"true # if too far away;i;ito;;[""Why're you over there though?;i;ijo;;["Trying to sneak by?;i;ijo;;["# Niko walks to Milo;i;ico;;["/@niko_speak No, I was just looking around!;i;ijo;;["Hehe I'm just poking fun.;i;ijo;;[;i;io;;[;i;i�o;;[""Will you join me by the lamp?;i;ijo;;["@niko_speak Okay!;i;ijo;;["# Change scene ;i;ico;;[""I take it you're the messiah?;i;ijo;;["@niko Mhm.;i;ijo;;["3Aren't you a little young to be saving worlds?;i;ijo;;["4@niko_eyeclosed But that robot back there says ;i;ijo;;["there's no mistake...;i;i�o;;["/Oh I wasn't doubting that, just wondering.;i;ijo;;[";Don't worry though, we'll make sure to get you to the ;i;ijo;;["tower safe and sound!;i;i�o;;["@niko_speak Oh, thank you!;i;ijo;;["1No problems kiddo, it's the least we can do.;i;ijo;;["8We'll have to wait for my team to get back though, ;i;ijo;;["safety procedures and all.;i;i�o;;["Where's Silver by the way?;i;ijo;;["@niko Who?;i;ijo;;["6The red haired robot lady, did she not introduce ;i;ijo;;["
herself?;i;i�o;;["7@niko_eyeclosed No, and I dodn't introduce myself.;i;ijo;;[".@niko But she said she'll be coming soon.;i;ijo;;["4Then you'll still get a chance to, don't worry.;i;ijo;;["1Speaking of introductions, what's your name?;i;ijo;;["6You got my name, only fair I get yours in return!;i;ijo;;["@niko_speak I'm Niko!;i;ijo;;[i"Script.is_name_niko;i;ito;;["Oh! Like our gods?;i;ijo;;["@niko2 Y\.-yeah...;i;ijo;;[;i;io;;[;i;i�o;;[i"Script.is_name_like_niko;i;ito;;["Oh! Kinda like ours gods?;i;ijo;;["@niko2 Y\.-yeah...;i;ijo;;[;i;io;;[;i;i�o;;["That's a lovely name.;i;ijo;;[;i;io;;[;i;i�o;;[;i;io;;[;i;i�o;;[""Where did you come from Niko?;i;ijo;;["@niko_speak My home world!;i;ijo;;[",Home world? You're from another planet?;i;ijo;;["6Haha, you do have the otherwordly look about you!;i;ijo;;["@niko What do you mean?;i;ijo;;["2Your eyes, your ears, your\..\..\.. whiskers?;i;ijo;;["0It's nothing unlike I've seen in our world.;i;ijo;;[";@niko Well...\. I... \>\n\@niko_speak A lot of people ;i;ijo;;["1back in my home world have eyes like mine...;i;i�o;;["!Would be odd if they didn't!;i;ijo;;["$What is your world like though?;i;ijo;;["5@niko Oh, the sun back in my home world isn't a ;i;ijo;;["?lightbulb.\>\n\@niko_speak It's a big ball of fire in the ;i;i�o;;[" sky!;i;i�o;;[">@niko I don't think I would be able to hold it like I do ;i;ijo;;["$with the sun from your world...;i;i�o;;["#Oh wow! And it never goes out?;i;ijo;;["0@niko It goes away sometimes, at night.\>\n;i;ijo;;["7\@niko_eyeclosed Everything gets dark, kinda like ;i;i�o;;["how this world is now.;i;i�o;;["6@niko_speak But it's okay because the sun always ;i;ijo;;["5comes back the next day.\>\n\@niko That's good, ;i;i�o;;["don't you think?;i;i�o;;["It is good!;i;ijo;;[";Something that used to be so normal here, we all took ;i;ijo;;["it for granted.;i;i�o;;[":You really do start appreciating things once they're ;i;ijo;;["
-gone.;i;i�o;;["@niko_upset2 ...;i;ijo;;["7Oh but you're here now, and things can go back to ;i;ijo;;["how they were!;i;i�o;;["@niko_upset ...;i;ijo;;["What's wrong?;i;ijo;;["#@niko_upset Oh I just\..\..\..;i;ijo;;["6@niko_eyeclosed Everything feels so alien here...;i;ijo;;[""@niko_upset It feels wrong...;i;ijo;;["5@niko_sad I miss my village, I miss my mama and-;i;ijo;;["4@niko_distressed_meow And I can't even\..\..\..;i;ijo;;["-@niko_no I can't even remember her face!;i;ijo;;["6Hey it's okay Niko, you'll be back home when you ;i;ijo;;["restore the sun, right?;i;i�o;;["@niko_cry I don't know...;i;ijo;;["
Oh, uhm.;i;ijo;;[i;i;ioo;;["3Don't worry, we'll figure something out, okay?;i;ijo;;["@niko_cry Okay...;i;ijo;;["2But how long have you been here? Our world I ;i;ijo;;["
-mean.;i;i�o;;["@niko_sad I don't know...;i;ijo;;["4@niko_less_sad I woke up some time ago in this ;i;ijo;;["weird house...;i;i�o;;["4@niko_cry Then I found the sun and appeared in ;i;ijo;;[" some cave full of crystals.;i;i�o;;["The crystal caves!?;i;ijo;;["@niko_upset Yeah...;i;ijo;;["8Oh gosh isn't that place dangerous? Were you alone ;i;ijo;;["the entire time?;i;i�o;;["%@niko_upset2 At first yeah, but-;i;ijo;;["-@niko_upset_meow N\.-no, I wasn't alone!;i;ijo;;["-@niko_distressed_meow I never was alone!;i;ijo;;["@niko_sad But I-;i;ijo;;["@niko_distressed_meow I-;i;ijo;;[i-;i;ioo;;["$It's okay Niko, take your time.;i;ijo;;["Breath, calm down.;i;ijo;;["*I have a bottle of water somewhere...;i;ijo;;["#@niko_less_sad \..\..\..\..\..;i;ijo;;["@niko_cry Thank you...;i;ijo;;["2You said you weren't alone? Who was with you?;i;ijo;;["@niko_upset It was \p...;i;ijo;;["\p our god?;i;ijo;;["@niko_upset Yeah...;i;ijo;;["5That doesn't sound like a bad thing, why're you ;i;ijo;;["upset?;i;i�o;;["#Have they wronged you somehow?;i;ijo;;["$@niko_eyeclosed I don't know...;i;ijo;;[">@niko_upset2 I think I should be happy, but I just don't ;i;ijo;;["know...;i;i�o;;["Have you talked with them?;i;ijo;;["6@niko_eyeclosed No, but I also don't want to for ;i;ijo;;["some reason...;i;i�o;;["2Maybe they'd know why you're upset with them?;i;ijo;;["4Maybe they'll know how to make you feel better?;i;ijo;;["#They are god after all, right?;i;ijo;;["<Don't run away from the problem Niko, talk it out with ;i;ijo;;["\p.;i;i�o;;["!@niko_upset2 \..\..\..\..\..;i;ijo;;["@niko_eyeclosed Okay...;i;ijo;;["5If you need some alone time with \p that's okay.;i;ijo;;["=I suggest taking a walk along side the shore, it's very ;i;ijo;;["
calming.;i;i�o;;[";Just don't go into the water, it's cold and dangerous.;i;ijo;;[":I'll send someone to get you once we're ready to go, ;i;ijo;;["
-okay?;i;i�o;;["@niko Okay.;i;ijo;;["@niko_eyeclosed Thank you.;i;ijo;;["You're welcome Niko.;i;ijo;;[;i;i;i;F;o;;F;"A;i;F;i;F;i;F; i;!o;";[o;#;[;i;$F;%T;&i;'F;(i;)F;*o;+;,i�;-"green_npc_adult1;.i;/i;0i;1i;2i;3T;4i;5Fo;;[o;;[io;";[o;#;[;io;#;[;i;$F;%F;i;i�o;;[@4;i;i�o;;[I"�@niko Wait a minute...\>\n\@niko_speak How did you know that I was the,\. um,\. messiah?\>\n\@niko_eyeclosed I don't have the sun with me...:
-CP850;i;ijo;;[I"@alula Your eyes!;9@=;i;ijo;;[I"@niko Huh?;9@=;i;ijo;;[I".@alula_speak They reminded me of the sun!;9@=;i;ijo;;[I"@niko_speak Oh!;9@=;i;ijo;;[I"1@alula That's why you're our messiah, right?;9@=;i;ijo;;[I"g@niko Well...\. I... \>\n\@niko_speak A lot of people back in my home world have eyes like mine...;9@=;i;ijo;;[I"@alula_pout Home... world?;9@=;i;ijo;;[I"�@niko_speak Yeah! \>\@niko I'm actually from another world, you see!\>\nIt's a place where the sun is in the sky and not in a Tower.;9@=;i;ijo;;[I"'@alula Do you like this world too?;9@=;i;ijo;;[I"#@niko I...\>\@niko_speak Yeah.;9@=;i;ijo;;[I"s@alula_speak Yay!\>\n\@alula_pout Calamus keeps saying how this world is getting more dangerous by the minute.;9@=;i;ijo;;[I"\@alula_speak But that's ok! You're here now!\>\n\@alula You can make everything better!;9@=;i;ijo;;[I"@niko Yeah...;9@=;i;ijo;;[io;";[o;#;[ii;io;#;[;i;$F;%F;i;i�o;;[@i;i;i�o;;[io;";[o;#;[;io;#;[;i;$F;%F;i;i�o;;[@s;i;i�o;;[;i;i�o;;[iii;i;i�o;;[
-iiiii ;i;io;;[;i;i;i;F;o;;F;"A;i;F;i;F;i;T; i;!o;";[o;#;[;i;$F;%T;&i;'F;(i;)F;*o;+;,i�;-"green_npc_alula;.i;/i;0i ;1i;2i;3T;4i;5T; "
not Milo;6i;7i;8iio;
[o;;[o;;["Temporary placeholder;i;iqo;;["[sfx] {;i;iqo;;[" "file" :;i;i�o;;["2 "Audio/stems/what_once_was/guitar_main.mp3",;i;i�o;;[" "pitch" : 75;i;i�o;;["};i;i�o;;["[sfx] {;i;iqo;;[" "falloff" : 10,;i;i�o;;["" "shape" : { "radius" : 1 },;i;i�o;;[" "doppler" : 0;i;i�o;;["};i;i�o;;[;i;i;i;F;o;;F;"A;i;F;i;F;i;F; i;!o;";[o;#;[;i;$F;%T;&i;'F;(i;)F;*o;+;,i�;-"!labels;.i;/i;0i;1i;2i;3T;4i;5T; "
[o;;[o;;[i ;i;ioo;;[i"1Script.px >= event.x && >= event.y;i;ito;;["call_event("Milo");i;ico;;[;i;iyo;;[;i;io;;[;i;i�o;;[;i;i;i;F;o;;F;"A;i;F;i;F;i;F; i;!o;";[o;#;[;i;$F;%T;&i;'F;(i;)F;*o;+;,i�;-"!labels;.i;/i;0i;1i;2i;3T;4i;5F; "Milo line of sight trigger;6i;7i;8ii o;
[o;;[ro;;["-Ahema! May I have your attention please!;i;ijo;;["(Milo: May I present to you\..\..\..;i;ijo;;[i
-o;";[o;#;[;io;#;[;io;#;[;i;$F;%F;i;i�o;;[@�;i;i�o;;[@�;i;i�o;;["Milo: The messiah!;i;ijo;;["'@niko Umm...\>\n@niko_speak Hello!;i;ijo;;["Neomi: Wow!;i;ijo;;["Liz: Awww!;i;ijo;;["!Hermes: Wait, is that a cat?;i;ijo;;["Dan: Wooo!;i;ijo;;["@niko_wtf2 Uh...;i;ijo;;["%Neomi: There it is! Our new sun!;i;ijo;;["1Liz: I never knew messiahs can be this cute!;i;ijo;;["Hermes: An actual cat...;i;ijo;;[""Dan: We'll see the sun again!;i;ijo;;[i�o;";[o;#;[i;i"o;#;[;io;#;[;i;$F;%F;i;i�o;;[@;i;i�o;;[@;i;i�o;;[;i;i�o;;["6Milo: Settle down folks, you're scaring the poor ;i;ijo;;["
child...;i;i�o;;["Dan: Oh sorry!;i;ijo;;["0Milo: Would you like to introduce yourself?;i;ijo;;["@niko5 Oh uh..;i;ijo;;["1@niko_eyeclosed Sorry, I'm not used to this ;i;ijo;;["attention...;i;i�o;;["%Milo: It's okay, take your time.;i;ijo;;[i�o;";[o;#;[i;i"o;#;[;io;#;[;i;$F;%F;i;i�o;;[@<;i;i�o;;[@>;i;i�o;;[;i;i�o;;[i;i;ioo;;["@niko_eyeclosed ...;i;ijo;;["!@niko_speak My name is Niko!;i;ijo;;[" Neomi: Hey Niko, I'm Neomi!;i;ijo;;["Liz: I'm Liz!;i;ijo;;["Hermes: Hermes.;i;ijo;;["+Dan: I'm Dan, but people call me Dane!;i;ijo;;["$Milo: And once again, I'm Milo!;i;ijo;;[";Neomi: It's so cool of you to finally arrive! I can't ;i;ijo;;["4believe we'll get to see the sun shining again!;i;i�o;;["4Hermes: You've already seen it in the Atrium...;i;ijo;;[" Neomi: It's not the same...;i;ijo;;[":Dan: Also it doesn't reach out here. Can you imagine ;i;ijo;;["/how much easier work will be when you can ;i;i�o;;["actually see?;i;i�o;;[")Liz: Niko! How are you so adorable!?;i;ijo;;["5Hermes: Probably because of your obsession with ;i;ijo;;["
-cats.;i;i�o;;[";Liz: Cute things in general, cats are just the cutest!;i;ijo;;["$@niko_speak Hey! I'm not a cat!;i;ijo;;["+Hermes: You certainly look like one...;i;ijo;;["Milo: Zip it Hermes.;i;ijo;;["Dan: So what now?;i;ijo;;["9Milo: We wait for the others. Once they're back one ;i;ijo;;[")of us will take the messiah to Glen.;i;i�o;;["Liz: Hey! I wanted to!;i;ijo;;["Neomi: Oh! Can it be me?;i;ijo;;[" Hermes: Pfft... big deal...;i;ijo;;["=Milo: Haha we'll see.\nIn the end the decision is up to ;i;ijo;;["me.;i;i�o;;["$Milo: But for now we just wait.;i;ijo;;["@niko How long do we wait?;i;ijo;;["9Milo: Shouldn't be too long. Try to relax or have a ;i;ijo;;["conversation for now.;i;i�o;;["9Milo: You can rest at the northen outpost if you're ;i;ijo;;[";tired. I imagine they'll be here by the time you wake ;i;i�o;;["up.;i;i�o;;["!@niko_speak Okay, thank you.;i;ijo;;["Dan: Oh hey Silver!;i;ijo;;["8@silverfm2 [Hey. I thought the messiah would be on ;i;ijo;;["the way by now.];i;i�o;;["6Milo: Other group seems to be taking longer than ;i;ijo;;["9expected. Haven't fired a flare yet so everything's ;i;i�o;;["probably alright.;i;i�o;;["@silverfm [Alright.];i;ijo;;["&Neomi: What'cha got there Silver?;i;ijo;;["8@silverfm2 [Oh, the messiah asked to play chess so ;i;ijo;;[".I thought I'd bring the chess set along.];i;i�o;;["6Neomi: I thought we lost it! Where'd you find it?;i;ijo;;["0@silverfm [On top of the kitchens shelves.];i;ijo;;["/Liz: The messiah knows how to play chess? ;i;ijo;;["Adorable AND smart!;i;i�o;;[I"1@niko_speak Yeah!\n\>\@niko Well, sort of...;9"
-CP850;i;ijo;;[I"<@niko_speak I've played it with some older kids before!;9@�;i;ijo;;["0@silverfm [Well here it is then, have fun.];i;ijo;;["<@niko Oh I though\..\..\..\..\.\@niko2 maybe\..\..\..\.;i;ijo;;[""\@niko5 you'd like to play...;i;i�o;;["@silverfm2 [Me?];i;ijo;;["@silverfm4 [I\..\..\..\.];i;ijo;;["3@silverfm_lookup [It wouldn't really be fair.];i;ijo;;["@niko Why not?;i;ijo;;["=Milo: Yeah it really wouldn't be. She has it built into ;i;ijo;;["2her programming so you can't really beat her.;i;i�o;;["%Milo: At least none of us could.;i;ijo;;["@niko_eyeclosed Oh...;i;ijo;;["6Milo: Though you do have \p on your side, so who ;i;ijo;;["knows!;i;i�o;;["2@silverfm4 [Maybe we'll give it a try later.];i;ijo;;["6@silverfm [But now I need to talk with you about ;i;ijo;;["1something first. Best discussed in private.];i;i�o;;["Milo: Alright then.;i;ijo;;[".Milo: Will you be fine from here on Niko?;i;ijo;;["@niko Yeah.;i;ijo;;["<Milo: Ask the crew if you need anything, I'll be going ;i;ijo;;["with Silver now.;i;i�o;;["@niko_speak Okay!;i;ijo;;[;i;i;i;F;o;;F;"A;i;F;i;F;i;F; i;!o;";[o;#;[;i;$F;%T;&i;'F;(i;)F;*o;+;,i�;-"!labels;.i;/i;0i ;1i;2i;3T;4i;5F; "
-EV004;6i ;7i;8i :@tileset_idi": @bgso;;iU; ";
+@list[ o:RPG::EventCommand:@parameters[i"skylinei:@indenti:
+@codei�o;;["clamp_panorama;i;ico;;[;i;iyo;;[;i;i:@conditiono: RPG::Event::Page::Condition:@switch2_validF:@self_switch_ch"A:@switch1_idi:@switch1_validF:@variable_valuei:@self_switch_validF:@variable_idi:@variable_validF:@switch2_idi:@direction_fixF:@move_routeo:RPG::MoveRoute;[o:RPG::MoveCommand;[;i:@skippableF:@repeatT:
@triggeri :@step_animeF:@move_frequencyi:
@throughF; " init:@yi:@xi:@idi: @bgso;;iU; ";
\ No newline at end of file