in rm-extensions-0.1.0 vs in rm-extensions-0.1.1
- old
+ new
@@ -14,35 +14,34 @@
def viewDidLoad
super.tap do
rmext_observe(@model, "name") do |val|
p "name is #{val}"
- foo.on(:some_event) do |val|
+ foo.rmext_on(:some_event) do |val|
p "some_event called with #{val.inspect}"
def test_trigger
- foo.trigger(:some_event, "hello!")
+ foo.rmext_trigger(:some_event, "hello!")
Differences from BW::KVO and BW::Reactor::Eventable:
- No need to include a module in the class you wish to use it on
-- The default is to observe and immediately fire the supplied callback
-- The callback only takes one argument, the new value
-- the object observing is not retained, and when it is deallocated, the observation
- will be removed automatically for you. there is typically no need to clean up
- and unobserve in viewWillDisappear, or similar.
-- the observation actually happens on a proxy object
+- the observation happens on a proxy object
+- KVO: The default is to observe and immediately fire the supplied callback
+- KVO: The callback only takes one argument, the new value
+- KVO: the object observing is not retained, and when it is deallocated, the observation
+ will be removed automatically for you. there is typically no need to clean up manually
## Accessors
-#### weak attr_accessors when you need to avoid retain-cycles:
+#### weak attr_accessors:
class MyView < UIView
rmext_weak_attr_accessor :delegate
@@ -51,35 +50,16 @@
class MyViewController < UIViewController
def viewDidLoad
super.tap do
v = MyView.alloc.initWithFrame(CGRectZero)
- # if delegate was a normal attr_accessor, this controller could never be deallocated
v.delegate = self
-## Deallocation
-#### watch for an object to deallocate, and execute a callback:
-def add_view_controller
- controller = UIViewController.alloc.init
- controller.rmext_on_dealloc(&test_dealloc_proc)
- navigationController.pushViewController(controller, animated: true)
-def test_dealloc_proc
- proc { |x| p "it deallocated!" }
-# now you can verify the controller gets deallocated by calling #add_view_controller
-# and then popping it off the navigationController
## Queues
#### Wraps GCD: