spec/riveter/attributes_spec.rb in riveter-0.3.0 vs spec/riveter/attributes_spec.rb in riveter-0.6.0
- old
+ new
@@ -82,20 +82,100 @@
instance.an_attribute_from?.should be_truthy
it { instance.should respond_to(:an_attribute_to?) }
+ it { instance.should respond_to(:an_attribute_present?) }
it {
instance.an_attribute = nil
instance.an_attribute_to?.should be_falsey
it {
instance.an_attribute_to = Date.today
instance.an_attribute_to?.should be_truthy
+ it {
+ instance.an_attribute_from = Date.today
+ instance.an_attribute_to = Date.today
+ instance.an_attribute_present?.should be_truthy
+ }
+ it {
+ instance.an_attribute_from = nil
+ instance.an_attribute_to = Date.today
+ instance.an_attribute_present?.should be_falsey
+ }
+ it {
+ instance.an_attribute_from = Date.today
+ instance.an_attribute_to = nil
+ instance.an_attribute_present?.should be_falsey
+ }
+ it {
+ instance.an_attribute_from = Date.today
+ instance.an_attribute_to = Date.today
+ instance.an_attribute_present?.should be_truthy
+ }
+ describe "#min" do
+ before do
+ subject.attr_date_range :an_attribute_value, :min => 1
+ subject.attr_date_range :an_attribute_block, :min => lambda { self.some_method }
+ end
+ let(:instance) { subject.new() }
+ it { instance.should respond_to(:an_attribute_value_min) }
+ it { instance.should respond_to(:an_attribute_value_min=) }
+ it {
+ instance.an_attribute_value_min.should eq(1)
+ }
+ it {
+ instance.an_attribute_value_min = 2
+ instance.an_attribute_value_min.should eq(2)
+ }
+ it "invokes the lambda in the context of self" do
+ expect(instance).to receive(:some_method)
+ instance.an_attribute_block_min
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#max" do
+ before do
+ subject.attr_date_range :an_attribute_value, :max => 1
+ subject.attr_date_range :an_attribute_block, :max => lambda { self.some_method }
+ end
+ let(:instance) { subject.new() }
+ it { instance.should respond_to(:an_attribute_value_max) }
+ it { instance.should respond_to(:an_attribute_value_max=) }
+ it {
+ instance.an_attribute_value_max.should eq(1)
+ }
+ it {
+ instance.an_attribute_value_max = 2
+ instance.an_attribute_value_max.should eq(2)
+ }
+ it "invokes the lambda in the context of self" do
+ expect(instance).to receive(:some_method)
+ instance.an_attribute_block_max
+ end
+ end
it_should_behave_like "an attribute", :time, Time.new(2010, 1, 12, 8, 4, 45) do
let(:assigned_value) { '2010-01-12 08:04:12' }
let(:expected_value) { Time.new(2010, 1, 12, 8, 4, 12) }
@@ -123,16 +203,11 @@
before do
subject.attr_enum :product_type, TestEnum, :required => true
let(:instance) { subject.new() }
- it { instance.should ensure_inclusion_of(:product_type).in_array(TestEnum.values) }
- it { should respond_to(:product_type_enum)}
- it { subject.product_type_enum.should eq(TestEnum) }
- it { should respond_to(:product_types)}
- it { subject.product_types.should eq(TestEnum.collection)}
+ it { instance.should validate_inclusion_of(:product_type).in_array(TestEnum.values) }
it_should_behave_like "an attribute", :array, [1, 2, 3] do
let(:assigned_value) { %w(5 6 7) }
@@ -142,48 +217,27 @@
it_should_behave_like "an attribute", :hash, {:a => :b} do
let(:assigned_value) { {:c => '1', :d => '2'} }
let(:expected_value) { {:c => 1, :d => 2} }
- it_should_behave_like "an attribute", :model, TestModel.new(), TestModel do
- let(:assigned_value) { TestModel.new() }
+ it_should_behave_like "an attribute", :object, Object.new() do
+ let(:assigned_value) { Object.new() }
+ end
- before do
- allow_any_instance_of(TestModel).to receive(:valid?) { true }
- allow(TestModel).to receive(:find_by)
- end
+ it_should_behave_like "an attribute", :class, TestModel, [TestModel, TestModelWithAttributeDefaultValues] do
+ let(:assigned_value) { "TestModelWithAttributeDefaultValues" }
+ let(:expected_value) { TestModelWithAttributeDefaultValues }
describe "additional" do
before do
- subject.attr_model :product, TestModel, :required => true
+ subject.attr_class :an_attribute, [TestModel, TestModelWithAttributeDefaultValues], :required => true
+ let(:instance) { subject.new() }
- it { should respond_to(:product_model)}
- it { subject.product_model.should eq(TestModel) }
- it {
- allow(TestModel).to receive(:find_by).with(:id => 1) { assigned_value }
- instance = subject.new()
- instance.product = 1
- instance.product.should eq(assigned_value)
- }
- it {
- allow(TestModel).to receive(:find_by).with(:id => 1) { assigned_value }
- expect(assigned_value).to receive(:valid?) { true }
- instance = subject.new()
- instance.product = 1
- instance.valid?
- }
+ it { instance.should validate_inclusion_of(:an_attribute).in_array([TestModel, TestModelWithAttributeDefaultValues]) }
- it_should_behave_like "an attribute", :object, Object.new() do
- let(:assigned_value) { Object.new() }
- end
describe "instance" do
subject { TestClassWithAttributes.new() }
@@ -200,11 +254,10 @@
subject.time.should eq(Time.new(2010, 1, 12, 14, 56))
subject.boolean.should eq(true)
subject.enum.should eq(TestEnum::Member1)
subject.array.should eq([1, 2, 3])
subject.hash.should eq({:a => :b})
- subject.model.should eq(TestModel)
subject.object.should eq('whatever')
describe "#attributes" do
@@ -223,11 +276,11 @@
'time' => Time.new(2010, 1, 12, 14, 56),
'boolean' => true,
'enum' => TestEnum::Member1,
'array' => [1, 2, 3],
'hash' => {:a => :b},
- 'model' => TestModel,
- 'object' => 'whatever'
+ 'object' => 'whatever',
+ 'with_lambda_default' => subject
describe "#persisted?" do