doc/classes/NADOLTokens.html in ripxplore-0.8.0 vs doc/classes/NADOLTokens.html in ripxplore-0.11.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,178 +1,170 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
-<!DOCTYPE html
- PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
- "">
-<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
- <title>Class: NADOLTokens</title>
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- <div id="classHeader">
- <table class="header-table">
- <tr class="top-aligned-row">
- <td><strong>Class</strong></td>
- <td class="class-name-in-header">NADOLTokens</td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="top-aligned-row">
- <td><strong>In:</strong></td>
- <td>
- <a href="../files/lib/native_file_types/apple2/NADOLFile_rb.html">
- lib/native_file_types/apple2/NADOLFile.rb
- </a>
- <br />
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="top-aligned-row">
- <td><strong>Parent:</strong></td>
- <td>
- <a href="NADOLFile.html">
- </a>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </div>
- <!-- banner header -->
- <div id="bodyContent">
- <div id="contextContent">
- <div id="diagram">
- <map id="map" name="map">
- <area shape="rect" coords="5,197,112,245" href="NADOLTokens.html" alt="NADOLTokens" />
- <area shape="rect" coords="16,101,101,149" href="NADOLFile.html" alt="NADOLFile" />
- <area shape="rect" coords="5,5,112,53" href="NativeFileType.html" alt="NativeFileType" />
-<img src="../dot/f_45.png" usemap="#map" border="0" alt="dot/f_45.png">
- </div>
- <div id="description">
- <p>
-file packed by the NADOL EDITOR application. format is a series of
-unnumbered lines, where each line has the following format:
- <Length> (8-bit: including length byte, contents, zero>
- <Tokens and/or Characters>
- <Zero byte> ($00, to mark the end of the line)
- each byte in the line is interpreted as follows:
- $00 - end of line marker
- $01 - $64 - NADOL tokens
- $65 - $70 - ??? unknown
- $71 - $7f - 1 to F spaces
- $80 - $FF - ASCII character with high bit set
- </div>
- </div>
- <div id="method-list">
- <h3 class="section-bar">Methods</h3>
- <div class="name-list">
- <a href="#M000177">to_listing</a>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <!-- if includes -->
- <div id="section">
- <div id="constants-list">
- <h3 class="section-bar">Constants</h3>
- <div class="name-list">
- <table summary="Constants">
- <tr class="top-aligned-row context-row">
- <td class="context-item-name">NADOL_EDITOR_TOKENS</td>
- <td>=</td>
- <td class="context-item-value">[ "?", #00 (so we can use token as an index in to this array) "READ(", #01 "FREE(", #02 "NOT(", #03 "LENGTH(", #04 "PDL(", #05 "SIZEOF(", #06 "LSCRN(", #07 "HSCRN(", #08 "CHECK(", #09 "MAKE(", #0a "SCREEN(", #0b "HEXPACK ",#0c "PROCEDURE ",#0d "ENDPROC", #0e "FUNCTION ",#0f "ENDFUNC", #10 "IF ", #11 "ELSE", #12 "ENDIF", #13 "WHILE ", #14 "ENDWHILE",#15 "DEFINE ", #16 "RESULT=", #17 "PRINT", #18 "PRINTHEX",#19 "PRINTBYTE",#1a "LABEL ", #1b "GOTO ", #1c "INVERSE", #1d "NORMAL", #1e "FLASH", #1f "CASE ", #20 "GOTOXY(", #21 "CLEAR", #22 "NEW", #23 "HOME", #24 "CLREOL", #25 "CLREOP", #26 "PRBLOCK(",#27 "STOP", #28 "COPY(", #29 "FILL(", #2a "MASK(", #2b "RSECT(", #2c "WSECT(", #2d "RBLOCK(", #2e "WBLOCK(", #2f "WTRACK(", #30 "WSYNC(", #31 "RECAL(", #32 "DISPLAY(",#33 "RTRACK(", #34 "RSYNC(", #35 "BEEP(", #36 "DISASM(", #37 "TEXT", #38 "FORMAT(", #39 "SETFORMAT(",#3a "WORKDRIVE ",#3b "INIT ", #3c "LOAD ", #3d "SAVE ", #3e "CATALOG", #3f "DELETE ", #40 "RENAME ", #41 "PACK ", #42 "CONVERT(",#43 "INPUT(", #44 "LORES", #45 "PLOT(", #46 "HLINE(", #47 "VLINE(", #48 "COLOR=", #49 "FIND(", #4a "HIRES", #4b "HCOLOR=", #4c "HPLOT", #4d "CALL(", #4e "PR#", #4f "IN#", #50 "FILTER(", #51 "LIST", #52 "RUN", #53 "AUXMOVE(",#54 "LCMOVE(", #55 "DELAY(", #56 "INTEGER", #57 "BYTE", #58 " AND ", #59 " OR ", #5a " MOD ", #5b " XOR ", #5c " WITH ", #5d " TO ", #5e " AT ", #5f "TAB(", #60 "ENDCASE", #61 "MON:", #62 "EDIT", #63 "SAVE@"</td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </div>
- </div>
- <!-- if method_list -->
- <div id="methods">
- <h3 class="section-bar">Public Instance methods</h3>
- <div id="method-M000177" class="method-detail">
- <a name="M000177"></a>
- <div class="method-heading">
- <a href="NADOLTokens.src/M000177.html" target="Code" class="method-signature"
- onclick="popupCode('NADOLTokens.src/M000177.html');return false;">
- <span class="method-name">to_listing</span><span class="method-args">()</span>
- </a>
- </div>
- <div class="method-description">
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
-<div id="validator-badges">
- <p><small><a href="">[Validate]</a></small></p>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
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+ PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
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+<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
+ <title>Class: NADOLTokens</title>
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+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript" />
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+ document.writeln( "<style type=\"text/css\">div.method-source-code { display: none }</style>" )
+ // ]]>
+ </script>
+ <div id="classHeader">
+ <table class="header-table">
+ <tr class="top-aligned-row">
+ <td><strong>Class</strong></td>
+ <td class="class-name-in-header">NADOLTokens</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class="top-aligned-row">
+ <td><strong>In:</strong></td>
+ <td>
+ <a href="../files/lib/native_file_types/apple2/NADOLFile_rb.html">
+ lib/native_file_types/apple2/NADOLFile.rb
+ </a>
+ <br />
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class="top-aligned-row">
+ <td><strong>Parent:</strong></td>
+ <td>
+ <a href="NADOLFile.html">
+ </a>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </div>
+ <!-- banner header -->
+ <div id="bodyContent">
+ <div id="contextContent">
+ <div id="description">
+ <p>
+file packed by the NADOL EDITOR application. format is a series of
+unnumbered lines, where each line has the following format:
+ <Length> (8-bit: including length byte, contents, zero>
+ <Tokens and/or Characters>
+ <Zero byte> ($00, to mark the end of the line)
+ each byte in the line is interpreted as follows:
+ $00 - end of line marker
+ $01 - $64 - NADOL tokens
+ $65 - $70 - ??? unknown
+ $71 - $7f - 1 to F spaces
+ $80 - $FF - ASCII character with high bit set
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div id="method-list">
+ <h3 class="section-bar">Methods</h3>
+ <div class="name-list">
+ <a href="#M000119">to_listing</a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <!-- if includes -->
+ <div id="section">
+ <div id="constants-list">
+ <h3 class="section-bar">Constants</h3>
+ <div class="name-list">
+ <table summary="Constants">
+ <tr class="top-aligned-row context-row">
+ <td class="context-item-name">NADOL_EDITOR_TOKENS</td>
+ <td>=</td>
+ <td class="context-item-value">[
"?", #00 (so we can use token as an index in to this array)
"READ(", #01
"FREE(", #02
"NOT(", #03
"LENGTH(", #04
"PDL(", #05
"SIZEOF(", #06
"LSCRN(", #07
"HSCRN(", #08
"CHECK(", #09
"MAKE(", #0a
"SCREEN(", #0b
"HEXPACK ",#0c
"ENDPROC", #0e
"ENDFUNC", #10
"IF ", #11
"ELSE", #12
"ENDIF", #13
"WHILE ", #14
"DEFINE ", #16
"RESULT=", #17
"PRINT", #18
"LABEL ", #1b
"GOTO ", #1c
"INVERSE", #1d
"NORMAL", #1e
"FLASH", #1f
"CASE ", #20
"GOTOXY(", #21
"CLEAR", #22
"NEW", #23
"HOME", #24
"CLREOL", #25
"CLREOP", #26
"STOP", #28
"COPY(", #29
"FILL(", #2a
"MASK(", #2b
"RSECT(", #2c
"WSECT(", #2d
"RBLOCK(", #2e
"WBLOCK(", #2f
"WTRACK(", #30
"WSYNC(", #31
"RECAL(", #32
"RTRACK(", #34
"RSYNC(", #35
"BEEP(", #36
"DISASM(", #37
"TEXT", #38
"FORMAT(", #39
"INIT ", #3c
"LOAD ", #3d
"SAVE ", #3e
"CATALOG", #3f
"DELETE ", #40
"RENAME ", #41
"PACK ", #42
"INPUT(", #44
"LORES", #45
"PLOT(", #46
"HLINE(", #47
"VLINE(", #48
"COLOR=", #49
"FIND(", #4a
"HIRES", #4b
"HCOLOR=", #4c
"HPLOT", #4d
"CALL(", #4e
"PR#", #4f
"IN#", #50
"FILTER(", #51
"LIST", #52
"RUN", #53
"LCMOVE(", #55
"DELAY(", #56
"INTEGER", #57
"BYTE", #58
" AND ", #59
" OR ", #5a
" MOD ", #5b
" XOR ", #5c
" WITH ", #5d
" TO ", #5e
" AT ", #5f
"TAB(", #60
"ENDCASE", #61
"MON:", #62
"EDIT", #63
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <!-- if method_list -->
+ <div id="methods">
+ <h3 class="section-bar">Public Instance methods</h3>
+ <div id="method-M000119" class="method-detail">
+ <a name="M000119"></a>
+ <div class="method-heading">
+ <a href="NADOLTokens.src/M000119.html" target="Code" class="method-signature"
+ onclick="popupCode('NADOLTokens.src/M000119.html');return false;">
+ <span class="method-name">to_listing</span><span class="method-args">()</span>
+ </a>
+ </div>
+ <div class="method-description">
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+<div id="validator-badges">
+ <p><small><a href="">[Validate]</a></small></p>
\ No newline at end of file