README.rdoc in ripl-0.7.0 vs README.rdoc in ripl-0.7.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,22 +1,26 @@
== Description
-ripl is a light, modular alternative to irb. Like irb, it loads ~/.irbrc, has autocompletion and
-keeps history in ~/.irb_history. Unlike irb, it is highly customizable via plugins and supports
-commands i.e. {ripl-play}[]. This customizability makes it
-easy to build custom shells (i.e. for a gem or application) and complex shells (i.e. for the
-{web}[]). In other words, ripl is also a shell framework. Works
-on ruby 1.8.7 and greater.
+ripl is a light shell that encourages common middleware for shells i.e. rack for
+ruby shells. It is also a modular alternative to irb. Like irb, it loads
+~/.irbrc, has autocompletion and keeps history in ~/.irb_history. Unlike irb, it
+is highly customizable via plugins and supports commands i.e.
+{ripl-play}[]. This
+customizability makes it easy to build custom shells (i.e. for a gem or
+application) and complex shells (i.e. for the
+{web}[]). Works on ruby 1.8.7 and
== Install
-If you have {readline}[], install ripl with:
+If you have {readline}[],
+install ripl with:
gem install ripl
If you don't have readline, first install ripl with {a pure ruby
gem install ripl rb-readline -- --without-readline
Then, add the following to ~/.riplrc:
@@ -51,15 +55,17 @@
# If installed with rip, man page is automatically installed
$ man ripl
== Coming from irb
-When first trying ripl, you may experience errors in your ~/.irbrc due to an irb-specific
-configuration. In order to have ripl and irb coexist peacefully, you should silence these errors.
-To silence them without touching your ~/.irbrc, install the ripl-irb gem. This ripl plugin fakes
-irb's existence and points to ripl equivalents for your irb configurations. Otherwise, if you don't mind
-modifying ~/.irbrc, wrap your irb-specific configuration in a block as follow:
+When first trying ripl, you may experience errors in your ~/.irbrc due to an
+irb-specific configuration. In order to have ripl and irb coexist peacefully,
+you should silence these errors. To silence them without touching your
+~/.irbrc, install the {ripl-irb}[]
+gem. This ripl plugin fakes irb's existence and points to ripl equivalents for
+your irb configurations. Otherwise, if you don't mind modifying ~/.irbrc,
+wrap your irb-specific configuration in a block as follow:
if defined? IRB
IRB.conf[:BLAH] = 'blah'
# ...
@@ -69,11 +75,11 @@
* Similar to irb
* Reads ~/.irbrc on startup
* Appends to ~/.irb_history on exit
* Autocompletion (from bond)
* _ for last result
- * Type 'exit', 'quit' or press Ctrl-D to exit
+ * Type exit, quit or press Ctrl-D to exit
* 6 common commandline options: -f, -r, -I, -d, -h, -v
* IRB.conf -> Ripl.config
* Handles Ctrl-C quietly
* Enhancements over irb
* ~290 lines (doc included) vs irb's 5000+ lines
@@ -83,26 +89,27 @@
* Easy to create custom shells for gems and apps i.e. Ripl.start
* Easy to create and invoke ripl commands
* Create console commands in a simple, modular way
* Custom commandline options can be added via a plugin
* ~/.irbrc errors caught
- * Well-integrated internationalization (see {ripl-i18n}[])
+ * Well-integrated internationalization (see {ripl-i18n}[])
* Different from irb
* No multi-line evaluation by default (but there is a plugin,
- {ripl-multi_line}[]).
+ {ripl-multi_line}[]).
* No irb subsessions or workspaces (though ripl has jumps via
- {ripl-commands}[])
- * Some IRB.conf features aren't supported yet (see {ripl-irb}[]
+ {ripl-commands}[])
+ * Some IRB.conf features aren't supported yet (see {ripl-irb}[]
for details)
Note: Irb features not in ripl can be implemented as plugins.
== Plugins
-A ripl plugin is a module that is included into Ripl::Shell or extended into Ripl::Runner. Being simply modules,
-they can be packaged as gems and reused across shells as needed. ripl highly encourages plugins by
-loading them as early as possible and allowing them to extend most of ripl's functionality.
+A ripl plugin is a module that is included into Ripl::Shell or extended into
+Ripl::Runner. Being simply modules, they can be packaged as gems and reused
+across shells as needed. ripl highly encourages plugins by loading them as
+early as possible and allowing them to extend most of ripl's functionality.
As an example plugin, let's color error messages red:
require 'ripl'
@@ -114,24 +121,27 @@
Ripl::Shell.include Ripl::RedError
-Note this plugin extends format_error() by invoking the original format_error() with super. This is
-possible for any method that is available for extension by plugins. To see what methods are available for
-extension, see Ripl::Shell::API and Ripl::Runner::API.
+Note this plugin extends format_error() by invoking the original
+format_error() with super. This is possible for any method that is available
+for extension by plugins. To see what methods are available for extension, see
+Ripl::Shell::API and Ripl::Runner::API.
-If we want to add a config for this plugin, we can simply add a key to Ripl.config that matches the
-underscored version of the plugin name i.e. Ripl.config[:red_error].
+If we want to add a config for this plugin, we can simply add a key to
+Ripl.config that matches the underscored version of the plugin name i.e.
For available plugins, see Ripl Plugins below.
== Configuration
-Since ripl is highly customizable, it loads ~/.riplrc before it does anything. This ruby file should
-require and/or define plugins. Any ripl configurations via Ripl.config should also be done here.
-For an example riplrc, see {mine}[].
+Since ripl is highly customizable, it loads ~/.riplrc before it does anything.
+This ruby file should require and/or define plugins. Any ripl configurations
+via Ripl.config should also be done here. For an example ~/.riplrc,
+see {mine}[].
== Create Custom Shells
Creating and starting a custom shell is as simple as:
@@ -145,74 +155,111 @@
Ripl.start :binding => MyClass.instance_eval{ binding }
== Create Commands
If you want to invoke your custom shell with ripl, make it a ripl command.
-To create one, create an executable in the format ripl-<command> and make sure it's in your shell's
-$PATH. For example, the file 'ripl-my_gem' would be invoked with `ripl my_gem`. Note that with your
-command you can take arguments and parse your options as you please. For an example command,
-see {ripl-rails}[].
+To create one, create an executable in the format ripl-<command> and make sure
+it's in your shell's $PATH. For example, the file ripl-my_gem would be
+invoked with ripl my_gem. Note that with your command you can take arguments
+and parse your options as you please. For an example command,
+see {ripl-rails}[].
== Credits
* janlelis and godfat for bug fix and tweaks
* JoshCheek for bug fixes
* postmodern for windows fixes and no history support
== Bugs/Issues
-Please report them {on github}[].
+Please report them {on github}[].
== Contributing
{See here}[]
== Ripl Plugins
-* {ripl-multi_line}[] : evaluate multiple lines
-* {ripl-ripper}[] : evaluate multiple lines with ripper
-* {ripl-rails}[] : console for rails
-* {ripl-rack}[] : console for rack
-* {ripl-play}[] : play back and record input into ripl
-* {ripl-debug}[] : automatically debugs a failed eval
-* {ripl-after_rc}[] : provide blocks to run after ~/.irbrc is loaded
-* {ripl-irb}[] : smooths transition from irb
-* {ripl-i18n}[] : translates ripl to your language
-* {ripl-commands}[] : adds ripl commands similar to irb's commands
-* {ripl-color_error}[] : colorize errors
-* {ripl-color_streams}[] : colorizes stderr + stdout
-* {ripl-color_result}[] : colorizes results
-* {ripl-auto_indent}[] : auto indents multi-line input
-* {ripl-hirb}[] : comes with hirb to make it a proper riplzen
-* {ripl-hijack}[] : ripl console to a ruby process
-* {ripl-misc}[] : a playground for ripl plugins
-* {ripl-profiles}[]: load ripl profiles with a --profile option
+* {ripl-multi_line}[]:
+ evaluate multiple lines
+* {ripl-ripper}[]:
+ evaluate multiple lines with ripper
+* {ripl-rails}[]:
+ console for rails
+* {ripl-rack}[]:
+ console for rack
+* {ripl-play}[]:
+ play back and record input into ripl
+* {ripl-debug}[]:
+ automatically debugs a failed eval
+* {ripl-after_rc}[]:
+ provide blocks to run after ~/.irbrc is loaded
+* {ripl-irb}[]:
+ smooths transition from irb
+* {ripl-i18n}[]:
+ translates ripl to your language
+* {ripl-commands}[]:
+ adds ripl commands similar to irb's commands
+* {ripl-shell_commands}[]:
+ adds support for !ls shell commands.
+* {ripl-color_error}[]:
+ colorize errors
+* {ripl-color_streams}[]:
+ colorizes stderr + stdout
+* {ripl-color_result}[]:
+ colorizes results
+* {ripl-auto_indent}[]:
+ auto indents multi-line input
+* {ripl-hirb}[]:
+ comes with hirb to make it a proper riplzen
+* {ripl-hijack}[]:
+ ripl console to a ruby process
+* {ripl-misc}[]:
+ a playground for ripl plugins
+* {ripl-profiles}[]:
+ load ripl profiles with a --profile option
* {ripl-short_errors}[]:
display short backtrace
-* {ripl-rocket}[]: outputs ripl result as a hash rocket
-* {ripl-padrino}[]: console for padrino
-* {ripltools}[]: a collection of ripl plugins
-* {ripl-rc}[]: ripl plugins for debugging, class-based coloring and more
-* {ripl-em}[]: interact with EM libraries asynchronously
-* {ripl-readline-em}[]: another async EM interface
+* {ripl-rocket}[]:
+ outputs ripl result as a hash rocket
+* {ripl-padrino}[]:
+ console for padrino
+* {ripltools}[]:
+ a collection of ripl plugins
+* {ripl-rc}[]:
+ ripl plugins for debugging, class-based coloring and more
+* {ripl-em}[]:
+ interact with EM libraries asynchronously
+* {ripl-readline-em}[]:
+ another async EM interface
== Ripl Shells
Shells built on top of ripl:
-* {nirvana}[]: A ruby web shell complete with autocomplete
-* {fresh}[]: An interesting ruby/system hybrid shell
-* {ripl-johnson}[]: A js shell based on johnson (firefox tracemonkey)
-* {ronin}[]: An exploit development platform using ripl for its console
-* {tux}[]: A sinatra shell
-* {rack-webconsole}[]: A rack middleware that adds a
- web shell to any rack app
+* {nirvana}[]:
+ A ruby web shell complete with autocomplete
+* {fresh}[]:
+ An interesting ruby/system hybrid shell
+* {ripl-johnson}[]:
+ A js shell based on johnson (firefox tracemonkey)
+* {ronin}[]:
+ An exploit development platform using ripl for its console
+* {tux}[]:
+ A sinatra shell
+* {rack-webconsole}[]:
+ A rack middleware that adds a web shell to any rack app
== More Ripl Links
* {ripl screencast}[]
* {overview of ripl features}[]
* {slides at euroko about ruby consoles}[]
== Irb Alternatives
Some other irb alternatives to check out:
-* {ir}[]: nice and light
-* {irb2}[]: yehuda katz's partial attempt at rewriting irb
-* {dietrb}[]: mac and ruby 1.9 specific
-* {pry}[]: featureful but heavy
+* {ir}[]: nice and light
+* {irb2}[]: yehuda katz's partial attempt at rewriting irb
+* {dietrb}[]: mac and ruby 1.9 specific
+* {pry}[]: featureful but heavy