lib/rio/rl/uri.rb in rio-0.3.7 vs lib/rio/rl/uri.rb in rio-0.3.8
- old
+ new
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# ===============================================================================
-# Copyright (c) 2005, Christopher Kleckner
+# Copyright (c) 2005, 2006 Christopher Kleckner
# All rights reserved
# This file is part of the Rio library for ruby.
# Rio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
@@ -20,11 +20,11 @@
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
# ===============================================================================
# To create the documentation for Rio run the command
-# rake rdoc
+# ruby build_doc.rb
# from the distribution directory. Then point your browser at the 'doc/rdoc' directory.
# Suggested Reading
# * RIO::Doc::INTRO
@@ -34,29 +34,36 @@
# <b>Rio is pre-alpha software.
# The documented interface and behavior is subject to change without notice.</b>
require 'rio/rl/base'
+require 'rio/fs/url'
module RIO
module RL
class URIBase < Base
- attr_reader :uri
- attr_writer :base
+ attr_reader :uri
+ #attr :fs
def initialize(u,*args)
#p callstr('initialize',u,*args)
# u should be a ::URI or something that can be parsed to one
- args = _get_base_from_args(args)
+ args = _get_opts_from_args(args)
@uri = _mkuri(u)
@uri.path = '/' if @uri.absolute? and @uri.path == ''
+ #@fs = self.openfs_
+ super
+ def openfs_()
+ RIO::FS::URL.create()
+ end
def initialize_copy(*args)
@uri = @uri.clone unless @uri.nil?
@base = @base.clone unless @base.nil?
- def _get_base_from_args(args)
+ def _get_opts_from_args(args)
# args.each { |a| p "get_base len=#{args.length} #{a.class}##{a.to_s}" }
@base = nil
if !args.empty? and args[-1].kind_of?(::Hash) and (b = args.pop[:base])
@base = case b
when URIBase then b.uri if b.uri.absolute?