lib/rio/if/grande_stream.rb in rio-0.3.9 vs lib/rio/if/grande_stream.rb in rio-0.4.0
- old
+ new
@@ -89,11 +89,11 @@
def lines(*args,&block) target.lines(*args,&block); self end
# Sets the rio to read bytes and returns the rio
- # _n_ specifies the number of bytes to be returned on each iteration of IF::Grande#each or by IF::Grande#getrec. If _args_
+ # _n_ specifies the number of bytes to be returned on each iteration of IF::Grande#each or by IF::GrandeStream#getrec. If _args_
# are provided, they are treated as record selectors as if <tt>ario.bytes(n).records(*args)</tt> had been
# called. See also #records, #lines, IF::Grande#each, IF::Grande#[]
# If called with a block behaves as if <tt>ario.bytes(n,*args).each(&block)</tt> had been called
@@ -113,23 +113,23 @@
# rio('f.dat').bytes[0...100] # returns an array of the first 100 bytes of f.dat
def bytes(n=1,*args,&block) target.bytes(n,*args,&block); self end
- # Specifies which records will be iterated through by IF::Grande#each or returned by IF::Grande#getrec
+ # Specifies which records will be iterated through by IF::Grande#each or returned by IF::GrandeStream#getrec
# If called with a block behaves as if <tt>records(*args).each(&block)</tt> had been called
# Returns the Rio
# If no args are provided, all records are selected.
# What constitutes a record is affected by #lines,#bytes,
# and extensions such as IF::CSV#csv and IF::YAML#yaml.
# If args are provided they may be one or more of the following:
- # Regexp:: any matching record will be iterated over by IF::Grande#each or returned by IF::Grande#getrec
- # Integer:: specifies a record-number (zero-based) to be iterated over by IF::Grande#each or returned by IF::Grande#getrec
+ # Regexp:: any matching record will be iterated over by IF::Grande#each or returned by IF::GrandeStream#getrec
+ # Integer:: specifies a record-number (zero-based) to be iterated over by IF::Grande#each or returned by IF::GrandeStream#getrec
# Range:: specifies a range of records (zero-based) to included in the iteration
# Proc:: a proc which will be called for each record, records are included unless nil or false is returned
# Symbol:: a symbol which will _sent_ to each record, records are included unless nil or false is returned
# Array:: an array of any of above. All must match for a line to be included
@@ -155,11 +155,11 @@
# rio('f.csv').csv.records[0] #==>[["h0", "h1"]]
def records(*args,&block) target.records(*args,&block); self end
- # Specifies records which should *not* be iterated through by IF::Grande#each or returned by IF::Grande#getrec
+ # Specifies records which should *not* be iterated through by IF::Grande#each or returned by IF::GrandeStream#getrec
# If called with a block behaves as if <tt>skiprecords(*args).each(&block)</tt>
# had been called
# Returns the Rio
@@ -188,11 +188,11 @@
def skiprecords(*args,&block) target.skiprecords(*args,&block); self end
# Sets the Rio to read lines and specifies lines which should *not* be iterated through by IF::Grande#each or
- # returned by IF::Grande#getrec
+ # returned by IF::GrandeStream#getrec
# If called with a block behaves as if <tt>skiplines(*args).each(&block)</tt> had been called
# Returns the Rio
@@ -215,18 +215,18 @@
def skiplines(*args,&block) target.skiplines(*args,&block); self end
# Sets the Rio to read rows and specifies rows which should be iterated through
- # by IF::Grande#each or returned by IF::Grande#getrec.
+ # by IF::Grande#each or returned by IF::GrandeStream#getrec.
# #rows is intended for use by extensions, where the concept of a row is reasonable.
# In the absensence of an extension behaves like #records.
def rows(*args,&block) target.rows(*args,&block); self end
# Sets the Rio to read rows and specifies lines which should *not* be iterated
- # through by IF::Grande#each or returned by IF::Grande#getrec
+ # through by IF::Grande#each or returned by IF::GrandeStream#getrec
# #skiprows is intended for use by extensions, where the concept of a row is
# reasonable. In the absence of an extension behaves like #skiprecords
def skiprows(*args,&block) target.skiprows(*args,&block); self end
@@ -356,9 +356,11 @@
# Sets the implicit output mode to 'w+'.
# The implicit output mode is the mode Rio will use for output when no mode is specified.
# Returns the Rio
+ #
+ # rio(?-,'cat').w!.puts!("Hello Kitty").readline #=> "Hello Kitty"
# See the discussion for #a.
def w!() target.w!(); self end