in riiif-1.1.0 vs in riiif-1.1.1
- old
+ new
@@ -127,39 +127,34 @@
# Tell RIIIF to get files via HTTP (not from the local disk)
Riiif::Image.file_resolver =
# This tells RIIIF how to resolve the identifier to a URI in Fedora
-DATASTREAM = 'imageContent'
Riiif::Image.file_resolver.id_to_uri = lambda do |id|
- connection = ActiveFedora::Base.connection_for_pid(id)
- host = connection.config[:url]
- path = connection.api.datastream_content_url(id, DATASTREAM, {})
- host + '/' + path
+ ActiveFedora::Base.id_to_uri(CGI.unescape(id)).tap do |url|
+ "Riiif resolved #{id} to #{url}"
+ end
# In order to return the info.json endpoint, we have to have the full height and width of
# each image. If you are using hydra-file_characterization, you have the height & width
# cached in Solr. The following block directs the info_service to return those values:
-HEIGHT_SOLR_FIELD = 'height_isi'
-WIDTH_SOLR_FIELD = 'width_isi'
Riiif::Image.info_service = lambda do |id, file|
- resp = get_solr_response_for_doc_id id
- doc = resp.first['response']['docs'].first
- { height: doc[HEIGHT_SOLR_FIELD], width: doc[WIDTH_SOLR_FIELD] }
+ # id will look like a path to a pcdm:file
+ # (e.g. rv042t299%2Ffiles%2F6d71677a-4f80-42f1-ae58-ed1063fd79c7)
+ # but we just want the id for the FileSet it's attached to.
-include Blacklight::SolrHelper
-def blacklight_config
- CatalogController.blacklight_config
+ # Capture everything before the first slash
+ fs_id = id.sub(/\A([^\/]*)\/.*/, '\1')
+ resp = ActiveFedora::SolrService.get("id:#{fs_id}")
+ doc = resp['response']['docs'].first
+ raise "Unable to find solr document with id:#{fs_id}" unless doc
+ { height: doc['height_is'], width: doc['width_is'] }
-### ActiveSupport::Benchmarkable (used in Blacklight::SolrHelper) depends on a logger method
def logger
Riiif::Engine.config.cache_duration_in_days = 30