bin/riemann-apache-status in riemann-tools-1.1.1 vs bin/riemann-apache-status in riemann-tools-1.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,113 +1,8 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# frozen_string_literal: true
-# Collects Apache metrics and submits them to Riemann
-# More information can be found at
-# Removes whitespace from 'Total Accesses' and 'Total kBytes' for output to graphite
-require File.expand_path('../lib/riemann/tools', __dir__)
-module Riemann
- module Tools
- class ApacheStatus
- include Riemann::Tools
- require 'net/http'
- require 'uri'
- opt :uri, 'Apache Server Status URI', default: 'http://localhost/server-status'
- def initialize
- @uri = "#{URI.parse(opts[:uri])}?auto"
- # Sample Response with ExtendedStatus On
- # Total Accesses: 20643
- # Total kBytes: 36831
- # CPULoad: .0180314
- # Uptime: 43868
- # ReqPerSec: .470571
- # BytesPerSec: 859.737
- # BytesPerReq: 1827.01
- # BusyWorkers: 6
- # IdleWorkers: 94
- # Scoreboard: ___K_____K____________W_
- @scoreboard_map = {
- '_' => 'waiting',
- 'S' => 'starting',
- 'R' => 'reading',
- 'W' => 'sending',
- 'K' => 'keepalive',
- 'D' => 'dns',
- 'C' => 'closing',
- 'L' => 'logging',
- 'G' => 'graceful',
- 'I' => 'idle',
- '.' => 'open',
- }
- end
- def get_scoreboard_metrics(response)
- results =
- response.slice! 'Scoreboard: '
- response.each_char do |char|
- results[char] += 1
- end
- results.transform_keys { |k| @scoreboard_map[k] }
- end
- def report_metrics(metrics)
- metrics.each do |k, v|
- report(
- service: "httpd #{k}",
- metric: v.to_f,
- state: 'ok',
- tags: ['httpd'],
- )
- end
- end
- def connection
- response = nil
- begin
- response = Net::HTTP.get(@uri)
- rescue StandardError => e
- report(
- service: 'httpd health',
- state: 'critical',
- description: "Httpd connection error: #{e.class} - #{e.message}",
- tags: ['httpd'],
- )
- else
- report(
- service: 'httpd health',
- state: 'ok',
- description: 'Httpd connection status ok',
- tags: ['httpd'],
- )
- end
- response
- end
- def tick
- return if (response = connection).nil?
- response.each_line do |line|
- metrics = {}
- if line =~ /Scoreboard/
- metrics = get_scoreboard_metrics(line.strip)
- else
- key, value = line.strip.split(':')
- metrics[key.gsub(/\s/, '')] = value
- end
- report_metrics(metrics)
- end
- end
- end
- end
+require 'riemann/tools/apache_status'