spec/unit/ridley/resources/node_resource_spec.rb in ridley-0.12.4 vs spec/unit/ridley/resources/node_resource_spec.rb in ridley-1.0.0.rc1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,166 +1,106 @@
require 'spec_helper'
describe Ridley::NodeResource do
let(:host) { "" }
let(:worker) { double('worker', alive?: true, terminate: nil) }
+ let(:host_commander) { double('host-commander') }
let(:options) do
- server_url: "https://api.opscode.com/organizations/vialstudios",
- validator_path: "/some/path",
- validator_client: "chef-validator",
- encrypted_data_bag_secret: "hellokitty",
- ssh: {
- user: "reset",
- password: "lol"
- },
- winrm: {
- user: "Administrator",
- password: "secret"
- },
- chef_version: "11.4.0"
+ server_url: double('server_url'),
+ validator_path: double('validator_path'),
+ validator_client: double('validator_client'),
+ encrypted_data_bag_secret: double('encrypted_data_bag_secret'),
+ ssh: double('ssh'),
+ winrm: double('winrm'),
+ chef_version: double('chef_version')
- let(:instance) { described_class.new(double, options) }
+ let(:instance) do
+ inst = described_class.new(double, options)
+ inst.stub(connection: chef_zero_connection, host_commander: host_commander)
+ inst
+ end
describe "#bootstrap" do
- let(:hosts) { [ "" ] }
- let(:options) do
- {
- validator_path: fixtures_path.join("reset.pem").to_s,
- encrypted_data_bag_secret: File.read(fixtures_path.join("reset.pem"))
- }
+ it "sends the message #bootstrap to the instance's host_commander" do
+ host_commander.should_receive(:bootstrap).with(host, options)
+ instance.bootstrap(host)
- let(:bootstrapper) { double('bootstrapper', run: nil) }
- subject { instance }
- before { Ridley::Bootstrapper.should_receive(:new).with(hosts, anything).and_return(bootstrapper) }
- it "runs the Bootstrapper" do
- bootstrapper.should_receive(:run)
- subject.bootstrap("", options)
+ it "passes pre-configured options to #bootstrap" do
+ host_commander.should_receive(:bootstrap).with(host, options)
+ instance.bootstrap(host)
describe "#chef_run" do
- let(:chef_run) { instance.chef_run(host) }
- let(:response) { [:ok, double('response', stdout: 'success_message')] }
- subject { chef_run }
- before do
- Ridley::HostConnector.stub(:new).and_return(worker)
- worker.stub(:chef_client).and_return(response)
+ it "sends the message #chef_client to the instance's host_commander" do
+ host_commander.should_receive(:chef_client).with(host, ssh: instance.ssh, winrm: instance.winrm)
+ instance.chef_run(host)
- it { should eql(response) }
- context "when it executes unsuccessfully" do
- let(:response) { [ :error, double('response', stderr: 'failure_message') ] }
- it { should eql(response) }
- end
- it "terminates the worker" do
- worker.should_receive(:terminate)
- chef_run
- end
describe "#put_secret" do
- let(:put_secret) { instance.put_secret(host) }
- let(:response) { [ :ok, double('response', stdout: 'success_message') ] }
- subject { put_secret }
+ let(:secret) { options[:encrypted_data_bag_secret] }
- before do
- Ridley::HostConnector.stub(:new).and_return(worker)
- worker.stub(:put_secret).and_return(response)
+ it "sends the message #put_secret to the instance's host_commander" do
+ host_commander.should_receive(:put_secret).with(host, secret, options.slice(:ssh, :winrm))
+ instance.put_secret(host)
- it { should eql(response) }
- context "when it executes unsuccessfully" do
- let(:response) { [ :error, double('response', stderr: 'failure_message') ] }
- it { should eql(response) }
- end
- it "terminates the worker" do
- worker.should_receive(:terminate)
- put_secret
- end
describe "#ruby_script" do
- let(:ruby_script) { instance.ruby_script(host, command_lines) }
- let(:response) { [:ok, double('response', stdout: 'success_message')] }
let(:command_lines) { ["puts 'hello'", "puts 'there'"] }
- subject { ruby_script }
- before do
- Ridley::HostConnector.stub(:new).and_return(worker)
- worker.stub(:ruby_script).and_return(response)
+ it "sends the message #ruby_script to the instance's host_commander" do
+ host_commander.should_receive(:ruby_script).with(host, command_lines, ssh: instance.ssh, winrm: instance.winrm)
+ instance.ruby_script(host, command_lines)
- it { should eq(response) }
- context "when it executes unsuccessfully" do
- let(:response) { [:error, double('response', stderr: 'failure_message')] }
- it { should eq(response) }
- end
- it "terminates the worker" do
- worker.should_receive(:terminate)
- ruby_script
- end
describe "#execute_command" do
- let(:execute_command) { instance.execute_command(host, command) }
- let(:response) { [:ok, double('response', stdout: 'success_message')] }
let(:command) { "echo 'hello world'" }
- subject { execute_command }
- before do
- Ridley::HostConnector.stub(:new).and_return(worker)
- worker.stub(:run).and_return(response)
+ it "sends the message #run to the instance's host_commander" do
+ host_commander.should_receive(:run).with(host, command, ssh: instance.ssh, winrm: instance.winrm)
+ instance.execute_command(host, command)
- it { should eq(response) }
- context "when it executes unsuccessfully" do
- let(:response) { [:error, double('response', stderr: 'failure_message')] }
- it { should eq(response) }
- end
describe "#merge_data" do
- subject { instance }
- let(:node) { double('node') }
- let(:data) { double('data') }
+ let(:node_name) { "rspec-test" }
+ let(:run_list) { [ "recipe[one]", "recipe[two]" ] }
+ let(:attributes) { { deep: { two: "val" } } }
- before { subject.stub(find: nil) }
+ subject(:result) { instance.merge_data(node_name, run_list: run_list, attributes: attributes) }
- context "when a node with the given name exists" do
- before { subject.should_receive(:find).and_return(node) }
+ context "when a node of the given name exists" do
+ before do
+ chef_node(node_name,
+ run_list: [ "recipe[one]", "recipe[three]" ],
+ normal: { deep: { one: "val" } }
+ )
+ end
- it "finds the target node, sends it the merge_data message, and updates it" do
- updated = double('updated')
- node.should_receive(:merge_data).with(data).and_return(updated)
- subject.should_receive(:update).with(updated)
+ it "returns a Ridley::NodeObject" do
+ expect(result).to be_a(Ridley::NodeObject)
+ end
- subject.merge_data(node, data)
+ it "has a union between the run list of the original node and the new run list" do
+ expect(result.run_list).to eql(["recipe[one]","recipe[three]","recipe[two]"])
+ it "has a deep merge between the attributes of the original node and the new attributes" do
+ expect(result.normal.to_hash).to eql(deep: { one: "val", two: "val" })
+ end
context "when a node with the given name does not exist" do
- before { subject.should_receive(:find).with(node).and_return(nil) }
+ let(:node_name) { "does_not_exist" }
it "raises a ResourceNotFound error" do
- expect {
- subject.merge_data(node, data)
- }.to raise_error(Ridley::Errors::ResourceNotFound)
+ expect { result }.to raise_error(Ridley::Errors::ResourceNotFound)