lib/ridgepole/dsl_parser.rb in ridgepole-0.6.6.beta vs lib/ridgepole/dsl_parser.rb in ridgepole-0.6.6.beta2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,256 +1,5 @@
class Ridgepole::DSLParser
- class Context
- class TableDefinition
- attr_reader :__definition
- def initialize(table_name, base)
- @__definition = {}
- @table_name = table_name
- @base = base
- end
- def column(name, type, options = {})
- name = name.to_s
- @__definition[name] = {
- :type => type,
- :options => options,
- }
- end
- TYPES = [
- #
- :string,
- :text,
- :integer,
- :bigint,
- :float,
- :decimal,
- :datetime,
- :timestamp,
- :time,
- :date,
- :binary,
- :boolean,
- #
- :daterange,
- :numrange,
- :tsrange,
- :tstzrange,
- :int4range,
- :int8range,
- :binary,
- :boolean,
- :bigint,
- :xml,
- :tsvector,
- :hstore,
- :inet,
- :cidr,
- :macaddr,
- :uuid,
- :json,
- :jsonb,
- :ltree,
- :citext,
- :point,
- :bit,
- :bit_varying,
- :money,
- ].uniq
- TYPES.each do |column_type|
- define_method column_type do |*args|
- options = args.extract_options!
- column_names = args
- column_names.each {|name| column(name, column_type, options) }
- end
- end
- #
- tinyblob: [:blob, {limit: 255}],
- mediumblob: [:binary, {limit: 16777215}],
- longblob: [:binary, {limit: 4294967295}],
- tinytext: [:text, {limit: 255}],
- mediumtext: [:text, {limit: 16777215}],
- longtext: [:text, {limit: 4294967295}],
- unsigned_integer: [:integer, {unsigned: true}],
- unsigned_bigint: [:bigint, {unsigned: true}],
- unsigned_float: [:float, {limit: 24, unsigned: true}],
- unsigned_decimal: [:decimal, {precision: 10, unsigned: true}],
- }
- # XXX:
- def blob(*args)
- options = args.extract_options!
- options = {limit: 65535}.merge(options)
- column_names = args
- column_names.each do |name|
- column_type = (0..0xff).include?(options[:limit]) ? :blob : :binary
- column(name, column_type, options)
- end
- end
- ALIAS_TYPES.each do |alias_type, (column_type, default_options)|
- define_method alias_type do |*args|
- options = args.extract_options!
- options = default_options.merge(options)
- column_names = args
- column_names.each {|name| column(name, column_type, options) }
- end
- end
- def index(name, options = {})
- @base.add_index(@table_name, name, options)
- end
- def timestamps(*args)
- options = {:null => false}.merge(args.extract_options!)
- column(:created_at, :datetime, options)
- column(:updated_at, :datetime, options)
- end
- def references(*args)
- options = args.extract_options!
- polymorphic = options.delete(:polymorphic)
- index_options = options.delete(:index)
- type = options.delete(:type) || :integer
- args.each do |col|
- column("#{col}_id", type, options)
- column("#{col}_type", :string, polymorphic.is_a?(Hash) ? polymorphic : options) if polymorphic
- if index_options
- index("#{col}_id", index_options.is_a?(Hash) ? index_options : {})
- index("#{col}_type", index_options.is_a?(Hash) ? index_options : {}) if polymorphic
- end
- end
- end
- alias :belongs_to :references
- end
- attr_reader :__definition
- attr_reader :__execute
- def initialize(opts = {})
- @__working_dir = File.expand_path(opts[:path] ? File.dirname(opts[:path]) : Dir.pwd)
- @__definition = {}
- @__execute = []
- end
- def self.eval(dsl, opts = {})
- ctx =
- if opts[:path]
- ctx.instance_eval(dsl, opts[:path])
- else
- ctx.instance_eval(dsl)
- end
- [ctx.__definition, ctx.__execute]
- end
- def create_table(table_name, options = {})
- table_name = table_name.to_s
- table_definition =, self)
- if options[:primary_key] and options[:primary_key].is_a?(Symbol)
- options[:primary_key] = options[:primary_key].to_s
- end
- yield(table_definition)
- @__definition[table_name] ||= {}
- if @__definition[table_name][:definition]
- raise "Table `#{table_name}` already defined"
- end
- @__definition[table_name][:definition] = table_definition.__definition
- options.delete(:force)
- @__definition[table_name][:options] = options
- end
- def add_index(table_name, column_name, options = {})
- table_name = table_name.to_s
- # Keep column_name for expression index support
- #
- unless column_name.is_a?(String) && /\W/ === column_name
- column_name = [column_name] {|i| i.to_s }
- end
- options[:name] = options[:name].to_s if options[:name]
- @__definition[table_name] ||= {}
- @__definition[table_name][:indices] ||= {}
- idx = options[:name] || column_name
- if @__definition[table_name][:indices][idx]
- raise "Index `#{table_name}(#{idx})` already defined"
- end
- if options[:length].is_a?(Numeric)
- index_length = options[:length]
- options[:length] = {}
- column_name.each do |col|
- options[:length][col] = index_length
- end
- # XXX: fix for
- if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR >= 6 or (ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR == 5 and (ActiveRecord::VERSION::MINOR >= 1 or ActiveRecord::VERSION::TINY >= 1))
- options[:length] = options[:length].symbolize_keys
- end
- end
- @__definition[table_name][:indices][idx] = {
- :column_name => column_name,
- :options => options,
- }
- end
- def add_foreign_key(from_table, to_table, options = {})
- unless options[:name]
- raise "Foreign key name in `#{from_table}` is undefined"
- end
- from_table = from_table.to_s
- to_table = to_table.to_s
- options[:name] = options[:name].to_s
- @__definition[from_table] ||= {}
- @__definition[from_table][:foreign_keys] ||= {}
- idx = options[:name]
- if @__definition[from_table][:foreign_keys][idx]
- raise "Foreign Key `#{from_table}(#{idx})` already defined"
- end
- @__definition[from_table][:foreign_keys][idx] = {
- :to_table => to_table,
- :options => options,
- }
- end
- def require(file)
- schemafile = (file =~ %r|\A/|) ? file : File.join(@__working_dir, file)
- if File.exist?(schemafile)
- instance_eval(, schemafile)
- elsif File.exist?(schemafile + '.rb')
- instance_eval( + '.rb'), schemafile + '.rb')
- else
- Kernel.require(file)
- end
- end
- def execute(sql, name = nil, &cond)
- @__execute << {
- :sql => sql,
- :condition => cond,
- }
- end
- end
def initialize(options = {})
@options = options
def parse(dsl, opts = {})