lib/ric/debug.rb in ric-0.11.6 vs lib/ric/debug.rb in ric-0.11.7
- old
+ new
@@ -28,14 +28,85 @@
puts( final_str ) if ((really_write && $DEBUG) || write_always) && ! opts[:tag]
end #/debug2()
alias :debug :deb
- class RicDebug
- def
- puts 'TODO RicDebug. This is experimental, u shouldnt use this at all!'
+ This is a denbug with steroids
+ Introduced tags: NORMAL deb() works.
+ If you launch debug_on('reason', :tags => [ :this, :foo, :bar])
+ from this moment on normal debug is prevented unless you debug using the explicit tags..
+ Il vecchio debug era:
+ debug (s, :really_write => true,:write_always => false )
+ $_debug_tags = []
+ def debug_with_steroids(s, opts = {} )
+ out = opts.fetch(:out, $stdout)
+ tag = opts.fetch(:tag, '_DFLT_')
+ really_write = opts.fetch(:really_write, true) # you can prevent ANY debug setting this to false
+ write_always = opts.fetch(:write_always, false)
+ raise "ERROR: ':tags' must be an array in debug(), maybe you meant to use :tag?" if ( opts[:tags] && opts[:tags].class != Array )
+ final_str = "#RDeb#{write_always ? '!' : ''}[#{opts[:tag] || '-'}] #{s}"
+ final_str = "\033[1;30m" +final_str + "\033[0m" if opts.fetch(:coloured_debug, true) # color by gray by default
+ if (debug_tags_enabled? ) # tags
+ puts( final_str ) if debug_tag_include?( opts )
+ else # normal behaviour: if NOT tag
+ puts( final_str ) if ((really_write && $DEBUG) || write_always) && ! opts[:tag]
+ end #/debug()
+ def debug_tags_enabled?
+ $_debug_tags != []
+ def debug_tag_include?(opts)
+ assert_array($_debug_tags, 'debug_tags')
+ assert_class( opts[:tag], Symbol, "tag must be a symbol, ", :dontdie => true ) if opts[:tag]
+ assert_array( opts[:tags] , 'opts[:tags]' ) if opts[:tags]
+ return $_debug_tags.include?(opts[:tag].to_sym) if opts[:tag]
+ return ($_debug_tags & opts[:tags]).size > 0 if opts[:tags]
+ #return $_debug_tags.include?(tag_or_tags.to_sym) if (tag.class == String || tag.class == Symbol)
+ return false
+ end
+ # if DEBUG is true, then execute the code
+ def deb?()
+ yield if $DEBUG
+ end
+ alias :if_deb :deb?
+ alias :if_deb? :deb?
+ def debug?()
+ $DEBUG == true
+ end
+ def err(str)
+ $stderr.puts "ERR[RicLib] #{$0}: '#{str}'"
+ end
+ def fatal(ret,str)
+ err "#{get_red 'RubyFatal'}(#{ret}) #{str}"
+ exit ret
+ end
+ def warning(s)
+ err "#{yellow 'WARN'} #{s}"
+ end
+ def tbd(comment="TODO")
+ puts "#{white :TBD} (#{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__}): #{comment}"
+ raise "TBD_EXCEPTION! ''#{comment}''"
+ end
+ def _manage_debug_tags(opts)
+ $_debug_tags ||= []
+ $_debug_tags += opts[:tags] if opts[:tags]
+ $_debug_tags = $_debug_tags.uniq
+ deb "_manage_debug_tags(): new tags are: #{$_debug_tags}", :tag => :debug
+ end
end # /module Colors
end # /module Ric