in ribose-0.1.0 vs in ribose-0.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
# Ribose
-Welcome to your new gem! In this directory, you'll find the files you need to be able to package up your Ruby library into a gem. Put your Ruby code in the file `lib/ribose`. To experiment with that code, run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt.
+[![Gem Version](](
-TODO: Delete this and the text above, and describe your gem
+The Ruby Interface to the Ribose API.
## Installation
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
@@ -22,12 +26,544 @@
$ gem install ribose
+## Configure
+We need to setup Ribose API configuration before we can perform any request
+throughout this client, and to request an API Key please contact Ribose Inc.
+Once you have your API key then you can configure it by adding an initializer
+with the following code
+Ribose.configure do |config|
+ config.api_token = "SECRET_API_TOKEN"
+ config.user_email = ""
+ # There are also some default configurations, normally you do not need to
+ # change those unless you have some very specific use case scenario.
+ #
+ # config.debug_mode = false
+ # config.api_host = ""
+Ribose.configuration.api_token = "SECRET_API_TOKEN"
+Ribose.configuration.user_email = ""
## Usage
-TODO: Write usage instructions here
+### App Data
+Ribose API provides an easier way to retrieve the list of App data, and to
+retrieve the list of app data we can use the `AppData.all` interface.
+### App Relation
+#### List app relations
+To retrieve the list of app relations we can use the `AppRelation.all` interface
+#### Fetch an app relation
+To retrieve the details for a specific app relation, we can use the following
+### Profile
+#### Fetch user profile
+#### Update user profile
+Ribose::Profile.update(first_name: "John", last_name: "Doe")
+#### Set user login
+### Settings
+#### List user's settings
+To list user's settings we can use the `Setting.all` interface, and it will
+return all of the user's settings.
+#### Fetch a setting
+To fetch the details for any specific settings we can use the `Setting.fetch`
+interface and it will return the details for that setting.
+#### Update a setting
+Ribose::Setting.update(setting_id, **new_updated_attributes_hash)
+### Spaces
+#### List user's spaces
+To list user's spaces we can use the `Space.all` interface, and it will retrieve
+all of the spaces for the currently configured user.
+#### Fetch a user space
+To retrieve the details for a space we can use the `Space.fetch(space_id)`.
+#### Create a user space
+To create a new user space we can use
+ access: "private",
+ space_category_id: 12,
+ name: "The amazing Ribose Space",
+ description: "Description about your space"
+#### Update a user space
+Ribose::Space.update("space_uuid", name: "New updated name", **other_attributes)
+#### Remove a user space
+To remove an existing space and we can use the following interface
+Ribose::Space.remove(space_uuid, confirmation: true)
+### Members
+The members endpoint are space specific, to retrieve the member details under
+any specific space we can use this interface.
+### List of Members
+To retrieve the list of members, we can use the following interface.
+Ribose::Member.all(space_id, options)
+### Files
+#### List of Files
+To retrieves the files for any specific space we can use the following interface
+Ribose::SpaceFile.all(space_id, options)
+### Create a file upload
+Ribose::SpaceFile.create(space_id, file: "The complete file path", **attributes)
+### Conversations
+#### Listing Space Conversations
+Ribose::Conversation.all(space_id, options = {})
+#### Retrieve a conversation details
+Ribose::Conversation.fetch(space_id, conversation_id)
+#### Create A New Conversation
+ space_id, name: "Sample conversation", tag_list: "sample, conversation"
+#### Update a conversation
+Ribose::Conversation.update(space_id, conversation_id, new_attributes_hash)
+#### Remove A Conversation
+Ribose::Conversation.destroy(space_id: "space_id", conversation_id: "12345")
+### Message
+#### List Conversation Messages
+Ribose::Message.all(space_id: space_uuid, conversation_id: conversation_uuid)
+#### Create a new message
+ space_id: space_uuid,
+ conversation_id: conversation_uuid,
+ contents: "Provide your message body here",
+#### Update an existing message
+ space_id: space_uuid,
+ message_id: message_uuid,
+ conversation_id: conversation_uuid,
+ contents: "The new content for message",
+#### Remove a message
+ space_id: space_uuid,
+ message_id: message_uuid,
+ conversation_id: conversation_uuid,
+### Feeds
+#### List user feeds
+To retrieve the list of user feeds, we can use the `Feed.all` interface
+### Widgets
+#### List widgets
+To retrieve the list of widgets we can use the `Widget.all` interface
+### Stream
+#### List of stream notifications
+To retrieve the list of notifications we can use the `Stream.all` interface
+### Leaderboard
+#### Retrieve the current leadership board
+To retrieve the current leadership board, we can use the `Leaderboard.all`
+interface and it will return the details.
+### Connections
+### List of connections
+To retrieve the list of connections, we can use the `Connection.all` interface
+and it will return the connection as `Sawyer::Resource`.
+#### Connection suggestions
+To retrieve the list of connection suggestions we can use the following
+interface and it will retrieve the suggested users.
+### Invitations
+#### List connection invitations
+#### List space invitations
+#### Fetch a connection invitation
+#### Create mass connection invitations
+ emails: ["", ""],
+ body: "This contains the details message about the invitation",
+#### Accept a connection invitation
+#### Reject a connection invitation
+#### Cancel a connection invitation
+#### Invite user to a space
+ state: "0",
+ space_id: "123_456_789",
+ invitee_id: "456_789_012",
+ type: "Invitation::ToSpace",
+ body: "Please join to this amazing space",
+#### Create space invitation - Mass
+ space_id,
+ emails: [""],
+ role_ids: ["role-for-email-address-in-sequance"],
+ body: "The complete message body for the invitation",
+#### Update a space invitation
+Ribose::SpaceInvitation.update(invitation_id, new_attributes_hash)
+#### Accept a space invitation
+#### Resend a space invitation
+#### Reject a space invitation
+#### Cancel a space invitation
+### Join Space Request
+#### List join space requests
+#### Create a join space request
+ state: 0,
+ space_id: 123_456_789,
+ type: "Invitation::JoinSpaceRequest",
+ body: "Hi, I would like to join to your space",
+#### Accept a join space request
+#### Reject a join space requests
+#### Update an join space requests
+Ribose::JoinSpaceRequest.update(invitation_id, new_attributes_hash)
+### Calendar
+#### List user calendars
+To retrieve the list of user calendar, we can use the `Calendar.all` and it will
+fetch the calendar details for the currently configured user.
+#### Fetch a calendar
+#### Create a calendar
+ owner_type: "User",
+ owner_id: "The Owner UUID",
+ name: "The name for the calendar",
+#### Delete a calendar
+### User
+#### Create a signup request
+Ribose::User.create(email: "", **other_attributes)
+#### Activate a signup request
+ email: "",
+ password: "ASecureUserPassword",
+ otp: "OTP Recived via the Email",
+### Wikis
+#### List wiki pages
+Ribose::Wiki.all(space_id, options = {})
+#### Fetch a wiki page
+Ribose::Wiki.fetch(space_id, wiki_id, options = {})
+#### Create a wiki page
+ space_id, name: "Wiki Name", tag_list: "sample", **other_attributes_hash
+### Update a wiki page
+ space_id, wiki_id, **updated_attributes_hash
+### Remove a wiki page
+Ribose::Wiki.delete(space_id, wiki_id)
## Development
We are following Sandi Metz's Rules for this gem, you can read the
[description of the rules here][sandi-metz] All new code should follow these