in ribose-cli-0.1.0 vs in ribose-cli-0.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,29 +1,338 @@
-# Ribose::Cli
+# Ribose CLI
-Welcome to your new gem! In this directory, you'll find the files you need to be able to package up your Ruby library into a gem. Put your Ruby code in the file `lib/ribose/cli`. To experiment with that code, run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt.
-TODO: Delete this and the text above, and describe your gem
+The command line interface to the Ribose API.
## Installation
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
-gem 'ribose-cli'
+gem "ribose-cli"
And then execute:
- $ bundle
+$ bundle install
Or install it yourself as:
- $ gem install ribose-cli
+$ gem install ribose-cli
## Usage
-TODO: Write usage instructions here
+### Configure
+To start with, we kept it pretty simple, install this gem & then configure your
+API Token and email using the following interface, This will store your Ribose
+configuration as `.riboserc` in the home directory.
+ribose config --token="YOUR_API_TOKEN" --email=""
+### Spaces
+The `space` command retrieve space related resources, please use the `help`
+command to see what's sub-commands are available.
+ribose help space
+#### Listing spaces
+To list out the spaces, please use the `list` command, by default it will print
+out the basic information in tabular format.
+ribose space list
+This interface also has support `json` format, if we want the output to be in
+`json` then we can use the following
+ribose space list --format json
+#### Show a space details
+ribose space show --space-id 123456789
+#### Create a new space
+To create a new user space we can use the following interface
+ribose space add --name "Space name" --access "open" --category-id 12 \
+ --description "Space description"
+#### Update a space
+ribose space update --space-id 123456 --name "New Space Name"
+#### Remove an existing space
+ribose space remove --space-id 123456789 --confirmation 123456789
+### Members
+#### List space members
+ribose member list --space-id space_uuid
+#### Add a new space member
+ribose member add \
+ --space-id space_uuid \
+ --user-id=user-one-uuid:role_one_id user-two-uuid:role_two_id \
+ \
+ --message="Your invitation messages to the invitees"
+#### Update an existing member
+ribose member update --role-id 135 --member-id 246 --space-id 1234
+#### Remove a space member
+ribose member remove --member-id 246 --space-id 1234
+### Space Invitation
+#### List Space Invitation
+ribose invitation list [--query=key:value]
+#### Send out space invitation
+ribose invitation add \
+ --space-id space_uuid \
+ --user-id=user-one-uuid:role_one_id user-two-uuid:role_two_id \
+ \
+ --message="Your invitation messages to the invitees"
+#### Update a space invitation
+ribose invitation update --invitation-id 2468 --role-id 246
+#### Accept a space invitation
+ribose invitation accept --invitation-id 2468
+#### Reject a space invitation
+ribose invitation reject --invitation-id 2468
+#### Remove a space invitation
+ribose invitation remove --invitation-id 2468
+### Join Space Request
+#### List join space requests
+ribose join-space list [--query=space-id:2468]
+#### Fetch a join space request
+ribose join-space show --request-id 2468
+#### Add join space request
+ribose join-space add --space-id 1234 [--message "My request message"]
+#### Accept a join space request
+ribose join-space accept --request-id 2468
+#### Reject a join space requests
+ribose join-space reject --request-id 2468
+### Note
+#### Listing space notes
+ribose note list --space-id space_uuid --format json
+### Show a space note
+ribose note show --note-id 123456 --space-id 78901
+#### Create a new note
+ribose note add --space-id space_uuid --title "Name of the note"
+#### Update an existing note
+ribose note update --space-id 1234 --note-id 5678 --title "Name of the note"
+#### Remove a note
+ribose note remove --space-id space_uuid --note-id note_uuid
+### Files
+#### Listing files
+Ribose space may contain multiple files, and if we want to retrieve the list of
+the files of any space then we can use to following interface.
+ribose file list --space-id 123456
+The above interface will retrieve the basic details in tabular format, but it
+also support additional `format` option, acceptable option: `json`.
+#### Fetch a file details
+ribose file show --file-id 5678 --space-id 1234 [--format json]
+#### Add a new file
+Ribose CLI allows us to upload a file in a user space, and to upload a new file
+we can use the following interface.
+ribose file add full_path_the_file.ext --space-id space_uuid **other_options
+#### Update a space file
+ribose file update [--file-name "new filename"] \
+[--description "New description"] \
+[--tags "tag 1, tag 2, tag 3"] --file-id 5678 --space-id 1234
+#### Remove a space file
+ribose file remove --file-id 5678 --space-id 1234
+### Conversations
+#### Listing conversations
+ribose conversation list --space-id 123456789
+#### Show a conversation details
+ribose conversation show --space-id 123456789 --conversation-id 67890
+#### Create A New Conversation
+ribose conversation add --space-id 123456789 --title "Conversation Title" \
+ --tags "sample, conversation"
+#### Update a conversation
+conversation update --conversation-id 5678 --space-id 123456789 --title \
+"Conversation Title" --tags "sample, conversation"
+#### Remove A Conversation
+ribose conversation remove --space-id 1234 --conversation-id 5678
+### Message
+#### Listing conversation messages
+ribose message list --space-id 12345 --conversation-id 56789
+#### Add a new message to conversation
+ribose message add --space-id 12345 --conversation-id 56789 \
+ --message-body "Welcome to Ribose Space"
+#### Update an existing message
+ribose message update --message-id 123456 --space-id 12345 \
+ --conversation-id 56789 --message-body "Welcome to Ribose Space"
+#### Remove an existing message
+ribose message remove --message-id 1234 --space-id 12345 --conversation-id 456
## Development
We are following Sandi Metz's Rules for this gem, you can read the
[description of the rules here][sandi-metz] All new code should follow these