spec/riak/object_spec.rb in riak-client-0.7.1 vs spec/riak/object_spec.rb in riak-client-0.8.0.beta
- old
+ new
@@ -99,43 +99,23 @@
@object.deserialize('"Some text"').should == "Some text"
@object.deserialize('[1,2,3]').should == [1,2,3]
- describe "when the content type is an octet-stream" do
+ describe "when the content type is application/x-ruby-marshal" do
before :each do
- @object.content_type = "application/octet-stream"
+ @object.content_type = "application/x-ruby-marshal"
+ @payload = Marshal.dump({"foo" => "bar"})
- describe "if the ruby-serialization meta field is set to Marshal" do
- before :each do
- @object.meta['ruby-serialization'] = "Marshal"
- @payload = Marshal.dump({"foo" => "bar"})
- end
- it "should dump via Marshal" do
- @object.serialize({"foo" => "bar"}).should == @payload
- end
- it "should load from Marshal" do
- @object.deserialize(@payload).should == {"foo" => "bar"}
- end
+ it "should dump via Marshal" do
+ @object.serialize({"foo" => "bar"}).should == @payload
- describe "if the ruby-serialization meta field is not set to Marshal" do
- before :each do
- @object.meta.delete("ruby-serialization")
- end
- it "should dump to a string" do
- @object.serialize(2).should == "2"
- @object.serialize("foo").should == "foo"
- end
- it "should load the body unmodified" do
- @object.deserialize("foo").should == "foo"
- end
+ it "should load from Marshal" do
+ @object.deserialize(@payload).should == {"foo" => "bar"}
describe "loading data from the response" do
@@ -196,17 +176,122 @@
it "should parse the location header into the key when present" do
@object.load({:headers => {"content-type" => ["application/json"], "location" => ["/riak/foo/baz"]}})
@object.key.should == "baz"
+ it "should parse and escape the location header into the key when present" do
+ @object.load({:headers => {"content-type" => ["application/json"], "location" => ["/riak/foo/%5Bbaz%5D"]}})
+ @object.key.should == "[baz]"
+ end
it "should be in conflict when the response code is 300 and the content-type is multipart/mixed" do
@object.load({:headers => {"content-type" => ["multipart/mixed; boundary=foo"]}, :code => 300 })
@object.should be_conflict
it "should unescape the key given in the location header" do
@object.load({:headers => {"content-type" => ["application/json"], "location" => ["/riak/foo/baz%20"]}})
@object.key.should == "baz "
+ end
+ end
+ describe "instantiating new object from a map reduce operation" do
+ before :each do
+ @client.stub!(:[]).and_return(@bucket)
+ @sample_response = [
+ {"bucket"=>"users",
+ "key"=>"A2IbUQ2KEMbe4WGtdL97LoTi1DN%5B%28%5C%2F%29%5D",
+ "vclock"=> "a85hYGBgzmDKBVIsCfs+fc9gSN9wlA8q/hKosDpIOAsA",
+ "values"=> [
+ {"metadata"=>
+ {"Links"=>[["addresses", "A2cbUQ2KEMbeyWGtdz97LoTi1DN", "home_address"]],
+ "X-Riak-VTag"=>"5bnavU3rrubcxLI8EvFXhB",
+ "content-type"=>"application/json",
+ "X-Riak-Last-Modified"=>"Mon, 12 Jul 2010 21:37:43 GMT",
+ "X-Riak-Meta"=>{"X-Riak-Meta-King-Of-Robots"=>"I"}},
+ "data"=>
+ "{\"email\":\"mail@test.com\",\"_type\":\"User\"}"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ @object = Riak::RObject.load_from_mapreduce(@client,@sample_response).first
+ @object.should be_kind_of(Riak::RObject)
+ end
+ it "should load the content type" do
+ @object.content_type.should == "application/json"
+ end
+ it "should load the body data" do
+ @object.data.should be_present
+ end
+ it "should deserialize the body data" do
+ @object.data.should == {"email" => "mail@test.com", "_type" => "User"}
+ end
+ it "should set the vclock" do
+ @object.vclock.should == "a85hYGBgzmDKBVIsCfs+fc9gSN9wlA8q/hKosDpIOAsA"
+ end
+ it "should load and parse links" do
+ @object.links.should have(1).item
+ @object.links.first.url.should == "/riak/addresses/A2cbUQ2KEMbeyWGtdz97LoTi1DN"
+ @object.links.first.rel.should == "home_address"
+ end
+ it "should set the ETag" do
+ @object.etag.should == "5bnavU3rrubcxLI8EvFXhB"
+ end
+ it "should set modified date" do
+ @object.last_modified.to_i.should == Time.httpdate("Mon, 12 Jul 2010 21:37:43 GMT").to_i
+ end
+ it "should load meta information" do
+ @object.meta["King-Of-Robots"].should == ["I"]
+ end
+ it "should set the key" do
+ @object.key.should == "A2IbUQ2KEMbe4WGtdL97LoTi1DN[(\\/)]"
+ end
+ it "should not set conflict when there is none" do
+ @object.conflict?.should be_false
+ end
+ describe "when there are multiple values in an object" do
+ before :each do
+ response = @sample_response.dup
+ response[0]['values'] << {
+ "metadata"=> {
+ "Links"=>[],
+ "X-Riak-VTag"=>"7jDZLdu0fIj2iRsjGD8qq8",
+ "content-type"=>"application/json",
+ "X-Riak-Last-Modified"=>"Mon, 14 Jul 2010 19:28:27 GMT",
+ "X-Riak-Meta"=>[]
+ },
+ "data"=> "{\"email\":\"mail@domain.com\",\"_type\":\"User\"}"
+ }
+ @object = Riak::RObject.load_from_mapreduce( @client, response ).first
+ end
+ it "should expose siblings" do
+ @object.should have(2).siblings
+ @object.siblings[0].etag.should == "5bnavU3rrubcxLI8EvFXhB"
+ @object.siblings[1].etag.should == "7jDZLdu0fIj2iRsjGD8qq8"
+ end
+ it "should be in conflict" do
+ @object.data.should_not be_present
+ @object.should be_conflict
+ end
+ it "should assign the same vclock to all the siblings" do
+ @object.siblings.should be_all {|s| s.vclock == @object.vclock }
+ end
describe "extracting siblings" do
before :each do