spec/riak/http_backend_spec.rb in riak-client-0.8.3 vs spec/riak/http_backend_spec.rb in riak-client-0.9.0.beta
- old
+ new
@@ -15,10 +15,11 @@
describe Riak::Client::HTTPBackend do
before :each do
@client = Riak::Client.new
@backend = Riak::Client::HTTPBackend.new(@client)
+ @backend.instance_variable_set(:@server_config, {})
it "should take the Riak::Client when creating" do
lambda { Riak::Client::HTTPBackend.new(nil) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
lambda { Riak::Client::HTTPBackend.new(@client) }.should_not raise_error
@@ -26,106 +27,244 @@
it "should make the client accessible" do
@backend.client.should == @client
- it "should generate default headers for requests based on the client settings" do
- @client.client_id = "testing"
- @backend.default_headers.should == {"X-Riak-ClientId" => "testing", "Accept" => "multipart/mixed, application/json;q=0.7, */*;q=0.5"}
- end
+ context "pinging the server" do
+ it "should succeed on 200" do
+ @backend.should_receive(:get).with(200, "/ping", {}, {}).and_return({:code => 200, :body => "OK"})
+ @backend.ping.should be_true
+ end
- it "should generate a root URI based on the client settings" do
- @backend.root_uri.should be_kind_of(URI)
- @backend.root_uri.to_s.should == ""
+ it "should fail on any other code or error" do
+ @backend.should_receive(:get).and_raise("socket closed")
+ @backend.ping.should be_false
+ end
- it "should compute a URI from a relative resource path" do
- @backend.path("baz").should be_kind_of(URI)
- @backend.path("foo").to_s.should == ""
- @backend.path("foo", "bar").to_s.should == ""
- @backend.path("/foo/bar").to_s.should == ""
+ context "fetching an object" do
+ it "should perform a GET request and return an RObject" do
+ @backend.should_receive(:get).with([200,300], "/riak/","foo", "db", {}, {}).and_return({:headers => {"content-type" => ["application/json"]}, :body => '{"name":"Riak","company":"Basho"}'})
+ @backend.fetch_object("foo", "db").should be_kind_of(Riak::RObject)
+ end
+ it "should pass the R quorum as a query parameter" do
+ @backend.should_receive(:get).with([200,300], "/riak/","foo", "db", {:r => 2}, {}).and_return({:headers => {"content-type" => ["application/json"]}, :body => '{"name":"Riak","company":"Basho"}'})
+ @backend.fetch_object("foo", "db", 2)
+ end
+ it "should escape the bucket and key names" do
+ @backend.should_receive(:get).with([200,300], "/riak/","foo%20", "%20bar", {}, {}).and_return({:headers => {"content-type" => ["application/json"]}, :body => '{"name":"Riak","company":"Basho"}'})
+ @backend.fetch_object('foo ',' bar').should be_kind_of(Riak::RObject)
+ end
- it "should compute a URI from a relative resource path with a hash of query parameters" do
- @backend.path("baz", :r => 2).to_s.should == ""
+ context "reloading an object" do
+ before do
+ @object = Riak::RObject.new(@client.bucket("foo"), "bar")
+ end
+ it "should use conditional request headers" do
+ @object.etag = "etag"
+ @backend.should_receive(:get).with([200,300,304], "/riak/", "foo", "bar", {}, {'If-None-Match' => "etag"}).and_return({:code => 304})
+ @backend.reload_object(@object)
+ end
+ it "should return without modifying the object if the response is 304 Not Modified" do
+ @backend.should_receive(:get).and_return({:code => 304})
+ @backend.should_not_receive(:load_object)
+ @backend.reload_object(@object)
+ end
+ it "should raise an exception when the response code is not 200 or 304" do
+ @backend.should_receive(:get).and_raise(Riak::FailedRequest.new(:get, 200, 500, {}, ''))
+ lambda { @backend.reload_object(@object) }.should raise_error(Riak::FailedRequest)
+ end
+ it "should escape the bucket and key names" do
+ # @bucket.should_receive(:name).and_return("some/deep/path")
+ @object.bucket = @client.bucket("some/deep/path")
+ @object.key = "another/deep/path"
+ @backend.should_receive(:get).with([200,300,304], "/riak/", "some%2Fdeep%2Fpath", "another%2Fdeep%2Fpath", {}, {}).and_return({:code => 304})
+ @backend.reload_object(@object)
+ end
- it "should raise an error if a resource path is too short" do
- lambda { @backend.verify_path!(["/riak/"]) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
- lambda { @backend.verify_path!(["/riak/", "foo"]) }.should_not raise_error
- lambda { @backend.verify_path!(["/mapred"]) }.should_not raise_error
+ context "storing an object" do
+ before do
+ @bucket = Riak::Bucket.new(@client, "foo")
+ @object = Riak::RObject.new(@bucket)
+ @object.content_type = "text/plain"
+ @object.data = "This is some text."
+ @headers = @backend.store_headers(@object)
+ end
+ it "should use the raw_data as the request body" do
+ @object.content_type = "application/json"
+ body = @object.raw_data = "{this is probably invalid json!}}"
+ @backend.stub(:post).and_return({})
+ @object.should_not_receive(:serialize)
+ @backend.store_object(@object, false)
+ end
+ context "when the object has no key" do
+ it "should issue a POST request to the bucket, and update the object properties (returning the body by default)" do
+ @backend.should_receive(:post).with(201, "/riak/", "foo", {:returnbody => true}, "This is some text.", @headers).and_return({:headers => {'location' => ["/riak/foo/somereallylongstring"], "x-riak-vclock" => ["areallylonghashvalue"]}, :code => 201})
+ @backend.store_object(@object, true, nil, nil)
+ @object.key.should == "somereallylongstring"
+ @object.vclock.should == "areallylonghashvalue"
+ end
+ it "should include persistence-tuning parameters in the query string" do
+ @backend.should_receive(:post).with(201, "/riak/", "foo", {:dw => 2, :returnbody => true}, "This is some text.", @headers).and_return({:headers => {'location' => ["/riak/foo/somereallylongstring"], "x-riak-vclock" => ["areallylonghashvalue"]}, :code => 201})
+ @backend.store_object(@object, true, nil, 2)
+ end
+ it "should escape the bucket name" do
+ @object.bucket = @client.bucket("foo ")
+ @backend.should_receive(:post).with(201, "/riak/", "foo%20", {:returnbody => true}, "This is some text.", @headers).and_return({:headers => {'location' => ["/riak/foo/somereallylongstring"], "x-riak-vclock" => ["areallylonghashvalue"]}, :code => 201})
+ @backend.store_object(@object, true)
+ end
+ end
+ context "when the object has a key" do
+ before :each do
+ @object.key = "bar"
+ end
+ it "should issue a PUT request to the bucket, and update the object properties (returning the body by default)" do
+ @backend.should_receive(:put).with([200,204,300], "/riak/", "foo/bar", {:returnbody => true}, "This is some text.", @headers).and_return({:headers => {'location' => ["/riak/foo/somereallylongstring"], "x-riak-vclock" => ["areallylonghashvalue"]}, :code => 204})
+ @backend.store_object(@object, true, nil, nil)
+ @object.key.should == "somereallylongstring"
+ @object.vclock.should == "areallylonghashvalue"
+ end
+ it "should include persistence-tuning parameters in the query string" do
+ @backend.should_receive(:put).with([200,204,300], "/riak/", "foo/bar", {:w => 2, :returnbody => true}, "This is some text.", @headers).and_return({:headers => {'location' => ["/riak/foo/somereallylongstring"], "x-riak-vclock" => ["areallylonghashvalue"]}, :code => 204})
+ @backend.store_object(@object, true, 2, nil)
+ end
+ it "should escape the bucket and key names" do
+ @backend.should_receive(:put).with([200,204,300], "/riak/", "foo%20/bar%2Fbaz", {:returnbody => true}, "This is some text.", @headers).and_return({:headers => {'location' => ["/riak/foo/somereallylongstring"], "x-riak-vclock" => ["areallylonghashvalue"]}, :code => 204})
+ @bucket.instance_variable_set(:@name, "foo ")
+ @object.key = "bar/baz"
+ @backend.store_object(@object, true, nil, nil)
+ end
+ end
- describe "verify_path_and_body!" do
- it "should separate the path and body from given arguments" do
- uri, data = @backend.verify_path_and_body!(["/riak/", "foo", "This is the body."])
- uri.should == ["/riak/", "foo"]
- data.should == "This is the body."
+ context "deleting an object" do
+ it "should perform a DELETE request" do
+ @backend.should_receive(:delete).with([204,404], "/riak/", "foo", 'bar',{},{}).and_return(:code => 204)
+ @backend.delete_object("foo", "bar")
- it "should raise an error if the body is not a string or IO" do
- lambda { @backend.verify_path_and_body!(["/riak/", "foo", nil]) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
- lambda { @backend.verify_path_and_body!(["/riak/", "foo", File.open("spec/fixtures/cat.jpg")]) }.should_not raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ it "should escape the bucket and key names" do
+ @backend.should_receive(:delete).with([204,404], "/riak/", "bucket%20spaces", "deep%2Fpath",{},{}).and_return({:code => 204, :headers => {}})
+ @backend.delete_object("bucket spaces", "deep/path")
+ end
- it "should raise an error if a body is not given" do
- lambda { @backend.verify_path_and_body!(["/riak/", "foo"])}.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ context "fetching bucket properties" do
+ it "should GET the bucket URL and parse the response as JSON" do
+ @backend.should_receive(:get).with(200, "/riak/", "foo", {:keys => false, :props => true}, {}).and_return({:body => '{"props":{"n_val":3}}'})
+ @backend.get_bucket_props("foo").should == {"n_val" => 3}
- it "should raise an error if a path is not given" do
- lambda { @backend.verify_path_and_body!(["/riak/"])}.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ it "should escape the bucket name" do
+ @backend.should_receive(:get).with(200, "/riak/", "foo%20bar", {:keys => false, :props => true}, {}).and_return({:body => '{"props":{"n_val":3}}'})
+ @backend.get_bucket_props("foo bar")
- describe "detecting valid response codes" do
- it "should accept strings or integers for either argument" do
- @backend.should be_valid_response("300", "300")
- @backend.should be_valid_response(300, "300")
- @backend.should be_valid_response("300", 300)
+ context "setting bucket properties" do
+ it "should PUT the properties to the bucket URL as JSON" do
+ @backend.should_receive(:put).with(204, "/riak/","foo", '{"props":{"n_val":2}}', {"Content-Type" => "application/json"}).and_return({:body => "", :headers => {}})
+ @backend.set_bucket_props("foo", {:n_val => 2})
+ it "should escape the bucket name" do
+ @backend.should_receive(:put).with(204, "/riak/","foo%20bar", '{"props":{"n_val":2}}', {"Content-Type" => "application/json"}).and_return({:body => "", :headers => {}})
+ @backend.set_bucket_props("foo bar", {:n_val => 2})
+ end
+ end
+ context "listing keys" do
+ it "should unescape key names" do
+ @backend.should_receive(:get).with(200, "/riak/","foo", {:props => false, :keys => true}, {}).and_return({:headers => {"content-type" => ["application/json"]}, :body => '{"keys":["bar%20baz"]}'})
+ @backend.list_keys("foo").should == ["bar baz"]
+ end
- it "should accept an array of strings or integers for the expected code" do
- @backend.should be_valid_response([200,304], "200")
- @backend.should be_valid_response(["200",304], "200")
- @backend.should be_valid_response([200,"304"], "200")
- @backend.should be_valid_response(["200","304"], "200")
- @backend.should be_valid_response([200,304], 200)
+ it "should escape the bucket name" do
+ @backend.should_receive(:get).with(200, "/riak/","unescaped%20", {:props => false, :keys => true}, {}).and_return({:headers => {"content-type" => ["application/json"]}, :body => '{"keys":["bar"]}'})
+ @backend.list_keys("unescaped ").should == ["bar"]
+ end
- it "should be false when none of the response codes match" do
- @backend.should_not be_valid_response(200, 404)
- @backend.should_not be_valid_response(["200","304"], 404)
- @backend.should_not be_valid_response([200,304], 404)
+ context "listing buckets" do
+ it "should GET the raw URL with ?buckets=true and parse the response as JSON" do
+ @backend.should_receive(:get).with(200, "/riak/", {:buckets => true}, {}).and_return({:body => '{"buckets":["foo", "bar", "baz"]}'})
+ @backend.list_buckets.should == ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
+ context "performing a MapReduce query" do
+ before do
+ @mr = Riak::MapReduce.new(@client).map("Riak.mapValues", :keep => true)
+ end
- describe "detecting whether a body should be returned" do
- it "should be false when the method is :head" do
- @backend.should_not be_return_body(:head, 200, false)
+ it "should issue POST request to the mapred endpoint" do
+ @backend.should_receive(:post).with(200, "/mapred", @mr.to_json, hash_including("Content-Type" => "application/json")).and_return({:headers => {'content-type' => ["application/json"]}, :body => "[]"})
+ @backend.mapred(@mr)
- it "should be false when the response code is 204, 205, or 304" do
- @backend.should_not be_return_body(:get, 204, false)
- @backend.should_not be_return_body(:get, 205, false)
- @backend.should_not be_return_body(:get, 304, false)
+ it "should vivify JSON responses" do
+ @backend.stub!(:post).and_return(:headers => {'content-type' => ["application/json"]}, :body => '[{"key":"value"}]')
+ @backend.mapred(@mr).should == [{"key" => "value"}]
- it "should be false when a streaming block was passed" do
- @backend.should_not be_return_body(:get, 200, true)
+ it "should return the full response hash for non-JSON responses" do
+ response = {:code => 200, :headers => {'content-type' => ["text/plain"]}, :body => 'This is some text.'}
+ @backend.stub!(:post).and_return(response)
+ @backend.mapred(@mr).should == response
+ end
- it "should be true when the method is not head, a code other than 204, 205, or 304 was given, and there was no streaming block" do
- [:get, :put, :post, :delete].each do |method|
- [100,101,200,201,202,203,206,300,301,302,303,305,307,400,401,
- 402,403,404,405,406,407,408,409,410,411,412,413,414,415,416,
- 500,501,502,503,504,505].each do |code|
- @backend.should be_return_body(method, code, false)
- @backend.should be_return_body(method, code.to_s, false)
- end
- end
+ context "getting statistics" do
+ it "should get the status URL and parse the response as JSON" do
+ @backend.should_receive(:get).with(200, "/stats", {}, {}).and_return({:body => '{"vnode_gets":20348}'})
+ @backend.stats.should == {"vnode_gets" => 20348}
- it "should force subclasses to implement the perform method" do
- lambda { @backend.send(:perform, :get, "/foo", {}, 200) }.should raise_error(NotImplementedError)
+ context "performing a link-walking query" do
+ before do
+ @bucket = Riak::Bucket.new(@client, "foo")
+ @object = Riak::RObject.new(@bucket, "bar")
+ @body = File.read(File.expand_path("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../fixtures/multipart-with-body.txt"))
+ @specs = [Riak::WalkSpec.new(:tag => "next", :keep => true)]
+ end
+ it "should perform a GET request for the given object and walk specs" do
+ @backend.should_receive(:get).with(200, "/riak/", "foo", "bar", "_,next,1").and_return(:headers => {"content-type" => ["multipart/mixed; boundary=12345"]}, :body => "\n--12345\nContent-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=09876\n\n--09876--\n\n--12345--\n")
+ @backend.link_walk(@object, @specs)
+ end
+ it "should parse the results into arrays of objects" do
+ @backend.should_receive(:get).and_return(:headers => {"content-type" => ["multipart/mixed; boundary=5EiMOjuGavQ2IbXAqsJPLLfJNlA"]}, :body => @body)
+ results = @backend.link_walk(@object, @specs)
+ results.should be_kind_of(Array)
+ results.first.should be_kind_of(Array)
+ obj = results.first.first
+ obj.should be_kind_of(Riak::RObject)
+ obj.content_type.should == "text/plain"
+ obj.key.should == "baz"
+ obj.bucket.should == @bucket
+ end
+ it "should assign the bucket for newly parsed objects" do
+ @backend.stub!(:get).and_return(:headers => {"content-type" => ["multipart/mixed; boundary=5EiMOjuGavQ2IbXAqsJPLLfJNlA"]}, :body => @body)
+ @client.should_receive(:bucket).with("foo").and_return(@bucket)
+ @backend.link_walk(@object, @specs)
+ end