spec/integration/riak/test_server_spec.rb in riak-client-0.9.8 vs spec/integration/riak/test_server_spec.rb in riak-client-1.0.0.beta
- old
+ new
@@ -1,174 +1,38 @@
-# Copyright 2010 Sean Cribbs, Sonian Inc., and Basho Technologies, Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-require File.expand_path("../../spec_helper", File.dirname(__FILE__))
+require 'spec_helper'
+require 'riak/test_server'
-if $test_server
- describe Riak::TestServer do
- before do
- @server = $test_server
- end
+describe Riak::TestServer do
+ subject { $test_server }
+ let(:app_config) { (subject.etc + 'app.config').read }
- after do
- @server.stop
- @server.cleanup
- end
+ it "should add the test backends to the code path" do
+ erl_src = File.expand_path("../../../../erl_src", __FILE__)
+ subject.env[:riak_kv][:add_paths].should include(erl_src)
+ app_config.should match(/\{add_paths, \[.*#{erl_src.inspect}.*\]\}/)
+ end
- describe "isolation from and modification of the existing install" do
- before do
- @server.prepare!
- @riak_bin = "#{@server.temp_dir}/bin/riak"
- @vm_args = "#{@server.temp_dir}/etc/vm.args"
- @app_config = "#{@server.temp_dir}/etc/app.config"
- end
+ it "should use the KV test backend" do
+ subject.kv_backend.should == :riak_kv_test_backend
+ subject.env[:riak_kv][:storage_backend].should == :riak_kv_test_backend
+ app_config.should include("{storage_backend, riak_kv_test_backend}")
+ end
- describe "for app.config" do
- it "should create the app.config file in the temporary directory" do
- File.should be_exist(File.expand_path(@app_config))
- end
+ it "should use the Search test backend" do
+ subject.search_backend.should == :riak_search_test_backend
+ subject.env[:riak_search][:search_backend].should == :riak_search_test_backend
+ app_config.should include("{search_backend, riak_search_test_backend}")
+ end
- it "should be a correct Erlang config" do
- config = File.read(@app_config)
- config[-2..-1].should == '].'
- config[0..0].should == '['
- end
+ it "should clear stored data" do
+ # TODO: use $test_server.to_host when client/host split is finished.
+ client = Riak::Client.new(:http_port => subject.http_port)
+ obj = client['test_bucket'].new("test_item")
+ obj.data = {"data" => "testing"}
+ obj.store # rescue nil
- it "should set the backend to use the test backend" do
- File.readlines(@app_config).should be_any do |line|
- line =~ /\{storage_backend\s*,\s*(.*)\}/ && $1 == "riak_kv_test_backend"
- end
- end
- it "should set the default ports to 9000-9002" do
- config = File.readlines(@app_config)
- config.should be_any do |line|
- line =~ /\{web_port\s*,\s*(.*)\}/ && $1 == "9000"
- end
- config.should be_any do |line|
- line =~ /\{handoff_port\s*,\s*(.*)\}/ && $1 == "9001"
- end
- config.should be_any do |line|
- line =~ /\{pb_port\s*,\s*(.*)\}/ && $1 == "9002"
- end
- end
- it "should set the ring directory to point to the temporary directory" do
- config = File.readlines(@app_config)
- config.should be_any do |line|
- line =~ /\{ring_state_dir\s*,\s*(.*)\}/ && $1 == File.join(@server.temp_dir, "data", "ring")
- end
- end
- end
- describe "for vm.args" do
- it "should create the vm.args file in the temporary directory" do
- File.should be_exist(File.expand_path(@vm_args))
- end
- it "should set a quasi-random node name" do
- File.readlines(@vm_args).should be_any do |line|
- line =~ /^-name (.*)/ && $1 =~ /riaktest\d+@/
- end
- end
- it "should set a quasi-random cookie" do
- File.readlines(@vm_args).should be_any do |line|
- line =~ /^-setcookie (.*)/ && $1 != "riak"
- end
- end
- end
- describe "for the riak script" do
- it "should create the script in the temporary directory" do
- File.should be_exist(File.expand_path(@riak_bin))
- end
- it "should modify the RUNNER_SCRIPT_DIR to point to the temporary directory" do
- File.readlines(@riak_bin).should be_any do |line|
- line =~ /RUNNER_SCRIPT_DIR=(.*)/ && $1 == File.expand_path("#{@server.temp_dir}/bin")
- end
- end
- it "should modify the RUNNER_ETC_DIR to point to the temporary directory" do
- File.readlines(@riak_bin).should be_any do |line|
- line =~ /RUNNER_ETC_DIR=(.*)/ && $1 == File.expand_path("#{@server.temp_dir}/etc")
- end
- end
- it "should modify the RUNNER_USER to point to the current user" do
- File.readlines(@riak_bin).should be_any do |line|
- line =~ /RUNNER_USER=(.*)/ && $1 == (ENV['USER'] || `whoami`)
- end
- end
- it "should modify the RUNNER_LOG_DIR to point to the temporary directory" do
- File.readlines(@riak_bin).should be_any do |line|
- line =~ /RUNNER_LOG_DIR=(.*)/ && $1 == File.expand_path("#{@server.temp_dir}/log")
- end
- end
- it "should modify the RUNNER_BASE_DIR so that it is not relative" do
- File.readlines(@riak_bin).should be_any do |line|
- line =~ /RUNNER_BASE_DIR=(.*)/ && $1.strip != "${RUNNER_SCRIPT_DIR%/*}" && File.directory?($1)
- end
- end
- it "should modify the PIPE_DIR to point to the temporary directory" do
- File.readlines(@riak_bin).should be_any do |line|
- line =~ /PIPE_DIR=(.*)/ && $1 == File.expand_path("#{@server.temp_dir}/pipe") && File.directory?($1)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- it "should cleanup the existing config" do
- @server.prepare!
- @server.cleanup
- File.should_not be_directory(@server.temp_dir)
- end
- it "should start Riak in the background" do
- @server.prepare!
- @server.start.should be_true
- @server.should be_started
- end
- it "should stop a started test server" do
- @server.prepare!
- @server.start.should be_true
- @server.stop
- @server.should_not be_started
- end
- it "should recycle the server contents" do
- begin
- @server.prepare!
- @server.start.should be_true
- client = Riak::Client.new(:http_port => 9000)
- obj = client['test_bucket'].new("test_item")
- obj.data = {"data" => "testing"}
- obj.store rescue nil
- @server.recycle
- @server.should be_started
- lambda do
- client['test_bucket']['test_item']
- end.should raise_error(Riak::FailedRequest)
- ensure
- @server.stop
- end
- end
+ subject.drop
+ expect {
+ client['test_bucket']['test_item']
+ }.to raise_error(Riak::FailedRequest)