lib/riak/bucket.rb in riak-client-0.8.3 vs lib/riak/bucket.rb in riak-client-0.9.0.beta
- old
+ new
@@ -30,52 +30,30 @@
# @param [Client] client the {Riak::Client} for this bucket
# @param [String] name the name of the bucket
def initialize(client, name)
raise ArgumentError, t("client_type", :client => client.inspect) unless Client === client
raise ArgumentError, t("string_type", :string => name.inspect) unless String === name
- @client, @name, @props = client, name, {}
+ @client, @name = client, name
- # Load information for the bucket from a response given by the {Riak::Client::HTTPBackend}.
- # Used mostly internally - use {Riak::Client#bucket} to get a {Bucket} instance.
- # @param [Hash] response a response from {Riak::Client::HTTPBackend}
- # @return [Bucket] self
- # @see Client#bucket
- def load(response={})
- content_type = response[:headers]['content-type'].first rescue ""
- unless content_type =~ /json$/
- raise{"content-type" => ["application/json"]}, response[:headers], t("loading_bucket", :name => name))
- end
- payload = JSON.parse(response[:body])
- @keys = payload['keys'].map {|k| CGI.unescape(k) } if payload['keys']
- @props = payload['props'] if payload['props']
- self
- end
# Accesses or retrieves a list of keys in this bucket.
# If a block is given, keys will be streamed through
# the block (useful for large buckets). When streaming,
# results of the operation will not be retained in the local Bucket object.
# @param [Hash] options extra options
# @yield [Array<String>] a list of keys from the current chunk
# @option options [Boolean] :reload (false) If present, will force reloading of the bucket's keys from Riak
# @return [Array<String>] Keys in this bucket
- def keys(options={})
+ def keys(options={}, &block)
if block_given?
- @client.http.get(200, @client.prefix, escape(name), {:props => false, :keys => 'stream'}, {}) do |chunk|
- obj = JSON.parse(chunk) rescue nil
- next unless obj and obj['keys']
- yield obj['keys'].map {|k| CGI.unescape(k) } if obj['keys']
- end
+ @client.backend.list_keys(self, &block)
elsif @keys.nil? || options[:reload]
- response = @client.http.get(200, @client.prefix, escape(name), {:props => false, :keys => true}, {})
- load(response)
+ @keys = @client.backend.list_keys(self)
# Sets internal properties on the bucket
# Note: this results in a request to the Riak server!
# @param [Hash] properties new properties for the bucket
# @option properties [Fixnum] :n_val (3) The N value (replication factor)
# @option properties [true,false] :allow_mult (false) Whether to permit object siblings
@@ -93,33 +71,31 @@
# @return [Hash] the merged bucket properties
# @raise [FailedRequest] if the new properties were not accepted by the Riakserver
# @see #n_value, #allow_mult, #r, #w, #dw, #rw
def props=(properties)
raise ArgumentError, t("hash_type", :hash => properties.inspect) unless Hash === properties
- body = {'props' => properties}.to_json
- @client.http.put(204, @client.prefix, escape(name), body, {"Content-Type" => "application/json"})
- @props.merge!(properties)
+ props.merge!(properties)
+ @client.backend.set_bucket_props(self, properties)
+ props
- alias properties= props=
+ alias :'properties=' :'props='
# @return [Hash] Internal Riak bucket properties.
# @see #props=
def props
- @props
+ @props ||= @client.backend.get_bucket_props(self)
- alias properties props
+ alias :properties :props
# Retrieve an object from within the bucket.
# @param [String] key the key of the object to retrieve
# @param [Hash] options query parameters for the request
# @option options [Fixnum] :r - the read quorum for the request - how many nodes should concur on the read
# @return [Riak::RObject] the object
# @raise [FailedRequest] if the object is not found or some other error occurs
def get(key, options={})
- code = allow_mult ? [200,300] : 200
- response = @client.http.get(code, @client.prefix, escape(name), escape(key), options, {})
-, key).load(response)
+ @client.backend.fetch_object(self, key, options[:r])
alias :[] :get
# Create a new blank object
# @param [String] key the key of the new object
@@ -149,21 +125,25 @@
# @param [String] key the key to check
# @param [Hash] options quorum options
# @option options [Fixnum] :r - the read quorum value for the request (R)
# @return [true, false] whether the key exists in this bucket
def exists?(key, options={})
- result = client.http.head([200,404], client.prefix, escape(name), escape(key), options, {})
- result[:code] == 200
+ begin
+ get(key, options)
+ true
+ rescue Riak::FailedRequest
+ false
+ end
alias :exist? :exists?
# Deletes a key from the bucket
# @param [String] key the key to delete
# @param [Hash] options quorum options
# @option options [Fixnum] :rw - the read/write quorum for the delete
def delete(key, options={})
- client.http.delete([204,404], client.prefix, escape(name), escape(key), options, {})
+ client.backend.delete_object(self, key, options[:rw])
# @return [true, false] whether the bucket allows divergent siblings
def allow_mult
@@ -179,20 +159,20 @@
# @return [Fixnum] the N value, or number of replicas for this bucket
def n_value
alias :n_val :n_value
# Set the N value (number of replicas). *NOTE* This will result in a PUT request to Riak.
# Setting this value after the bucket has objects stored in it may have unpredictable results.
# @param [Fixnum] value the number of replicas the bucket should keep of each object
def n_value=(value)
self.props = {'n_val' => value}
- alias :n_val= :n_value=
+ alias :'n_val=' :'n_value='
[:r,:w,:dw,:rw].each do |q|
class_eval <<-CODE
def #{q}
@@ -200,13 +180,18 @@
def #{q}=(value)
self.props = {"#{q}" => value}
- end
+ end
- # @return [String] a representation suitable for IRB and debugging output
- def inspect
- "#<Riak::Bucket #{client.http.path(client.prefix, escape(name)).to_s}#{" keys=[#{keys.join(',')}]" if defined?(@keys)}>"
- end
+ # @return [String] a representation suitable for IRB and debugging output
+ def inspect
+ "#<Riak::Bucket {#{name}}#{" keys=[#{keys.join(',')}]" if defined?(@keys)}>"
+ # @return [true,false] whether the other is equivalent
+ def ==(other)
+ Bucket === other && other.client == client && == name
+ end