test/test_rhubarb.rb in rhubarb-0.2.7 vs test/test_rhubarb.rb in rhubarb-0.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -117,10 +117,29 @@
include Rhubarb::Persisting
declare_column :otype, :string
declare_column :obj, :object
+class NoColumnsTestTable
+ include Rhubarb::Persisting
+class Create
+ include Rhubarb::Persisting
+ declare_column :name, :string
+class Group
+ include Rhubarb::Persisting
+ declare_column :other, :int, references(Create, :on_delete=>:cascade)
+class Order
+ include Rhubarb::Persisting
+ declare_column :group, :int
class PreparedStmtBackendTests < Test::Unit::TestCase
def dbfile
ENV['RHUBARB_TEST_DB'] || ":memory:"
@@ -157,10 +176,48 @@
def teardown
+ def test_reserved_word_table
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ Create.create_table
+ Create.create(:name=>"bar")
+ c = Create.find_first_by_name("bar")
+ c.name = "blah"
+ c.name = "bar"
+ assert(c.name == "bar")
+ c.delete
+ end
+ end
+ def test_reserved_word_column
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ Order.create_table
+ Order.create(:group=>42)
+ o = Order.find_first_by_group(42)
+ o.group = 37
+ assert(o.group == 37)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_reserved_word_fk_table
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ Create.create_table
+ Group.create_table
+ Create.create(:name=>"bar")
+ Group.create(:other=>Create.create(:name=>"blah"))
+ assert(Group.find_all[0].other.name=="blah")
+ end
+ end
+ def test_no_columns_table
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ NoColumnsTestTable.create_table
+ end
+ end
def test_persistence_setup
assert Rhubarb::Persistence::db.type_translation, "type translation not enabled for db"
assert Rhubarb::Persistence::db.results_as_hash, "rows-as-hashes not enabled for db"
@@ -829,9 +886,45 @@
btrow = ZBlobTestTable.find(row.row_id)
cbtrow = ZBlobTestTable.find(crow.row_id)
assert_equal(text, btrow.info)
assert_equal(text, Zlib::Inflate.inflate(cbtrow.info))
+ end
+ def test_mutable_object_data
+ things = []
+ words = %w{It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife}
+ 100.times do
+ things << words.sort_by {rand}
+ end
+ things.each_with_index do |thing, idx|
+ ObjectTestTable.create(:otype=>thing.class.name.to_s, :obj=>thing)
+ end
+ otts = ObjectTestTable.find_all
+ assert_equal otts.size, things.size
+ things.zip(otts) do |thing, ott|
+ assert_equal thing.class.name.to_s, ott.otype
+ assert_equal thing, ott.obj
+ end
+ otts.each_with_index do |ott, i|
+ obj = ott.obj.reverse
+ ott.obj = obj.dup
+ assert_equal obj, ott.obj
+ assert_equal obj, ObjectTestTable.find(ott.row_id).obj
+ things[i].reverse!
+ end
+ things.zip(otts) do |thing, ott|
+ assert_equal thing.class.name.to_s, ott.otype
+ assert_equal thing, ott.obj
+ end
def test_object_data
things = []