lib/rhosync/console/app/routes/timing.rb in rhosync-2.0.9 vs lib/rhosync/console/app/routes/timing.rb in rhosync-2.1.0.beta.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,26 +1,242 @@
+require 'json'
class RhosyncConsole::Server
get '/timing' do
- @currentpage = "Timing"
- @pagetitle = "Timing" #H1 title
+ if login_required
+ redirect url('/')
+ return
+ end
+ @currentpage = "Statistics"
+ @pagetitle = "Statistics" #H1 title
- @initialcontent = url('/timing/bydevice')
+ @initialcontent = url('/timing/usercount')
@locals = {
:div => "main_box",
:links => [
- { :url => url('/timing/bydevice'), :selected => true, :title => 'By Device' },
- { :url => url('/timing/bysource'), :title => 'By Source' }
+ { :url => url('/timing/usercount'), :selected => true, :title => 'User Count' },
+ { :url => url('/timing/devicecount'), :title => 'Device Count' },
+ { :url => url('/timing/httptiming'), :title => 'HTTP Timing' },
+ { :url => url('/timing/bysource'), :title => 'Source Timing' }
erb :content
get '/timing/bydevice' do
- "testing device"
+ '<div id="chartdiv" style="height:400px;width:300px; "></div> '
+ def count_graph(uri,title,name,metric)
+ @uri = 'uri'
+ start = 0
+ finish = -1
+ now =
+ format = "%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S"
+ thisdata = []
+ series = []
+ series <<
+ options = { :legend => { :show => false }, :title => title }
+ @sources = []
+ s = {}
+ usercount = []
+ begin
+ usercount = JSON.parse RhosyncApi::stats(session[:server],session[:token], {:metric => metric, :start => start, :finish => finish})
+ rescue Exception => e
+ usercount = ["0:#{}"]
+ end
+ usercount.each do |count|
+ user,timestamp = count.split(':')
+ user = user.to_i
+ timestamp = timestamp.to_i * 1000
+ thisdata << [timestamp,user]
+ end
+ options[:axes] = {
+ :xaxis => { :autoscale => true, :renderer=>'$.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer',
+ :tickOptions => {:formatString => format}},
+ :yaxis => {:label => name, :labelRenderer => '$.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer'}
+ }
+ options[:cursor] = {:zoom => true, :showTooltip => true}
+ s['name'] = name
+ s['data'] = [thisdata]
+ s['options'] = options
+ @sources << s
+ erb :jqplot, :layout => :false
+ end
+ get '/timing/usercount' do
+ count_graph('timing/usercount', "User Count", "Users", "users")
+ end
+ get '/timing/devicecount' do
+ count_graph('timing/devicecount', "Device Count", "Devices", "clients")
+ end
get '/timing/bysource' do
- "testing source<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/>"
+ @uri = 'timing/bysource'
+ #name,data,options
+ @displayname = params['display']
+ names = []
+ handle_api_error("Can't load list of sources") do
+ names = RhosyncApi::list_sources(session[:server],session[:token],:all)
+ end
+ @sources = []
+ names.each do |name|
+ s = {}
+ data = []
+ series = []
+ options = { :legend => { :show => true }, :title => name }
+ s['name'] = name
+ keys = JSON.parse RhosyncApi::stats(session[:server],session[:token], :names => "source:*:#{name}")
+ xmin = 9999999999999999
+ xmax = -1
+ ymin = 9999999999999999
+ ymax = -1
+ keys.each do |key|
+ method = key.gsub(/source:/,"").gsub(/:.*/,"")
+ series << {:showLabel => true, :label => method }
+ #range = r.zrange(key,0,-1)
+ range = JSON.parse RhosyncApi::stats(session[:server],session[:token], {:metric => key, :start => 0, :finish => -1})
+ thisdata = []
+ range.each do |value|
+ count = value.split(',')[0]
+ value.gsub!(/.*,/,"")
+ thisdata << value.split(":").reverse
+ thisdata[-1][0] = thisdata[-1][0].to_i * 1000
+ thisdata[-1][1] = thisdata[-1][1].to_f
+ thisdata[-1][1] /= count.to_f
+ ymin = thisdata[-1][1].to_f if thisdata[-1][1] && thisdata[-1][1].to_f < ymin
+ ymax = thisdata[-1][1].to_f if thisdata[-1][1] && thisdata[-1][1].to_f > ymax
+ end
+ data << thisdata
+ xmin = thisdata[0][0].to_i if thisdata[0] && thisdata[0][0].to_i < xmin
+ xmax = thisdata[-1][0].to_i if thisdata[-1] && thisdata[-1][0].to_i > xmax
+ end
+ #ticks = []
+ #xmin..xmax.step(60) {|x| ticks << x }
+ options[:axes] = {
+ :yaxis => { :tickOptions => { :formatString =>'%.3f'}, :autoscale => true, :min => 0, :max => ymax + (ymax * 0.05), :label => 'Seconds', :labelRenderer => '$.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer' },
+ :xaxis => { :autoscale => true, :renderer=>'$.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer',
+ :tickOptions => {:formatString => '%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S'}}
+ }
+ # options[:axes] = {
+ # :yaxis => { :autoscale => true, :min => 0, :max => ymax + (ymax * 0.05) },
+ # :xaxis => { :autoscale => true, :min => xmin - 60, :max => xmax + 60, :renderer=>'$.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer',
+ # :tickOptions => {:formatString => '%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S'}}
+ # }
+ s['data'] = data
+ options[:series] = series
+ options[:cursor] = {:zoom => true, :showTooltip => true}
+# options[:seriesDefaults] = { :showMarker => false}
+# options[:seriesDefaults] = { :renderer => '$.jqplot.BarRenderer', :rendererOptions => {:barPadding => 8, :barMargin => 20}}
+ s['options'] = options
+ @sources << s
+ end
+ @data = [[[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]].to_json
+ erb :jqplot, :layout => :false
+ end
+ get '/timing/httptiming' do
+ @uri = 'timing/httptiming'
+ #name,data,options
+ @displayname = params['display']
+ names = ["GET","POST"]
+ handle_api_error("Can't load list of sources") do
+ names = RhosyncApi::list_sources(session[:server],session[:token],:all)
+ end
+ names << "ALL"
+ @sources = []
+ names.each do |name|
+ s = {}
+ data = []
+ series = []
+ options = { :legend => { :show => true }, :title => name }
+ s['name'] = name
+ name = "*" if name == "ALL"
+ keys = JSON.parse RhosyncApi::stats(session[:server],session[:token], :names => "http:*:#{name}")
+ xmin = 9999999999999999
+ xmax = -1
+ ymin = 9999999999999999
+ ymax = -1
+ keys.each do |key|
+ method = key.gsub(/http:.*?:/,"")
+ method.gsub!(/:.*/,"") unless name == "*"
+ series << {:showLabel => true, :label => method }
+ #range = r.zrange(key,0,-1)
+ range = JSON.parse RhosyncApi::stats(session[:server],session[:token], {:metric => key, :start => 0, :finish => -1})
+ thisdata = []
+ range.each do |value|
+ count = value.split(',')[0]
+ value.gsub!(/.*,/,"")
+ thisdata << value.split(":").reverse
+ thisdata[-1][0] = thisdata[-1][0].to_i * 1000
+ thisdata[-1][1] = thisdata[-1][1].to_f
+ thisdata[-1][1] /= count.to_f
+ ymin = thisdata[-1][1].to_f if thisdata[-1][1] && thisdata[-1][1].to_f < ymin
+ ymax = thisdata[-1][1].to_f if thisdata[-1][1] && thisdata[-1][1].to_f > ymax
+ end
+ data << thisdata
+ xmin = thisdata[0][0].to_i if thisdata[0] && thisdata[0][0].to_i < xmin
+ xmax = thisdata[-1][0].to_i if thisdata[-1] && thisdata[-1][0].to_i > xmax
+ end
+ #ticks = []
+ #xmin..xmax.step(60) {|x| ticks << x }
+ options[:axes] = {
+ :yaxis => { :tickOptions => { :formatString =>'%.3f'}, :autoscale => true, :min => 0, :max => ymax + (ymax * 0.05), :label => 'Seconds', :labelRenderer => '$.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer' },
+ :xaxis => { :autoscale => true, :renderer=>'$.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer',
+ :tickOptions => {:formatString => '%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S'}}
+ }
+ # options[:axes] = {
+ # :yaxis => { :autoscale => true, :min => 0, :max => ymax + (ymax * 0.05) },
+ # :xaxis => { :autoscale => true, :min => xmin - 60, :max => xmax + 60, :renderer=>'$.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer',
+ # :tickOptions => {:formatString => '%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S'}}
+ # }
+ s['data'] = data
+ options[:series] = series
+ options[:cursor] = {:zoom => true, :showTooltip => true}
+# options[:seriesDefaults] = { :showMarker => false}
+# options[:seriesDefaults] = { :renderer => '$.jqplot.BarRenderer', :rendererOptions => {:barPadding => 8, :barMargin => 20}}
+ s['options'] = options
+ @sources << s
+ end
+ @data = [[[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]].to_json
+ erb :jqplot, :layout => :false
\ No newline at end of file